
TestDisk: instructions for data recovery

Sometimes it happens that a virus or a user error creates a malfunction in different partitions on the hard disk. It also happens that the boot sector or MBR is corrupted in an attempt to restore partitions. This can happen with an external drive, too. To fix this, you will need the TestDisk program. The instruction describes the recovery of data and partitions using the program in some detail. This application helps to fix errors and failures.

TestDisk is a powerful free utility for data recovery. First of all, this application is designed to recover lost partitions and / or to correct unreadable disks in cases where these malfunctions are caused by software malfunctions, some viruses or user error (for example, accidentally deleting your partition table).

What is this tool?

TestDisk is a freely available and useful program that requests BIOS (DOS / Win9x) or OS (Linux, FreeBSD) in order to find hard disks and their characteristics (LBA size and CHS geometry). The application makes a quick check of your disk structure and compares it with the partition table for input errors. If the partition table has input errors, TestDisk can restore them. It will not be very difficult. If there are no partitions or completely empty tables are found, the utility can look for missing elements and create a new table, and if necessary even a new MBR.

How it works?

However, in the TestDisk instruction assumes that the user can make some adjustments and improve the program. For example, you can see a list of possible partitions found during the scan, and select one or several that were used just before the disk stopped loading or it was (and) lost (s). In some cases, especially after starting a detailed search for lost items, TestDisk can show data that has been deleted and overwritten again.

In TestDisk, the instruction manual explains the features of working with the software for beginners and for advanced users. For those who know little or nothing about data recovery methods, command line, logon and debugging parameters can be used to collect detailed information about an unloadable disk, which can then be sent to technical support for further analysis. In turn, users who are familiar with such procedures should find TestDisk (an instruction to which it seems to them extremely simple) a convenient tool for performing recovery very quickly.

What types of data does the service work with?

TestDisk can find lost partitions for all listed below file systems:

  • BeFS (BeOS);
  • Cramfs (compressed file system);
  • HFS and HFS + (hierarchical file system);
  • JFS, IBM's;
  • Linux Ext2 and Ext3;
  • RAID 1;
  • RAID 4;
  • RAID 5;
  • RAID 6;
  • DOS / Windows FAT12, FAT16 and FAT32;
  • Linux Swap (versions 1 and 2);
  • LVM and LVM2, Linux (logical volume manager);
  • Mac partition map;
  • NTFS (Windows NT / 2K / XP / 2003);
  • Linux Raid;
  • Sun Solaris i386 (disk label);
  • Unix, the UFS and UFS2 file system (Sun / BSD);
  • XFS, SGI's (log file system).

TestDisk - instruction, or how to use this utility?

So, as already mentioned, TestDisk is a powerful free distribution program for data restoration, which is primarily designed to recover lost partitions, and also to make bootable disks again bootable. It does not require installation and can be run from a USB flash drive or DVD.

The best way to use the TestDisk program is to download it from the DVD to the USB flash drive. Thus, you can check all partitions on the hard disk in case the master boot record is corrupted. After that, you can initiate the necessary commands to fix the markup. It should be borne in mind that TestDisk is completely based on the command-line interface. The application does not have a graphical user interface . Even the newest versions of the utility are not supplemented with this feature, even in TestDisk 7.1 the instruction assumes only work on the command line.

Utility Features

You could compare the program with EASEUS PartitionRecovery, but TestDisk allows you to do a little more. It can perform:

  • Correcting partition table errors.
  • Recover deleted partitions.
  • Rebuild the boot sectors.
  • Selection of table files (FAT).
  • Create and restore backup copies of the boot sector of NTFS.
  • Recover lost files on any type of partition.

To use the program, you need some experience, since you need to understand the data visible on the screen. Although contextual help is still available, only experienced computer users can understand everything without prompting. For most, you'll probably need a detailed instruction for TestDisk 7.0.

How to download the utility and start working with it?

After downloading TestDisk, you should unpack the file to any location that is convenient for you. Since the entire contents of the archive are in the same place, you do not need to worry about copying files to the Windows folder or to the System32 folder. Such actions are not required. This is a complete portable tool and therefore it can be copied to a removable disk and then used to troubleshoot and repair boot records or restore missing data from hard disks.

After all files are accessible locally, you need to double-click testdisk_win.exe to start using the application. Further instructions to TestDisk 7.0 will depend on what actions you want to perform.

Using TestDisk to restore partitions

When you run the TestDisk program, it opens in the DOS window. The first screen asks you if you want to create a new log file, add it to an existing log file, or skip the log file entry. It is advisable to select the first option, as it will keep the latest information. Remember that you must navigate between the options using the arrow keys and select the required parameter using the Enter key.

After you decide to create a new log file, the second screen will show you a list of options in which you can select the format of the hard disk. If you are using a PC with Windows, select Intel, and then press Enter.

In the case of another OS for TestDisk (Linux), the instruction is simpler and more intuitive.

On the third screen, select "Analyze hard disk partitions". It will take some time, depending on the number of items available on your computer, and the capacity of each one.

The displayed results must match the configuration that was specified when creating the disks: primary, extended, and logical. If you see something missing, you can choose QuickSearch. This will return the missing "partitions". Then you have to select the broken sections and click "Save" to save the partition.

TestDisk - instructions for recovering lost data

In order to recover lost data, select Advanced instead of "Analyze hard disk partitions". TestDisk 7 (the instruction to which is given here) will scan the section selected in the next window and return the file names. To restore a file, select it using the arrow keys and press C. You will be prompted to select a destination. You select a destination where missing files should be recorded. After restoration is complete, go to Quit using the arrow keys and press Enter to exit the program. Thus, in TestDisk, the recovery instruction is very simple, as you can see.

What conclusions can be drawn?

The tool is good for all the purposes listed above: partition recovery, partition fixing and boot records, file recovery, etc. However, the TestDisk utility interface (raw instruction) is too complicated for those who are not too knowledgeable about troubleshooting. For professionals this tool is very convenient and recommended in all cases, especially easy this program seems to users of Linux. For people who are not experienced users, there is extensive documentation, available screenshots, etc.

Nevertheless, you would recommend this program to each user only if there is a good illustrated for TestDisk 6.14 instruction (and for later versions). This is due to the fact that the command line interface can be very confusing for some.

Also worth noting is that TestDisk is often mentioned in conjunction with the PhotoRec tool. These are different utilities, but there is some similarity between them. PhotoRec is a program designed to recover lost images from digital camera memory, as well as lost files, including video, documents and archives from hard disks and CD-carriers. This tool ignores the file system and works on the basis of the original data, so it will function even if it is badly damaged or formatted.

The restored files appear in the directory where you run the PhotoRec program. The utility is available for free and is an open source, multi-platform application distributed under the GNU Public License. PhotoRec is a companion of the TestDisk program and is included in its download.

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