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The regional market is what? Formation, management, analysis, problems of regional markets

Many people ask, the regional market is what? How does he work? What are his problems? These and other issues we will consider in the article. The development of the regional economy, the unification of business entities and the division of public work in national and regional production cause the functioning and formation of a regional market.


The regional market is the territorial sphere of commodity circulation. For example, market analyst A. Novoselov argues that the regional market is a territorial organization of the sphere of circulation, where the interests of consumers and producers are coordinated. Many authors, taking into account the opinions of predecessors and personal vision, try to catch in the definition of the basic elements that characterize the local market.

Analyst SN Alpysbaeva believes that the regional market is a territorially limited, open and complexly organized system of trade relations and relations through which demand and demand contacts come into contact, supporting the circulation of material, material, monetary, and financial flows in the region and for Its limits, as well as the evolutionary formation of a new institutional environment in the region.


Agree, the regional market is a complex system. In the above definitions there are no fundamental parts of the content of the regional market, such as natural links: the relations of competition, property, individual reproduction, the conditions of activity, the law of value. Taking into account these remarks, the following definition of the regional market can be given: the nature of the local market expresses the economic and social relations of purchase and sale that allow the distribution and exchange of services and products on the basis of cost analogues, consideration of supply and demand, creating a link between appropriation and disposal of property for Ensuring private and regional reproduction, subjects of management, consumption and production in conditions of insufficient resources and competitive environment.

In this formulation, the regional market as an economic territorial phenomenon refers to an open system that has a complex organization. Under the mesopark (territorial market) is always understood an open system with an intricate organization, and therefore these parameters make its interpretation unnecessary.


The development of the regional market we will consider further, and now we will study its structure. It is known that the regional market also affects the superstructure components: the institutional world. However, the local market reveals this process as a factor of influence on foreign economic details, which appears as a secondary one and does not concern the parameters of the content of this phenomenon of the economy.

The local market in a primitive order is displayed as a group of market ties of a certain region.

If you take from the point of view of incessant economic action, then such a market is an integral part of the mechanism of the market canons: the law of competition, value, supply, demand, and others. At the same time, the projections of correlation of market local relations between demand, price and supply for services and goods will be a facilitated variation.

The regional market (mezorynok), based on the size of the area, will be divided into such intraregional markets:

  • Micromarket - a kind of market on the lands of a metropolis or a regional region;
  • Minimarket - the market of a metropolitan area or settlements;
  • Local market - the market of a certain territory;
  • Nanorynok - commercial sales relations at the exact place or point of action.

If we analyze the regional division of Russia, then the regional market will include the markets of economic zones, subjects of the republics and so on.

Development and formation of markets in the region

How is the formation of regional markets? The region can achieve the highest results when it actively participates in the regional fragmentation of work and the development on its basis of convenient economic and trade relations both with the outside world and with partners within the region.

At a transition stage in the economy of the regions there are new economic ties between business entities that own different forms of ownership. They are caused by the rupture of eternal economic contacts, the transformation of the economic structure and the creation of new trade ties. A decisive role in the development of these ties belongs to local markets.

With the evolution of the economy of the regions, the emergence of new forms of commercial relations, the deepening of residency in the treatment zone, different types of local markets are being developed: financial, consumer, tools market and others. In the subjects of the regional economy, there is a need for a wide range of both general market and original types of services (credit, finance, intermediation, information, foreign economic, economic and legal).

The current economy requires the development in each region of effective means of executing cash settlements, powerful commercial-warehouse complexes, information and trade networks and others.

Level of evolution

Carrying out the analysis of the regional market, it is necessary to pay attention to its level of development. If it is insufficient, then business activity declines, production development weakens, the normal reproduction process is disrupted.

The institutional structure of the system of regional markets is shown by concretized business entities, a group of economic ties, infrastructure details and channels of commodity circulation. The composition of the subjects of local markets and their activities vary depending on the type of market. The links between different types of markets within the device can be multifaceted and two-way, with emphasis on connections to the outside world. Regional markets are separated in the surrounding layers due to special relationships with these layers.

All local markets are interdependent and cooperate in the interests of the subjects of trade relations. At the same time, the prerequisites for the regional reproductive process are ripening. Interaction of local markets is executed by a self-governing mechanism of regional ties and the coordinating invasion by the state and regional authorities.

District markets are formed as an open company, reacting to both hidden and external social, economic and political situations. All the processes of creating markets and the actions of subjects of trade relations depend on the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the economic space.

Economic space

The effectiveness of the economic zone depends on the structure and capacity of consumption within the region and the range and nature of production. This subordination programs the signs of the process of commodity movement and the scheme of financial and economic-trade relations. The open nature of the local economy generates an appropriate approach to the economic zone within which the reproductive process is running and local markets operate. In view of this, it is necessary to distinguish between internal and external economic ether, since each occupies an exact place in the formation of dependencies and interrelations between the subjects of the regional economy.

The external economic zone is of decisive importance for the work of all subjects of the regional economy. Internal economic ether includes prerequisites and conditions for the operation of the system of regional markets.

To ensure the production of services and products, the details of the economic reserve must continually revive as required by scientific and technological progress. This becomes possible on the basis of regional exchange with a mature system of local markets.

The internal economic zone is the basis of regional reproductive cycles, providing conditions for active labor of manufacturers and growth of living standards of the population. The presence of these cycles provides horizontal links in the system of regional markets, taking into account the interests of the subjects of the local reproductive process.

Thus, regional markets are a means for the uninterrupted reproduction of productive forces and economic relations. Markets unite in one whole internal and external economic ether of the regional reproductive process.

Specificity of the concept

Each specialist should know the features of the regional market. In general, local markets are dynamically modified systems that own a structure, are divided into several types and perform a number of functions.

The identity of the regional markets is concluded in the presence of economic and social ties appearing between the producer of products and the consumer (in the process of transactions).

Mature markets of certain areas are part of the general structure of the nation-wide (people's) market.


It is characteristic that competition, demand, and also a variety of forms of accumulation have entailed splitting of the local markets into such kinds:

  • Capital market;
  • Consumer goods;
  • Financial market (mortgage, credit and money, securities);
  • Material and production services;
  • Residential and commercial real estate;
  • labor market;
  • Land objects;
  • Innovation and information markets.


Management of regional markets involves the influence of the subjects of management on the object in order to achieve the goals planned in advance. These goals are set by the regional bodies in the framework of the program-target method.

The basic objectives of control over local markets are to guarantee the equilibrium of markets in the region, to ensure the economic return of the development of the district, and to meet the needs of the inhabitants.

Objects of management are enterprises, population, organizations, agrarian firms, objects of social market infrastructure of the region.


Consider the problems of regional markets in Russia. The conditions for transforming regional development in the vast expanses of the Russian Federation are far from unambiguous. Differences are inherent in the structure of the economy, its technological level and scale, the dynamics and level of prices for energy carriers, consumer goods, real estate, labor and so on.

They are based on different potential for self-development, excellent mentality or population density, sharply demarcated indicators of the levels of infrastructure evolution, managerial and worker skills, inherited from the past isolation of "deep" areas from the outside world.

As a consequence of these qualities, the regions face specific problems in providing services and marketing products, the risk of entrepreneurial activity, budget incomes and non-payments.

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