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Symptoms, symptoms and treatment of acute pancreatitis

The main role in the process of digestion is played by the pancreas. Often people do not even think about how complex the body is and how important it is for health. By loading the stomach with doubtful buns and hot dogs, spicy spices, without refusing to drink hot drinks, only a few understand how unsafe it is. A kind of food is perceived by the pancreas as a natural poison. And as a result - the emergence of acute pancreatitis. Some specialists consider this disease as a defensive reaction of the body. After all, most of the time an attack provokes a plentiful feast with an excessive amount of alcohol. Symptoms and treatment of acute pancreatitis will be discussed in more detail.


The pancreas is one of the most complex organs of man. It is difficult to diagnose and almost impossible to recover. From her work depends not only excellent digestion, but also the normalization of metabolism. Before considering the symptoms and treatment of acute pancreatitis, we will determine the reasons.

Numerous studies of physicians have been carried out to identify the main risk factors. To date, there are about 200 of them. However, the main causes of acute pancreatitis are still cholelithiasis and alcohol.

Inflammation of the gland is almost never isolated. Often, the pancreas is involved in a variety of pathological processes with a variety of diseases. This is especially true for digestive disorders. At the same time the condition of the gland is difficult to determine. A small organ is located very deep in the body, making it difficult to diagnose anything.

Acute pancreatitis can be triggered by the following factors:

  • Disease of the gallbladder. This is the most common reason, if you exclude the alcoholic origin of pancreatitis. Hypertension leads to the injection of bile into the gland. And this is fraught with inadequate chemical processes. Accumulate substances that activate their own enzymes against the pancreatic tissue. The disease is accompanied by a lesion of the blood vessels. Often an impressive swelling and hemorrhage develops.
  • Diseases of the digestive tract. Gastritis, ulcers or inflammation of the duodenum can provoke the same disorders. They provoke the ejection of intestinal contents into the ducts of the gland.
  • Atherosclerosis of blood vessels, hypertension, diabetes mellitus. Disturbance of blood circulation characteristic of these diseases does not bypass the pancreas. The resulting restriction of food can trigger acute pancreatitis.
  • Poisoning with alcohol, food, chemistry . Activation of enzymes is caused by any intoxication. Sometimes even pesticide-laden vegetables and fruits provoke acute pancreatitis.
  • Reception of pharmaceuticals . The attack can trigger medications Furosemide, Azathioprine, Metronidazole, Tetracycline, glucocorticosteroids, estrogens, cholinesterase inhibitors, thiazide diuretics, sulfonamides and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Binge eating. With the violation of fat metabolism, activation of enzymes occurs. The tendency to constant overeating several times increases the risk of disease. Especially if there is an abuse of fried and fatty foods.
  • Injuries, wounds of the abdomen. Dull strokes or unsuccessful operations on the gallbladder can cause acute inflammation of the gland.
  • Infectious diseases. Chronic hepatitis, hepatic insufficiency, chicken pox, tonsillitis, mumps, inflammatory-purulent processes, sepsis, dysentery - all this increases the risk of pancreatitis.
  • Genetic predisposition . Known violations that the child receives in the "inheritance". In this case, pancreatitis can develop from birth.

Symptoms of the disease

A small organ, the pancreas, is responsible for a number of important functions. The main ones are the secretion of enzymes for the normalization of digestion and the development of insulin. It is known that the deficit of the latter leads to a serious enough disease - diabetes.

What accompanies an attack of acute pancreatitis? Symptoms very much resemble the strongest poisoning. This is not surprising. After all, the enzymes created by the gland, stay in the ducts or in it itself. This causes the process of tissue destruction. The ingestion of them into the blood provokes an intoxication of the body.

If we talk about symptoms, then identify the main signs of acute pancreatitis:

  • Pain . The most pronounced symptom. Usually the feeling is very intense and constant. The pain is blunt, cutting. Untimely provision of medical care can cause a person a pain shock. Unpleasant sensation is localized in the pitcher. Sometimes pain can occur in the hypochondrium from one side or the other. It depends on the area of the lesion of the gland. If the entire organ becomes inflamed, the pain acquires a girdling character.
  • Temperature and pressure. Both symptoms and treatment of acute pancreatitis are accompanied by a sharp deterioration in well-being. There is an increase in temperature. Sometimes to very high digits. Arterial pressure can either decrease significantly, or rather rise high.
  • Complexion. During an attack the patient can observe a sharp blanching of the skin. Gradually, the color changes, acquiring an earthy-gray hue. As a rule, the facial features of the patient are sharpened.
  • Nausea, hiccough . These are also signs of acute pancreatitis. There is dryness in the oral cavity, there is hiccough, eructation. Quite often there is nausea. Sometimes even vomiting, which absolutely does not bring relief to a person.
  • Constipation or diarrhea. The stool with the disease is frothy with a very fetid odor. Out of the body are undigested food particles. In case of constipation, the abdomen swells, and the muscles harden. This is the first signal of an impending acute attack of pancreatitis.
  • Dyspnea. Blood pressure jumps violate the cardiovascular system. The patient appears constant shortness of breath, there is a sticky sweat, the tongue becomes covered with yellow coating.
  • Cyanosis of the skin. Such spots may appear on the back or around the navel. The groin area sometimes acquires a blue-green hue. Such manifestations indicate that blood from the inflamed gland comes under the skin.

It is very important to understand that in the presence of such symptoms the patient's condition deteriorates very quickly. Do not lose a minute and urgently call an ambulance. Any delay can cost a person's life.

Classification of acute pancreatitis

There are several forms of the disease:

  • Interstitial pancreatitis . This is an acute stage characterized by swelling of the pancreas.
  • Pancreatic necrosis . The gland is tightened with inclusion of foci of decay.
  • Pancreatitis . This form of the disease is accompanied by hemorrhages in the tissue.
  • Acute cholecystopancreatitis . The name speaks for itself. This combination of pancreatitis with acute cholecystitis.
  • Purulent pancreatitis . Complex form of the disease. With her in the gland purulent foci are detected.

Diagnosis of the disease

The emerging symptoms are very vivid evidence of the disease. However, most of them can characterize other diseases. Therefore, in order to correctly diagnose the symptoms and treatment of acute pancreatitis appoint the right one, the doctor will recommend taking the tests. Initially, a study of blood and urine. The best way to detect pancreatic enzymes is biochemistry.

Diagnosis of acute pancreatitis is based on a laboratory and clinical study. In the course of the disease, ultrasound, endoscopy of the duodenum and stomach is prescribed.

With peritonitis, a peritoneal perforation is made to examine the fluid. Diagnosis of acute pancreatitis includes X-ray examination (pleura, lungs, bile ducts, stomach), CT or MRI if it is necessary to detect ulcers.

First aid

Initially, it should be noted that it is absolutely not recommended to remove an attack of acute pancreatitis independently. End this can be very bad. After all, in the hospital there is a round-the-clock control of the doctor over the patient's condition. And in some cases, the patient may need urgent surgery.

But if the location of a person does not allow you to immediately call for medical help, you should know how to relieve an attack of acute pancreatitis. But remember: after stabilizing the condition, the patient should be immediately sent to the nearest hospital.

So, first aid includes:

  • Ensuring complete peace. Any sudden movements should be avoided.
  • Strong starvation is necessary.
  • Liquid intake. A single dose of drinking - no more than ¼ cup. You can consume water every half hour.
  • Completely exclude any drugs containing pancreatic enzymes such as "Creon", "Panzinorm". This can lead to aggravation of the disease.
  • It is recommended that the patient be given a No-Shpa preparation at a dosage of 0.8 mg. You can give the drug "Drotaverine hydrochloride."
  • If possible, it is a good idea to inject intramuscularly the drug "Papaverin" (2 ml).
  • On the back, in the gland, should put a bubble filled with ice.
  • The person must be seated by tilting the body forward.

In the case of urge to vomit, you should clean the stomach by pressing your fingers on the root of the tongue. This will ease the condition somewhat. But, unfortunately, not for long. If the patient knows for sure that he has no stones in the gall bladder, you can take the drug "Alohol". It is recommended to take 2 tablets at once three times a day. This will help to significantly improve the condition.

Treatment of the disease

It is very important not to forget that patients need immediate hospitalization. It is in the hospital that full treatment of acute pancreatitis will be provided. Drugs the doctor will choose on the basis of diagnosis. At the same time, the patient is immediately given pain medications and intravenous solutions to restore the water-salt balance. Unfortunately, most patients have a rather severe form. Therefore, often treatment occurs in the intensive care unit or intensive care unit. After all, a severe form can complicate the heart, lungs, and kidneys.

Sometimes pancreatitis leads to necrosis of the gland tissue. In this case, surgical intervention is required.

Intoxication is removed by intravenous fluids of glucose, saline solutions, protein preparations. Necessarily, injections of antispasmodics are prescribed. It helps relieve pain. Based on the diagnostic results, the doctor selects the appropriate treatment for acute pancreatitis. Preparations containing enzymes should be taken only on the advice of a doctor. These can be medications Mezim, Creon, Festal, Pancreatin. Correctly selected medications allow to unload the gland, give it peace.

As a rule, diuretics are also prescribed to avoid the pancreatic edema, to remove toxins from the body. In the course of therapy necessarily include vitamins. This allows us to maintain a sufficiently weakened organism. Particularly useful are vitamins of group B and C.

For 4-5 days, the patient is strongly recommended a hunger diet. It is allowed to take only mineral water, without gas. After the specified period, the meal is resumed. However, a strict diet is mandatory.

If this conservative treatment proves ineffective, physicians consider the need for surgical intervention.

Treatment with folk methods

There are quite a few ways to support the pancreas. But do not forget that any chosen methods must necessarily be agreed with the doctor. Treatment of acute pancreatitis with folk remedies includes compliance with diet and decoctions of medicinal plants. Some of them.

Recipe 1 . Take in equal proportions the bitter wormwood and the stalk of iris. Thoroughly grind the ingredients and mix. Spread a tablespoon of the finished composition with boiling water (1 cup). Within an hour it is recommended to insist. Be sure to strain. This infusion is consumed three times a day before taking food for about 20 minutes. One serving of drink is 1/3 cup.

Recipe 2 . For such drinking, the flowers of the immortelle will be required . They help to remove the inflammatory process of the pancreas, gall bladder and liver. Immortelle allows even to activate the secretory capacity of these organs. For cooking, take a tablespoon of milled flowers. You can take unmilled. But in this case you need 2 spoons. Any of the selected formulations should be filled with hot water (1 glass). The mixture is brought to the boil. Cook the broth for half an hour, stirring constantly. Use should be about 30 minutes before eating. A single dose is 1 / 3-1 / 2 cup. It is necessary to warm up the broth and drink only in a warm form.

Recipe 3. The potato has amazing properties. For the treatment of pancreatitis, the tuber juice is used. It is necessary to drink 0.5 cup daily in the morning and evening. This procedure should be done two hours before eating. Then increase the dose. Switch to the use of fresh potato juice for a whole glass. Five minutes after drinking the juice you need a glass of yogurt. It is best if it is a product made of natural milk. It is recommended to carry out this course of treatment for 15 days. Then take a break. It lasts for 12 days. If there is a desire to completely recover from the disease, such a course should be repeated up to four times. The most effective and best is the young potato. And somewhere in February the tubers are already old, and it is better not to use them. After all, this potato already contains a poisonous substance, called solanine. Its presence stains the tubers in a greenish color.

Recommended diet

When the acute inflammatory stage is left behind, the doctor allows the patient to start eating. Of course, we are talking about dietary nutrition. A specific diet has been specially developed for this disease. It is called diet number 5. It should be noted immediately that such food is recommended only for the period of exacerbation and is not life-long. So, let's consider what includes a diet after acute pancreatitis.

Permitted products:

  • Low-fat meat;
  • Boiled fish (pollock, cod, pike perch, pike, flounder);
  • Cereals (oat, buckwheat, semolina, rice);
  • Pasta (not fried and without adding sauce);
  • Sour-milk products (yogurt, kefir, fermented baked milk);
  • Cottage cheese (low-fat);
  • Hard cheese (Adyghe, Brynza, Dutch, Russian, Mozzarella, Edam, Kostroma, Gouda);
  • Vegetables boiled or baked (carrots, potatoes, pumpkin, beets, cauliflower, zucchini, green peas);
  • Fruit baked or in the form of compotes and mashed potatoes;
  • Eggs soft-boiled or in omelets (infrequently);
  • Bread (dried white);
  • Cookies (unsuitable, like "Maria");
  • Sweets (self-made jelly, marshmallows and mousse in small quantities);
  • Drinks (mineral water still, for example, "Elbrus", light tea, compote, kissel, broth of wild rose).

Accordingly, any fatty foods should be completely discarded for the recovery period.

Consequences of the disease

Unfortunately, it is not even an experienced doctor who can not clearly determine the prognosis of the course, much less the outcome of acute pancreatitis. In most cases, the main factor is how timely a person will turn for help. After all, every hour is important for this disease, and missed time can sometimes lead to death.

The most adverse effects of acute pancreatitis are the onset of necrotic conditions and the death of pancreatic tissue. Another major complication may be the development of diabetes. The inflammatory process in the pancreas disrupts the normal production of insulin. And this can sometimes cause diabetes.

In most cases, chronic pancreatitis becomes an unpleasant outcome of the acute stage. Of course, it does not flow so painfully. He does not have sharp sharp pains. But the consequences of this form are quite unpleasant. There is a constant steady death of the gland cells.

Severe forms of pancreatitis often lead to death. Statistics are disappointing in almost 50%. This means that every second with a severe form of pancreatitis ends on the deathbed. Therefore, if the first symptoms occur, call a doctor immediately. Do not experiment with home treatment.

Preventive measures

People who have experienced acute pancreatitis begin to love their pancreas. They think about what suits her, and what can cause "discontent" of this priceless body.

To improve work and prevent the development of the disease, it should be understood that the prevention of acute pancreatitis is simply mandatory. It includes:

  • Special charging;
  • Light massage involving the diaphragm and abdominal muscles;
  • A special food that completely excludes fatty food and is very fried;
  • Complete rejection of alcohol and nicotine.


Do not forget what the pathogenesis of acute pancreatitis is. Most often, the victims of the disease are people who abuse fatty and fried foods in unlimited quantities, alcohol lovers. The work and health of this small, but such an invaluable organ is completely in your hands.

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