
Stimulation of ovulation: "Klostilbegit". Application, Results

On what only do not go women in pursuit of happy motherhood! The greater part of the fairer sex does not have any problems with conception. However, there is a group of women who try unsuccessfully to become pregnant, and apply all known methods for this. So, some ladies use medicines, while others prefer folk methods and recipes. This article describes how to stimulate ovulation. "Klostilbegit" is a drug that is most often used by medics for these purposes. Below you can read about the application of the tool and the results obtained.

Ovulation as a natural process in the body of a woman

Before you know what stimulation of ovulation "Klostilbegitom" reviews have, you need to say a few words about the natural process. Approximately once a month (less often - two or three), the female gamete is maturing. On a certain day, reaching the right size, the follicle bursts, and ovulation occurs. The female body releases into the abdominal cavity a completely ready for fertilization cage. With a timely meeting with the spermatozoon, fertilization begins and, as a consequence, pregnancy.

The drug "Klostilbegit": application

This tool is used when a woman does not self-ovulate. Also, the medication is prescribed in those cases when it is necessary to get several oocytes at once (with artificial insemination, donation and so on).

In addition (if ovulation stimulation is not required), "Klostilbegit" is prescribed for uterine bleeding of an unknown origin. During amenorrhea, it also makes sense to use this medication. In some diseases (for example, Chiari-Frommel syndrome), the drug gives a positive effect.

Not everyone knows that the drug can be used by men. Of course, in this case, the goal of treatment is not to stimulate ovulation. The drug acts on the hormonal background and helps improve the quality of sperm.

Are there any contraindications?

This drug is hormonal. That's why it must be taken with extreme caution. To refuse treatment costs in the following cases:

  • If the ovaries have cysts (in this case their character is completely unimportant);
  • With malignant tumors in the body;
  • During pregnancy and lactation;
  • With problems with the liver and diseases of the pituitary gland;
  • If there was bleeding from the genitals of an obscure etiology;
  • With increased sensitivity to certain constituent substances.

How does the drug work?

The effect of the drug Klostilbegit results is as follows. After the pill enters the body, its active action begins. The drug inhibits the production of estrogens and enhances the effect of follicle-stimulating hormone due to prostaglandins. Also, the drug increases the amount of luteinizing hormone, due to which the follicle ruptures.

It should be noted that the tool should only be used under the supervision of a specialist. In some cases, doctors do not wait for the moment when the follicle bursts. They with the help of puncture take all the ripened cells and fertilize them outside the body of the future mother.

How is the tool used?

If you are prescribed stimulation of ovulation, "Klostilbegit" should be used in a strictly prescribed dosage. In each case, the agent may have different activities.

Most often, the drug is prescribed from the 5th-7th day of the cycle. The daily dose is 50 milligrams (one tablet). You need to drink the medicine for five days. In this case, ovulation occurs on time from 11 to 15 days.

If no effect is observed, then in the next cycle treatment can be repeated. In this case, most often the dosage of the drug is doubled. Remember that with increasing the number of tablets, you need to closely monitor the response of the ovaries.

The medicine "Klostilbegit": the price

The cost of this product may vary depending on where you buy the pill. It is worth noting that the cheap price of the drug "Klostilbegit" price. One package of medicine will cost you approximately 700-800 rubles. Inside, you will find only 10 tablets. This amount can be enough for one or two stimulation cycles. Everything depends on the prescribed dosage.

Special instructions, opinions of specialists

After the "Klostilbegit" is often prescribed a drug containing progesterone. These can be tablets "Dufaston", vaginal capsules "Utrozhestan" or a tool in injections.

With this treatment, the probability of pregnancy increases several times. Also, such a correction allows you to adjust the menstrual cycle and save the patient from permanent bleeding.

Results and Feedback

So, you know how ovulation is stimulated. "Klostilbegit" has become one of the most popular drugs. He is prescribed more often than any other medicine with this effect. What do they say about this facility of the patient?

Most women claim that a positive result was obtained already from the first treatment cycle. If before a long time did not occur ovulation, then after several days of taking the tablets, follicles began to grow. This became apparent during ultrasound diagnosis.

Not always pregnancy comes at once. Many representatives of the weaker sex claim that they had to drink capsules for several months before the long-awaited fertilization. However, the fact that the ovum began to leave the ovary, indicates a positive result.

There is a group of women who do not use only one tablet a day. The hormonal background of such women is particularly unstable. Patients say that the result was obtained with increasing dose.

Also, in some women, there was an unexpected reaction to this medication. One of the most common complications is ovarian hyperstimulation. It manifests itself as follows. During the ultrasound examination, the specialist discovers enlarged ovaries. Also in these organs there is a large number of follicles. A woman can also notice a drawing pain on the sides and discomfort in the lower part of the peritoneum. If such a complication arises, you need to suspend treatment and wait until the ovaries come back to normal. Next, you should choose an alternative way to stimulate ovulation.


So, the drug "Klostilbegit" is one of the most popular and effective in stimulating ovulation. However, you need to remember that you can not prescribe this medicine yourself. Otherwise, you can face serious complications, up to apoplexy of the ovary. Be aware that pills should be taken under the strict supervision of a specialist who regularly examines you with ultrasound. Also before the beginning of treatment it is necessary to hand over some analyzes on definition of a condition of a hormonal background. Only then, based on the results, you can choose a suitable dosage of the drug. Observe the doctor's appointment and be healthy!

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