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The best films about the Greek gods: description, plot, actors and reviews

Films about the Greek gods - an excellent source of information for viewers who are interested in the history of the ancient state. For several decades the interest of filmmakers towards fascinating stories taken from the mythology of Ancient Greece has not weakened. So, what are the pictures devoted to the life of the inhabitants of Mount Olympus, really worth watching?

Movies about the Greek gods (old)

"Adventures of Odysseus" is a fantastic tape that allows viewers to get to know the legendary hero. Like many other old films about the Greek gods, the film project, released in 1954, still remains popular today. Odysseus is a man who managed to incur the wrath of Poseidon. The lord of the seas, wishing to teach the conceited king of Ithaca, does not allow him to return home to his beloved wife Penelope. However, Odysseus bravely overcomes one obstacle after another.

"The Battle of the Titans" - another fascinating picture, which appeared in 1981. The protagonist of the film is Perseus, the favorite son of the god Zeus, born of a mortal woman. When the beloved of a young demigod is in danger, he goes to her rescue, along the way destroying one monster after another. The faithful assistant of the young man is the winged horse Pegasus, also he is accompanied by an owl, giving wise advice.

Of course, the viewers who watch these old paintings are disappointed by the lack of modern special effects, but most find an interesting story.

"The War of the Gods: Immortals" (2011)

Remembering entertaining films about the Greek gods, you can not fail to mention the fantastic film "The War of the Gods: Immortals", which saw the light in 2011. Hyperion is an ancient Greek king, blinded by the dreams of absolute power. He conceived an unprecedented audacity - the overthrow of the gods, for which he stole a magic bow from the warlike Ares and freed the mighty titans who had been fighting for over a thousand years in Tartarus.

Confronting the invader forced a young man named Theseus, enlisted the support of the Olympic autocrat Zeus. From the one who will come out victorious from the upcoming battle, the destiny depends not only on the gods, but also on Hellas. Painting "The War of the Gods: Immortals" collected a huge amount at the box office, but received negative reviews from a huge number of spectators. As the main advantage of the film, the people who looked at him indicate entertainment, criticism was subjected to the plot.

"The Battle of the Titans" (2010)

Many interesting films about the Greek gods tell the audience about the life of Perseus, the child of Zeus from a mortal woman. Painting "The Battle of the Titans" (2010) allows you to trace the history of the demigod almost from the first days of his life. A toddler, found in the sea, is adopted by the fisherman Spyros, not even suspecting of whom he took to his house and how a good deed can turn for him.

The grown Perseus brings upon himself the wrath of the ruler of the kingdom of the dead Hades, who dreams of overthrowing the pedestal of Zeus. A powerful god threatens his family, using the demons of the underworld. The brave guy is not going to give up, to battle with the enemy, he acquires a team of like-minded people who can help him in the upcoming fight. Opinions of viewers about the film have traditionally been divided, the main complaint of dissatisfied is the unnecessarily free treatment of the creators of the picture with the mythology of Ancient Greece. Fans celebrate a dynamic plot, beautiful views, an excellent game of actors.

"Wrath of the Titans" (2012)

There are other exciting films about the Greek gods. The list can be replenished with the drama "Wrath of the Titans", which is worth watching after the "Battle of the Titans", as this is a continuation of the story about the misadventures of Theseus. After the events of the 2010 picture, it takes about 10 years. Becoming the winner of the monster of Krakemon, the son of Zeus settles in a small village, raises children and trades in fishing. However, the battle between the gods is not over yet.

God Zeus is experiencing not the best of times, his power is weakening day by day, while the power of the enemy-titans, on the contrary, is strengthened. The Lord of the Underworld, Hades, returns to dreams of conquering the Earth. Of course, Perseus again can not stay away, because he is obliged to save humanity. The hero again has to take a dangerous journey and prepare for a battle with strong opponents. The film collected an astronomical amount at the box office, received mostly positive reviews.

The Troy (2004)

Calling the best films about the Greek gods, one can hardly forget about such a large-scale film project as "Troy", presented to the audience in 2004. The Trojan Prince Paris caused discontent with Hera and Athena, calling the most beautiful of the goddesses Aphrodite. The inhabitants of Olympus decided to teach the impudent youth a lesson, forcing him to fall in love with the beautiful Helen, who belongs to the ruler of Sparta. Unable to cope with his feelings, Paris kidnaps his beloved woman and takes him to Troy.

Of course, the king of Sparta feels insulted by such actions. Finding allies among the other Greek rulers, he at the head of an impressive army storms Troy. The role of the commander-in-chief is assigned to the invulnerable son of the goddess Thetis Achilles. The siege of Troy lasts about 10 years, while Odysseus does not invent a ingenious plan for penetrating the city.

Fans of the movie "Troy" is much more than the haters. Spectators who watched the painting, noted the excellent game of Brad Pitt, Orlando Bloom and other actors. Claims to the plot are also absent, as the creators did not deviate much from mythology.

The Adventures of Hercules

Spectators who like movies about Greek gods and heroes can easily choose to watch the tape "Hercules", which saw the light in 2005. The action of the picture unfolds in those ancient times, when the gods easily went to contact with representatives of the human race. Hercules - a hero, born of the ruler of Thebes and the mighty Thunderer of Zeus. The mission of the demigod is to protect people from monsters, to perform glorious feats. Mighty enemy of Hercules is the jealous wife of Zeus Hera, dissatisfied with the presence of extramarital children from her husband.

Those who are looking for films about the Greek gods and their children, you can recommend a picture of "Hercules", released in 2014. Spectators who have an idea of the mythology of the ancient state know that Hercules and Hercules are one person. The tape carries the audience at a time when the legendary 12 exploits of the demigod are already committed. Now he is forced to get rid of boredom, participating in bloody battles. However, Hercules is about to appear a new exciting adventure.

Both films mentioned above were successful at the box office, the feedback of the viewers about them is generally positive.

"Jason and the Argonauts" (2000)

Tyrant Pelius sees in his nephew Jason a threat to his rule. Wanting to get rid of a brave youth, his uncle sends him to distant Colchis, where the Golden Fleece is located, which has no price. The owner of Rune is the bloodthirsty king Aert, who hardly voluntarily parted with his property. However, Jason is not among the people who are stopped by difficulties.

Many of the paintings in the top films about the Greek gods show a long journey of heroes. Sea adventure awaits and Jason, who brought together a group consisting of adventurers and created a fast ship. Of course, friends are waiting impassable, at first glance, obstacles: terrible monsters, ruthless Amazons. However, even the power of the god Zeus is not enough to force the team to turn from their path.

According to reviews of the fantastic drama, it will appeal to viewers who are looking for an easy film with a fascinating plot. And do not like people who are anxious about any changes in known myths.

Documentary pictures

Documentary films about the Greek gods are tapes, the viewing of which helps to better remember the main characters of mythology. "Battle of the Gods" - an exciting picture, which was released in 2013. After watching it, the audience will understand how Zeus managed to seize power, triumphing over other gods. They are also waiting for a detailed acquaintance with such characters as the lord of the underground kingdom of Hades, the ruler of the water element Poseidon, the hero of Hercules. The famous Labyrinth of the Minotaur was not ignored .

"Myths of Ancient Greece" - a documentary, submitted to the audience in 2010. After reading it you can understand where the stories about gods and heroes come from, whether they have specific authors.

What else to see

What other interesting films are there about Greek gods and heroes? The list of those can be replenished with the picture "Elena Troyanskaya", created in 2003. As you can guess from the title, this is another story about the battle under the walls of Troy. To take the city of Agamemnon and its allies is possible only thanks to the cunning trick invented by Odysseus. The film was met with approval by the audience and critics.

"Percy Jackson - the thief of lightning" - proof that the life of the ancient Greek gods can be removed and comedies. The protagonist is an ordinary youth who suddenly learns of his kinship with the inhabitants of Olympus. It turns out that his father is none other than Zeus. Those who are fond of comedy will also be able to get acquainted with the continuation of the fascinating story, named "Percy Jackson and the Sea of Monsters". The main character is again waiting for dangerous adventures.

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