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The child has a fever of 38 and cough is dry: causes and treatment

The child has a fever of 38 and cough? What is the reason? How to act in this situation?

Cough is a protective reaction of the body, designed to remove irritants from the respiratory tract. A dry (or unproductive) cough is a cough without phlegm. Normally, it can occur in young children in the morning or occasionally in the daytime, and if it is not accompanied by other signs of the disease, it is not considered pathology. It can also be a sign of an onset inflammatory process in the airways. For example, barking cough with laryngitis, "metallic" with tracheitis - such a cough is felt as exhausting, obtrusive.

Also, an attack of dry cough can happen when a foreign body enters the respiratory tract, an attack of bronchial asthma, allergic diseases. It should be noted that in newborns the cough reflex is very weak and does not allow to clear the throat properly.

When does the temperature occur?

The rise in temperature, like cough, is one of the protective reactions of the body, and it occurs in children quite often. It can be caused by infections, allergic reactions, diseases of the nervous system, overheating, teething, reaction to preventive vaccination. Increasing the temperature to 38.5 degrees is not considered dangerous and does not require treatment with antipyretic drugs, unless high fever is accompanied by chills, pain in the muscles and joints, if convulsions were noted earlier with fever (febrile convulsions) or if the temperature rose A child younger than two months.

How to get rid of hyperthermia without medication?

If a strong cough in a child and a temperature of 38 and above, in addition to drugs, it can be reduced by a set of measures called physical methods of cooling. They improve the child's well-being and do not allow a further increase in temperature. First of all it is necessary to say that you do not need to wrap the baby, as this can lead to a heat stroke. The temperature in the room should be comfortable, clothing - light, made of natural fabrics, good heat. You can apply wiping with warm water to quickly reduce the temperature (cold water or alcohol use is undesirable, vinegar can only be used in older children). Wipe face, hands, neck, chest, legs, after rubbing the child does not wrap, as this can cause the opposite effect.

Cough and fever

The most common reason that can cause a dry cough and a temperature of 38 in a child is a viral infection of the respiratory tract (ARVI or influenza). These diseases are considered to be among the most common among children, and despite seeming harmless, they can cause rather dangerous complications - false croup, pneumonia, exacerbation of chronic respiratory tract infections, kidney damage, liver and cardiovascular system.

Therefore, if the child has a fever of 38 and cough, then it is impossible to prevent the disease from spreading. We urgently need to see a pediatrician. According to various sources, cough and temperature 38 in a child (Komarovsky, Shaporova and others) are the most frequent reasons for parents to go to a polyclinic or call a doctor at home, and most often in such cases is diagnosed as "ARVI" or "flu."

SARS and influenza

ARVI is caused by various viruses that affect the nasal mucosa, nasal and oropharynx, larynx and trachea (adenoviruses, rhinoviruses, respiratory syncytial viruses). The disease does not always occur with a high fever, but dry cough and runny nose appear from the first days of illness. Most often, children fall ill in the offseason, in the autumn or in the spring, when volatile weather disposes of colds.

Unlike ARVI in case of influenza, some of the earliest symptoms are headache, weakness, weakness, muscle pains, and only after three to four days the child has a temperature of 38, cough and snot. In the season of the epidemic (February-March), up to 30 children from 100,000 suffer from influenza. Complications of influenza, primarily pneumonia caused by both the influenza virus itself and the concomitant bacterial flora, can be very difficult and even fatal.

Drugs for the treatment of influenza

To carry the flu on your feet, as many adults do, children are categorically not allowed, and if the child has a fever of 38 and cough, then you should definitely consult a doctor.

For the treatment of influenza, antiviral drugs (Remantadine, Algirem, Tamiflu, Relenza) are used primarily, they are the main means of struggle. Also the doctor will prescribe interferons and indinators of interferons (popular preparations "Kagocel", "Arbidol", "Grippferon"). According to the indications, symptomatic preparations will be prescribed (Teraflu, Caldrex, etc.). It should be noted that the drugs of symptomatic therapy will help alleviate the dry cough and temperature of 38 in a child, but do not have any effect on the influenza virus and viruses that cause ARVI, therefore, for full treatment they are not enough.

Preparations for ARVI treatment

As you know, if the cold does not heal, then it lasts for seven days, and if treated, then only one week, so in the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections it is better to give symptomatic therapy. First of all, these are vasoconstrictive sprays and drops in the nose (their range in pharmacies is huge and varied), antipyretic drugs, of which children usually use Paracetamol and Ibuprofen (Nurofen), as well as expectorants (Lazolvan, , "Bromgeksin", "ATSTS").

It should be remembered that children under three years are often unable to cough up effectively, so expectorants are used with caution. The antitussive preparations containing codeine have not been used recently for children. Also, they do not use drugs containing acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) and metamizole sodium (analgin) because of their negative effects on hematopoiesis.

In no case can you do self-medication, as this can harm a child's health. All medications must be taken as prescribed by the doctor.

Treatment regimen

When treating ARVI or influenza, when a child has a fever of 38 and cough, it is very important to adhere to the treatment regimen. Do not force the baby to adhere to bed rest, if he does not want to, but also to allow excess physical activity is also not worth it. In the room, the child should maintain a comfortable temperature and make sure that the air is not dry. With dry cough, inhalation with steam helps, inhalations with medicinal plants (chamomile, eucalyptus), abundant warm drink (loose tea, sweet juices, fruit drinks, compotes). To reduce the temperature, the physical cooling methods discussed above are applied.

In what cases is urgent medical care needed?

Immediately consult a doctor if:

  • The temperature at the child has risen to 40 and above.
  • Dry cough and fever 38 for a child is kept for more than three days, despite the treatment prescribed by the doctor.
  • Against the background of temperature and cough, there are other symptoms - rash, vomiting, diarrhea, or the condition of the child worsens against the background of the recovery that has begun.
  • There were allergic reactions to the drugs used (they can often be caused by flavor additives in tablets and powders).
  • The child has chronic diseases, and the temperature and cough cause their exacerbation.
  • The child refuses to drink, there are signs of dehydration (dry pale skin, crying without tears, rare urination).

Be healthy!

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