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The most famous maniacs of our time

Many heard and read terrible stories about serial killers, told in the media. Their surnames are often heard. Documentaries are filmed about them and they write articles in criminal chronicles. They are famous maniacs, on account of which not one dozen innocent victims. Some of the murderers have followers who tried to outperform their "idol" in the "skill". Today's note about the most bloodthirsty maniacs of our time.
The most famous maniacs of Russia and the USSR

One of the most sensational cases in the history of the investigation of serial killings was the case of Andrei Chikatilo. Between 1978 and 1990 of the last century, this man committed more than 65 murders. It is proved 53. His victims were children from seven years old and women. He killed them with particular cruelty, committing sexual violence and acts of cannibalism. He was mainly employed in the Rostov region, but cases of murders were recorded even in Tashkent and Leningrad. In 1994 he was executed.

"Bitsevsky" maniac

Follower Chikatilo was Alexander Pichushkin, nicknamed "bitsevsky" for the fact that he committed crimes in the Moscow park in the Bitcevo district. He lured the victims there with a proposal to drink and made a killing blow to the head, or threw them into compartments with sewage. Total on his account 62 victims. The first bloody case was the murder of a classmate, who he committed at the age of 18.

Serial killer of Ukraine

Another killer from the rating "the most famous maniacs" can be called Sergei Tkach. He himself admitted that he committed more than 100 crimes. The court found him guilty of more than 70 murders with rape in perverted form. Later, Tkach pleaded guilty to another 30 crimes.

"The Vitebsk murderer"

In the 70-80s of the last century Gennady Mikhasevich was convicted of committing a murder of 36 people. He lured the victims in the red "Zaporozhets", seduced, raped and throttled during his orgasm.

The most famous maniacs of America

Jeffrey Dahmer, or "milwauk monster" killed, raped and sometimes committed acts of cannibalism over his victims. He worked from 1988 to 1991 of the last century. He kept houses of the victims at home. Dahmer was sentenced to life imprisonment, but in 1994 he was killed by a neighbor in a cell.

John Gacy

Sadist and homosexual Gaisi is also on the list of "The most famous maniacs of the world." He killed and raped more than 30 young men. His crimes were committed in the 1970s. Surprising, and therefore more terrible is that in everyday life, Geisy played the role of a clown on children's matinees. He was executed in 1980. People, which are described in our note, are only a small part of all who committed atrocious crimes. Technical progress has gone a long way, but, unfortunately, it is only a few years before it is possible to identify murderers. And by this time many innocent people have already been ruined. It has long been known that all the most famous maniacs were subjected to moral and physical violence as a child. Therefore, the education of children must be taken seriously, so as not to grow a child from a monster.

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