Self improvementPsychology

Classification of mental phenomena

Psychic phenomena allow a person not just to navigate in the surrounding world, but also to conduct active cognitive activity. All that has already been achieved today would be impossible if our psyche could not freely receive and process information received from the surrounding world.

All psychological phenomena are directly related to each other. This connection is obvious: without one there would be no other, but how our psyche is arranged is due precisely to their totality. Still, there are differences in them. The traditional classification of mental phenomena distinguishes three large groups. These are mental processes, the psychic properties of the personality and, of course, mental states.

Mental processes are basic phenomena, and the psychic properties and states of the individual should be understood as a typological and temporary modification of processes occurring in the psyche. All kinds of psychic phenomena are one stream of reflective-regulative activity. Let's consider them separately.

Classification of mental phenomena

Mental processes are nothing more than acts of reflective-regulatory activity. These acts are separate and holistic. The object of reflection is present in every single process of the psyche. Also, all processes have their own patterns and specificity of regulation.

Classification of psychological phenomena places them first in the list, because they represent something like the original group. In other words, they are the basis for the formation of psychological images.

They represent the interaction of the object and the subject of reflection, a peculiar system of specific actions that are aimed at interaction and knowledge of these subjects and objects.

These processes can be cognitive (they include perception, sensation, imagination, as well as memory and thinking), emotional and strong-willed. Mental activity is the totality of all these processes.

Then there are mental states. The peculiarity of mental activity is temporary. Defined by the relationship of a person to what is happening. Otherwise, we can say that this is the current modification of the human psyche. Mental states represent the integration (relatively stable) of all manifestations of the human psyche at the moment of a definite interaction with reality.
Their manifestation depends on the direction of the person's activity, as well as on his personal attitude towards her.

Mental states can be divided into motivational ones, which are based on the desire to achieve something; On the states of organized consciousness, manifested in those moments when it becomes necessary to concentrate on something; Emotional, and also volitional.

In psychology, some borderline states are also singled out. It's about character accentuation, psychopathy, neuroses. It is also worthwhile to include the delay in mental development.

The classification of mental phenomena also distinguishes the third group - this is nothing else than the psychic properties of the personality. This includes the direction of personality, temperament, character, and also the ability of a person. They are more and more individual and largely depend on how a person lives and develops. His life priorities are also important here.

The classification of phenomena described in this article was developed by I. Kant. It is on it that traditional psychology is based. It is not necessary to forget only that this classification of mental phenomena artificially isolates mental processes from mental states, as well as from very important typological properties of personality.

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