
Shtroblenie walls in various ways

When overhauling the premises, there is often a need to perform wall sloughing. Before you start preparing, you will have to decide on the electrical supply of the home, creating a layout plan with the locations of the outlets and switches. The easiest way is to conduct additional wiring directly along the wall plane, fixing with nails or hiding in a special box. However, this method has many disadvantages, breaking first of all the aesthetic appearance of the room. That's why the majority of people choose the wall slashing under the wiring. In this case, it is supposed to make a cut-out, in which all the necessary wires can fit.

Today, walls can be shattered using a special tool or by hand. However, before starting work, you should read the basic rules. You can not make a cutout at an arbitrary angle. Perform actions should be strictly at an angle of 90 degrees. The depth and width of the stunt should not exceed 25 mm. Performing a vertical cut, you need to retreat a minimum of ten centimeters from the corners, as well as window and door openings. In the case of a vertical arrangement, the ceiling recedes from 15 to 40 cm.

So, stitling the walls by hand is the simplest option, involving serious labor costs. For work, you only need a hammer and chisel. This method is advantageous, rather, in the case when it is necessary to do a small segment. Advantages in the first place are that to create a cutout, you do not need an expensive tool and electricity. However, in reality it is hard work, which takes a lot of time and effort. In addition, even with a strong desire to make a flat notch will not work.

The manual method does not work if the walls are shrouded under the pipes, because they have a larger diameter than the wires. In this case, it is better to perform work with a perforator. First, small holes are made along the marked strip every 1-2 cm. After drilling, the tool switches to impact mode. Then remove the rest of the plaster. In fact, this is an uncomplicated and rather fast method, but with it there is a large amount of dust. In addition, during work creates a decent noise, and the band is not quite flat.

It is much more effective to perform the stonecutting of walls with an angular grinding machine (Bulgarian). In the first place, parallel cuts of about 2 cm depth are made by marking. After that, you will still have to use the puncher to bring down the central part of the cutout with a special blade-shaped attachment. Although you can resort to manual cutting, using a chisel and a hammer. The main advantage can be considered getting a neat and even cutout. It is advisable to carry out the work with an assistant who will be engaged in the collection of building dust, operating during vacuuming with a vacuum. For this operation, you will have to buy a non-expensive diamond disk.

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