
Rhythms of life as a universal property of living systems

Rhythm is associated with waltz. And indeed, his melody is a harmonious series of sounds delivered in a certain order. But the essence of rhythm is much wider than music. These are dawns and sunsets, winters and springs, solar flares and magnetic storms - any phenomenon and any process that repeats periodically. The rhythms of life or, as they say, biorhythms, are recurrent processes in living matter. Have they always been? Who invented them? How are they related and what can they influence? Why do they need nature? Maybe the rhythms of life only interfere, creating unnecessary frames and not allowing free development? Let's try to understand.

Where did the biorhythms come from?

This question is in tune with the question of how our world has arisen. The answer can be this: the nature itself created biorhythms. Think: in it, all natural processes, regardless of their scale, are cyclical. Periodically, some stars are born and others die, on the Sun, activity increases, year after year one season is replaced by another, in the morning follows the day, then evening, night, and then again morning. This is all known to us the rhythms of life, in proportion to which there is life on Earth, and even the Earth itself. By submitting to the biorhythms created by nature, people live, beasts, birds, plants, amoeba and infusoria-shoes, even the cells from which we all belong. It is engaged in the study of the conditions of origin, nature and value of biorhythms for all living beings of the planet is very interesting science biorhythmology. It is a separate branch of another science - chronobiology, which examines not only the rhythmic processes in living organisms, but also their connection with the rhythms of the Sun, the Moon, and other planets.

Why biorhythms are needed?

The essence of biorhythms is the stability of the course of phenomena or processes. Stability, in turn, helps to adapt to living organisms in the environment, to develop their life programs, which enable them to give healthy offspring and continue their generation. It turns out that the rhythms of life are the mechanism by which life on the planet exists and develops. An example of this is the ability of many colors to open at certain times. On the basis of this phenomenon, Karl Linnaeus even created the world's first flower clock without arrows and a dial. Time in them showed flowers. As it turned out, this feature is related to pollination. Each flower, opening by the clock, has its own pollinator, and it is for him, at the appointed time, allocates nectar. The insect, as it were, knows (thanks to the biorhythms that have developed and in its organism), when and where it needs to go for food. As a result, the flower does not spend its energy on the production of nectar, when there is no consumer for it, and the insect - for extra searching for the necessary food.

What are some examples of the usefulness of biorhythms? Seasonal flights of birds, migration of fish for spawning, search for a sexual partner in a certain period in time to produce and grow offspring.

Importance of biorhythms for humans

Examples of wise patterns between biorhythms and the existence of living organisms can be given dozens. So, the right rhythm of a person's life is subject to the unloved many routines. Some of us hate to eat or go to bed at strictly certain hours, but our bodies are much better off if we keep cycling. For example, the stomach, accustomed to the schedule of food intake, will by this time produce gastric juice, which will digest food, and not the walls of the stomach, giving us a plague. The same applies to rest. If you do it at about the same time, the body develops a tendency at such hours to slow down the work of many systems and restore the expended forces. Churning up the body from the schedule, you can provoke unpleasant conditions and earn serious diseases, from a bad mood to a headache, from a nervous breakdown to heart failure. The simplest example is the feeling of corruption in the whole body that arises after a sleepless night.

Physiological biorhythms

There are so many rhythms of life that they decided to systematize, dividing into two main categories - the physiological rhythms of life of organisms and the ecological ones. Physiological refers to the cyclic reactions in cells from which the organs are composed, the heartbeat (pulse), the process of breathing. The length of physiological biorhythms is very small, only up to several minutes, and there are those that last only a fraction of a second. For each individual, they are their own, regardless of belonging to the population or from family ties. That is, even twins can be different. A characteristic feature of physiological biorhythms is their high dependence on a number of factors. Phenomena in the environment, the emotional and psychological state of the individual, diseases, any small thing can cause one or several physiological biorhythms to fail at once.

Ecological biorhythms

This category includes rhythms having a duration of natural cyclic processes, therefore they can be short and long. For example, the day lasts 24 hours, and the period of solar activity is extended by 11 years! Environmental biorhythms exist by themselves and depend only on very large-scale phenomena. For example, there is an opinion that one day was shorter, because the Earth spun faster. The stability of ecological biorhythms (the length of the day, the seasons of the year, the associated illumination, temperature, humidity and other environmental parameters) has been fixed in the genes of all living organisms, including humans, during evolution. If it is artificial to create a new rhythm of life, for example, to change places day and night, organisms are not reconstructed at once. This is confirmed by experiments with flowers, which for a long time were placed in total darkness. For a while, they did not see the light, continued to open in the morning, and in the evening to close. It has been experimentally proved that the change of biorhythms is pathologically reflected in vital functions. For example, many people with the translation of hours for summer and winter time, there are problems with pressure, nerves, heart.

Another classification

The German physician and physiologist Yu. Ashoff proposed dividing the rhythms of life, focusing on the following criteria:

- time characteristics, for example, periods;

- biological structures (in living organisms this is a population);

- functions of rhythms, for example ovulation;

- a kind of process that generates a particular rhythm.

Following this classification, distinguish biorhythms:

- infradian (last more than a day, for example, hibernation of some animals, menstrual cycle);

- Moon (moon phases, very influencing all living things, for example, when a new moon increases the number of heart attacks, crimes, car accidents);

- ultradian (lasting less than a day, for example concentration of attention, drowsiness);

- Circadian (lasting about a day). As it turned out, the period of circadian rhythms is not related to external conditions and is inherent in living organisms genetically, that is, it is congenital. Circadian rhythms include the daily content of plasma, glucose or potassium in the blood of living creatures, the activity of growth hormones, the function of hundreds of substances in tissues (in humans and animals - in urine, in saliva, in sweat, in plants - in leaves, stems, flowers) . It is on the basis of circadian rhythms that herbalists advise harvesting this or that plant at strictly defined hours. We, the people, identified more than 500 processes with circadian dynamics.


This is the name of a new area in medicine, which pays close attention to circadian biorhythms. Discoveries in chronomedicine already have dozens. It is established that many pathological conditions of a person are in a strictly defined rhythm. For example, strokes and heart attacks occur more often in the morning, from 7 pm to 9, and from 9 pm to 12 at night, their occurrence is minimal, the pain is more severe from 3 am to 8 am, liver cramps are more likely to cause suffering around one in the morning, and hypertensive The crisis is more pronounced around midnight.

On the basis of the discoveries in chronomedicine, chronotherapy has been developed, which deals with the development of drug regimens during periods of their maximum impact on the diseased organ. For example, the duration of work of antihistamines, drunk in the morning, lasts almost 17 hours, and taken in the evening - only 9 hours. It is logical that diagnoses are re-established using chronodiagnostics.

Biorhythms and chronotypes

Thanks to the efforts of chronomedics, a more serious attitude to the division of people according to their chronotypes into owls, larks and pigeons appeared. Owls with a constant rhythm of life, not artificially altered, usually wake up themselves at around 11 am. Their activity begins to manifest from 2 pm, at night they can easily not sleep until almost in the morning.

Larks easily get up without a wake-up at 6 am. At the same time, they feel fine. Their activity is noticeable up to one o'clock in the afternoon, then the larks need rest, after which they again are able to do business until about 6-7 pm. Forced wakefulness after 9-10 pm these people suffer with difficulty.

Pigeons are an intermediate chronotype. They easily wake up a little later than the larks and a little earlier than the owls, all day they can actively do business, but already somewhere at 11 pm they must go to bed.

If the owls are forced to work from dawn and the larks are identified in the night shift, these people will start to get seriously ill, and the enterprise will suffer losses because of the poor working capacity of such workers. Therefore, many managers try to establish working schedules according to biorhythms of workers.

We and the present

Our great-great-grandfathers lived more measuredly. For hours they served as sunrise and sunset, calendar - seasonal natural processes. The modern rhythm of life dictates completely different conditions to us, regardless of our chronotype. Technical progress, as is known, is not standing still, constantly changing many processes, to which our body hardly has time to adapt. Also hundreds of drugs are created that significantly affect the biorhythms of living organisms, for example, on the maturation of fruits, on the number of individuals in populations. Moreover, we are trying to correct the biorhythms of the Earth itself and even of other planets, experimenting with magnetic fields, changing the climate as we please. This leads to the chaos in our biorhythms formed over the years. Science is just looking for answers, how all this will affect the future of mankind.

The mad rhythm of life

If the impact of changes in biorhythms as a whole on civilization is still being studied, then the impact of these changes on a particular person is already more or less clear. The current life is such that you need to manage do dozens of cases to be successful and to realize your projects.

Modern man is not even dependent, but in the bondage of his daily plans and duties, especially women. They need to be able to allocate time for family, home, work, study, for their health and self-improvement, and so on, although in the days they have all the same 24 hours. Many of us live in fear, that if they do not succeed, their place will be taken by others, and they will be overboard. So they set themselves a wild rhythm of life, when they have to do a lot on the fly, fly, and run. This leads not to success, but to depression, nervous breakdowns, stresses, diseases of internal organs. In a furious rhythm of life, many simply do not feel pleasure from it, do not get joy.

In some countries, the alternative "crazy race for happiness" has become the new movement "Slow Life", whose supporters try to receive joy not from an endless chain of events and events, but from living each of them with the greatest pleasure. For example, they like to just walk along the street, just look at the flowers or listen to the birds singing. They are sure that the fast rhythm of life is not connected with happiness in any way, despite the fact that it helps to get more material benefits and higher up the career ladder.

Pseudo-theories about biorhythm

An important phenomenon, like biorhythms, has long been interested in predictors and oracles. Creating their theories and systems, they try to connect the life of each person and his future with numerology, the movement of the planets, various perceptions. At the end of the last century, at the peak of popularity, a theory of "three rhythms" took off. For each person, the trigger mechanism is supposedly the birth moment. At the same time there are physiological, emotional and intellectual rhythms of life, having their peaks of activity and decline. Their periods were 23, 28 and 33 days, respectively. Supporters of the theory drew three sinusoids of these rhythms superimposed on one grid of coordinates. In this case, the days on which the intersection of two or three sinusoids, the so-called zero zones, were considered very unfavorable. Experimental studies completely refuted this theory, proving that in humans the periods of biorhythms of their activity can be very different.

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