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The demographic situation in Russia

According to different data, the birth rate is less than 1.5 children
For one Russian woman, which is a direct symptom of depopulation or
The extinction of the country's population. The minimum fertility was in 2002, when Russian women reproduced 1.31 children for each. Today the influx of the population is created at the expense of traditionally large families of Muslim families from Central Asia and the Caucasus.

The demographic situation in Russia since 2002 at the time of the 2010 census has worsened by 2.5 million people. Russia is the only country in which the population has declined in the last decade. If we consider the results of the 2010 population census to be reliable (real facts indicate that the number of people is much less than official results), while maintaining the existing conditions, by 2030 the number of Russians will drop to 100 million people.

The current demographic situation in Russia, subject to trends
Its preservation, will lead to the fact that by 2050 in the territory of the Russian Federation there will be
Live no more than 90 million Russians. Simultaneous fall in the birth rate and
The increase in the death rate of the population (the so-called "Russian cross") occurs only in
The most backward countries of Africa and South Asia. This situation in Russia proceeds
Against the background of the depopulation of the indigenous peoples of the country.

The catastrophic demographic situation in modern Russia is a consequence of a decline in the birth rate below a simple level of population reproduction. The current birth rate is still far from the conditions necessary for the survival of Russia. In order to ensure a stable population growth, every woman should have at least 2.3-2.6 children. In modern conditions, when no citizen can be sure of his future, such indicators are impossible. The rapid outflow of capital and human resources from the Russian Federation indicates that the country is becoming unsuitable for civilized living. According to some reports, at least 15 million Russians live outside the Russian Federation. This is the most active and energetic part of society that does not agree to put up with the existing regime in the country. The demographic situation in the Russian Federation is radically different from what has been happening in the country for many millennia. Literally recently, large families of Russian families were not a curiosity. And such families were not synonymous with poor education of children and poverty. In the period from 1800 to 1900 gg. (Despite the high child mortality), the population of Russia has more than doubled.

Depopulation in Russia began after the collapse of the USSR and now stands at about 0.65%. The demographic situation in Russia has no analogues in
World. Despite the fact that fertility is falling everywhere, including countries such as
China and India, such super-mortality, as in our camp, is not observed anywhere. Experts believe that the demographic situation in Russia is a low profitability of detox production, when children are not able to provide parents with old age. The birth and upbringing of a child is associated with poverty and deprivation. The state not only does not help in the upbringing and development of children, but also in every way prevents it, destroying kindergartens, sports grounds and educational institutions. Young people, raised on questionable television programs, do not seek education and find work. They become an unbearable burden for their elderly parents, who are forced to feed them to their beggarly pension.

Unlike in Russia, in developed countries, children are a source of prosperity, so women willingly give birth, feeling the support of the state. For normal civilized countries, a family with 3-4 children is not a sign of heroism. Signs to change the situation in Russia is not observed, so parents should take care of their own old. The death rate in Russia still exceeds the birth rate, so every future pensioner must create a "safety pillow" on his own.

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