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Wheat flour bakery premium. Product Description

Especially popular among many housewives is wheat flour of the highest grade. Why is it so and what is special about this product? With this you need to understand more thoroughly.

Main raw materials

It's not a secret for anyone that the type of flour depends on the grain culture from which it is made. It can be rice, oats, buckwheat, peas, soybeans, rye or wheat.

In addition, the same flour can be divided into different types depending on the intended purpose. So, the wheat product can be used for the production of bakery products and macaroni. Hence, respectively, and its name. The most common type is baked wheat flour, since it mainly produces all the baked goods in the country. In addition, there is a separation of 6 grades, depending on the quality of the grind and the presence of remnants of the shell in the final product. Each of them has its own area of application, but the breadth of wheat flour of the highest grade was the most widely received. It is the main raw material, from which, at numerous factories and bakeries, you make an appetizing muffin and other bakery products. For baking at home, the wheat flour of the highest grade also fits the best.

Useful product

Sometimes, making purchases, people make a choice unconsciously, acting only on the advice of friends or recommendations of sellers. In the case of food products, this should not be so. A person must have a complete idea of the chosen product. Only then can you make a decision. Flour wheaten bakery of the highest grade is the choice of most housewives. First, the dough from it grows well in volume. And, secondly, the baking turns out lush and does not lose its shape for a long time. But it's not all pluses. In addition to excellent baking properties, such flour has a high enough caloric content. In 100 grams of the product made from it contains about 334 kilocalories. In addition, it contains a rich supply of vitamins. Among them: A, PP, E and several representatives of group B (B1, B2 and B9). In the process of baking, they do not collapse, but completely pass into the finished product. Minerals also play an important role: magnesium has a general calming effect, potassium and sodium also normalize the work of the nervous system, chlorine determines the composition of gastric juice, and sulfur and phosphorus are involved in the synthesis of proteins.

State Standard

For each type and grade of flour produced in our country, a certain standard is set by the state. It includes a list of key indicators that the product must match. Also, with its help the production enterprises determine the suitability of the raw materials used. On the territory of Russia is valid for the product "Wheat Flour" GOST R 52189-2003.

It was put into effect in December 2003 by a separate resolution of the State Standard of our country No. 420-st. This document contains all the characteristics and distinctive features of flour made from wheat grain. It contains information on the general classification and technical requirements, as well as acceptance rules, control methods, methods of storage and transportation. All the data in the document "Flour wheaten" GOST R 52189-2003 are tabulated, with the help of which at any given time you can always find the answer to the question of interest. In addition, in this GOST there are references to other standards, norms and rules that may have anything to do with flour.

Finished products

Special attention should be paid to what each finished product of wheat flour looks like. It is always distinguished by a large volume, porous crumb structure, delicate taste and a fine specific flavor. The baking properties of each individual class depend on certain indicators. The main among them is the content of certain protein fractions under the general name of "gluten." It makes the product more elastic, which helps it maintain its volume. In addition, all products made from wheat flour have a characteristic pale cream color. This is their most important difference. From wheat flour, as a rule, bake:

  • bread:
  • Bakery products (saki, loaves, plaits):
  • Baking.

The latter is distinguished by the fact that its formulation contains sugar and fat in the amount of 14 percent. It can also include various kinds of pies, flat cakes, puff products, as well as small and large piece buns. For the baking of most of them, flour of the highest grade is mainly used.

Different kinds

At present, about 27 different varieties of wheat are known. Basically, these are soft varieties that are suitable for bakery. Considering the fact that the type of flour is determined by the grain raw materials from which it was obtained, it can be concluded that the amount and variety of this product are.

Hence it is clear that the types of wheat flour partly determine the direction of its use. Sometimes this product is divided according to the content of gluten and other proteins in it. This leads to a change in the properties of not only the flour itself, but also those products that are baked from it. For example, soft wheat can be strong, medium and weak. From this already depends on the baking properties of flour, which will be made from it. In addition, a variety of mixtures are used for the production of certain products. This also gives the opportunity to influence certain indicators. They can be adjusted or created purposefully. Such ideas are now widely used by specialists around the world.

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