BeautySkin care

Make honey massage at home

If honey in your diet is consumed by all or almost all, then honey massage for many is still a mystery and an incomprehensible mystery. And in vain! After all, this product is useful and valuable not only for internal use, but also for outdoor use. About this written hundreds of books, thousands of publications and millions of notes in newspapers and magazines. But the benefits of this procedure can be said again and again. What is the peculiarity of such a massage and how to conduct it, let's find out together.

Benefits of honey massage

Before we speak about the very procedure of carrying out such a massage, let us still remind ourselves of its usefulness. It is known that as a separate kind of cosmetic procedures he came to us from ancient Tibet. But honey massage is most popular in India, Russia and South-East Asia. In the East, honey is mixed with various oils.

Our ancestors also used honey as a healing "cream". In ancient Russia, he was taken with him to the bath, and also added to cosmetic mixtures.

Any massage, including honey massage, primarily has a positive effect on the skin and its subcutaneous surface structures. The massaging and massaging movements of the hands of a masseur improve blood flow, lymph flow, cell regeneration, and the work of internal organs. The bee product, when in contact with the skin, acts as a powerful sorbent, it draws toxic substances, excess liquid and slags from the cells. That is why massage with honey is widely used in the fight against excess weight and general therapy for cleansing the body. Also, with the simultaneous improvement of blood flow, all useful substances and enzymes quickly penetrate into the skin tissues and are absorbed through the blood into the body. More about the benefits of healing massage you can find here

Carrying out the procedure at home

1. Before applying honey to the skin, you must take a warm shower, rub a little body with a soft washcloth.

2. Then you need to do a warming-up massage stage. Use light stroking and kneading hand movements.

3. Honey can be used either in pure form or mixed, for example, with several drops of essential or usual caring oil (jojoba, olive, almond). Remember that the bee-product should be a bit of a liquid consistency, not candied. If there are already crystals, then it needs to be heated a little and melted (the temperature does not exceed 60 degrees).

4. We put honey in our hands, rub it with a little palm and distribute it all over the surface of the skin.

5. Then, after a few minutes of rubbing, you can feel that your hands begin to stick to your skin - we proceed to the basic procedure. To do this, we perform light patting and jerky movements.

6. After 5-7 minutes of such massage on the body there will be no traces of honey, but there will be grayish flakes. This will be the slag and workings of the skin.

7. After the completion of the procedure, you must take a warm shower, wipe yourself with a soft towel and after 10 minutes drink a glass of clean water. After that you can also drink green soothing tea.

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