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Symptoms and treatment of vasomotor rhinitis

Nasal breathing as a result of swelling in the nasal tissues is called vasomotor rhinitis. Its development is facilitated by the curvature of the septum of the nose, the appearance in it of spines, ridges. Gastrointestinal disorders, long-term hypothermia can contribute to pathology. With prolonged use of vasoconstrictive Drops also increase the likelihood of vasomotor rhinitis. Vascular neurosis and immuno-vegetative dystonia are one more actual factors of influence on the nasal mucosa that can provoke a disturbance of the respiratory function. In young children (up to six years old), pathology is extremely rare due to underdevelopment of the nasal cavity of cavernous tissue.

Signs of vasomotor rhinitis

Pathology can have a neurovegetative or allergic form. Regardless of this, the first emerging symptoms are fast fatigue, headaches, weakness, sleep disorders. In addition, memory impairment and loss of appetite can occur. As a result of a disturbance in the breathing of the nose, there is a deterioration in the ventilation of the lungs. All these processes are accompanied by a characteristic pruritus arising in the nose and a constant discharge of a large amount of watery mucus from it. This causes sneezing attacks, lacrimation, redness of the face, increased sweating. It should be noted that such signs of vasomotor rhinitis are manifested cyclically. Violation of cyclicity can be triggered by strong stimuli, for example, nervous tension or cold exposure. During the period between exacerbations, Such symptoms as sleep disturbance, fatigue, periodic headaches due to spasms in the brain.

Diagnosis of vasomotor rhinitis

To identify the presence of pathology and determine its shape, a blood test is performed. So, if a person suffers from an allergic vasomotor rhinitis, eosinophils will be found in the blood, as well as in the nasal mucus. Often this pathology is combined with asthmatic bronchitis.

Methods of treatment of vasomotor rhinitis

In many cases, doctors recommend that the pathologist be eliminated And conduct septoplasty, which is an operation, during which the correction of the curved nasal septum is performed. In fact, such an intervention is required only in exceptional cases, for example, when there is a pronounced post-traumatic deformity. Disturbances in nasal breathing occur rather not because of the deviation of the septum, but because of the processes associated with neurovegetative-muscular vascular dissociation, which is relevant for the nasal mucosa. As a result, the vessels in the mucosa fill excessively with blood, which leads to nasal congestion and edema. In turn, irritation of the endings of the nerves, as a result of which impulses that cause vasodilation occur, are a consequence of infection. Based on these features, the treatment of vasomotor rhinitis should be carried out by sanitizing the mucosa. As additional measures use photodynamic therapy, which allows to restore the mucous membrane, and organotherapy, which allows to strengthen the lymph flow. Due to this, later it is possible to normalize the local immunity. In complicated cases, when there is a pronounced hypertrophy of the shells of the nose, the laser treatment of vasomotor rhinitis is performed, consisting in modeling using a special laser device of the nasal mucosa.

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