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Treatment of ascaridosis in adults and children. Treatment of ascaridosis by folk methods

The most common helminthiasis in the entire globe is ascariasis. This disease manifests a fairly high susceptibility. This is due to the fact that after ascariasis there is no pronounced immunity. Therefore, in high-epidemic regions, about 90% of children can be infected with it.

According to the World Health Organization, more than a billion people in the world have ascariasis. Approximately 100 thousand die of this disease every year. The most favorable breeding ground for ascarids is a country with a temperate and warm climate, with a sufficient level of humidity, which keeps all year round.

What is dangerous ascaridosis in children, in adults? Symptoms, treatment, prevention - about this now and talk.

What is ascariasis?

Ascariasis is a type of helminthiosis, is a nematode helminth disease, accompanied by the movement of worm larvae throughout the body, which eventually settle down and multiply in the intestine.

This invasion is rare in regions with dry and cold climates. Infection occurs orally, by ingesting invasive eggs. It can occur when consuming, for example, contaminated berries, vegetables and other food, water, and also through the hands. Most often the disease affects children.

If the climate is moderate, the infection season will last approximately 7 months, or more precisely - from April to October. In areas with warm and humid weather, it is a whole year.

A person whose intestines are parasitized by ascarids is the source of infection. In any case, treatment of ascaridosis in adults, as well as in children, should be carried out as early as possible.


The causative agent of this disease is a roundworm of the ascarid. It multiplies and lives in the small intestine of a person. The female grows to about 40 cm, and the length of the male is about 25 cm. Outwardly, they are very similar to earthworms, but their color is different, whitish-yellow. The mechanism of dissemination of ascaridosis is fecal-oral. Flies play a big role in the transmission of this disease, as they carry the larvae of worms on their paws.


The development of the worm takes place in several stages. Thus the person will be infected only after swallowing of eggs. After they reach the human intestine, larvae begin to appear from them. They, in turn, get into the blood, where in the future they will eat red blood cells and plasma and grow. Then they are transferred to the lungs, where they pass into the bronchi with phlegm, and then into the pharynx and then return back to the intestine. There the larvae become mature individuals. Ascarids can also get into the veins, liver or heart, because of what there can be formed inflammatory infiltrates.

Sexually mature female Ascarias lay in the small intestine about 200,000 eggs daily. At the same time, of them, toxic products of metabolism are constantly released, causing allergies and poisoning the body. Together with the feces, the eggs of ascarids fall into the soil. From there - through unwashed food, contaminated household items and hands - again into the human body.

The entire period from infection to the excrement of feces with new eggs, ascaris takes about 3 months.


Before discussing the treatment of ascaridosis in children and adults, it is necessary to understand how to determine it. To do this will help the symptoms. The first clinical signs of ascariasis begin to appear after 1-2 months.

Migrate to the body of the larva begin only 2 weeks after infection. Often this stage passes unnoticed for a person for the reason that at first the disease proceeds as bronchial asthma, pneumonia or allergy. Therefore, this stage is usually accompanied by shortness of breath, coughing, weakness and a slight increase in temperature, the appearance of a rash on the skin, resembling hives, and pain behind the sternum. Patients also often have an increase in the spleen, lymph nodes and liver.

In chronic ascariasis, the digestive tract is most affected. Vitamins and nutrients are less absorbed by the walls of the intestine. All this is due to the rapid movement of food masses. The worst is absorbed by milk, which in the end can lead to its intolerance to the human body.

Blood pressure can be significantly reduced. Widespread disorders of the nervous system: migraines, memory loss, fatigue, cramps, nightly fears, hysterical attacks, decreased intelligence. Therefore, treatment of ascaridosis in adults should be done as early as possible.


Coprological examination is the main analysis for the presence of ascariasis. But the eggs in the feces can be detected only in the intestinal stage of the disease. In order to make the most accurate diagnosis and prescribe suitable treatment for ascaridosis in adults, it is recommended to collect the stool test several times within two to three weeks.

At the initial stages of the disease, larvae can be detected in sputum, with various kinds of surgical interventions, as well as on X-rays in the form of infiltrates. A general blood test more often shows an increased amount of eosinophils and leukocytes.

Scheme of treatment of ascaridosis

Every person infected with ascariasis undergoes mandatory therapy. The scheme of treatment of ascaridosis in children presupposes complex therapy, that is why it is most often performed in a hospital. In this case, patients are prescribed a protein diet and symptomatic drugs (multivitamins, etc.).

Treatment is carried out by such anthelmintic means as "Albenazol" and "Mebendazol" (prescribed for children over two years old), Medamin, Levamisol, Pamoat and Pirantel.

Enzymatic preparations ("Mikrazim", "Mezim", "Pancreatin", etc.) are prescribed to improve digestive function of the intestine.

Also shown are antihistamines (Zirtek, Tavegil, Dimedrol, etc.). They are assigned a short course at the same time as antiparasitic drugs in order to avoid the appearance of allergies in the destruction of the helminth.

Probiotics ("Bifiform", "Linex", etc.) are used to correct normal intestinal microflora.

This scheme of treatment of ascaridosis in adults is quite effective. If you adhere to the correct regime and recommendations, soon there will be no worms.

The extent to which the treatment of ascariasis in adults was effective is checked one month after the end. Only if there are three negative results for the presence of worms in the stool the patient can be removed from the dispensary. If the eggs of helminths were again found, a second course of treatment is prescribed.


If treatment of ascaridosis in adults has not been successful enough or was not taken on time, serious consequences can arise. The most common complication is the intestinal obstruction, which results from the closure of the lumen by a ball of worms.

The ascaris entering the gallbladder or bile ducts can provoke even greater problems. In this case, patients usually complain of severe pain, which even does not succumb to the action of strong analgesics. In the end, if the scheme of treatment of ascaridosis in adults is not changed, it can lead to jaundice.

Askaridoz and folk medicine

Is it possible to get by with little blood and not contact specialists? The answer is, of course, unequivocal. No! The doctor will prescribe medications and a diet, and also will consult and tell in detail about treatment of an ascariasis by national methods. Only in this way you can completely protect yourself from the severe consequences of self-treatment.

Here are a few recipes that traditional medicine offers in the fight against worms:

1. Garlic perfectly copes with ascarids. Take it should be up to two times a day: it irritates the helminths, and they tend to get out. It is also good to cope with this problem garlic smell. The tooth can be simply cut and put next.

2. Onion infusions are also effective. To do this, take one small bulb, place it in a bowl and fill it with water only half. The remaining space is filled with alcohol. Then cover the container with a lid and press for 10 days, then use 2 tbsp. L. Preferably before meals. The course of treatment lasts 1 week.

3. When fighting with ascariasis in children are very effective herbal infusions. For cooking it is necessary to take 2 tbsp. L. Leaves of walnuts, pour them 0.5 liters of boiling water. Insist for 2 hours and give the baby at a time when he sits down to eat.

All of the above methods are a kind of home treatment for ascaridosis in adults. Reviews of these recipes in most cases speak, of course, of visible and tangible improvements in well-being. However, as the statistics show, they are effective only when consulted and supervised by a specialist. Remember, therapy must be comprehensive!


Little is known about ascaridosis and its treatment to avoid infection. For complete safety, the recommended preventive measures should be observed, such as:

  1. Careful observance of the rules of personal hygiene: hands must be washed before meals, eat only well-washed fruits, vegetables and greens, etc.
  2. It is necessary to refuse drinking raw water.
  3. Overcome the habit of constantly biting your nails or licking your fingers.
  4. Children's playgrounds should be placed in more sunny places, as the ascarids die under the influence of hot rays.
  5. It is necessary to monitor the cleanliness of the households and not allow them to be contaminated by the excrement of animals. Soil should be fertilized only with composted faeces.

It is better to prevent the disease than to treat it. These few tips will help to avoid infection with ascariasis.

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