
Severe and especially dangerous infections

A list of especially dangerous infections is useful for everyone. Much depends on this. Especially dangerous infections are infectious diseases, which are characterized by: sudden occurrence, rapid spread, massive infection, severe course, high mortality rate. Ways of transmission of infection are different, for example, smallpox natural is transmitted by airborne, contact-household and air-dust; Cholera - fecal-oral and contact-household; Infection of the plague occurs by transmission or airborne droplets. Especially dangerous infections, a list of convective or contact diseases: cholera, yellow fever, plague and smallpox.

In medicine, it is considered that especially dangerous infections are convective, there are only four of them, but they do not respond well to treatment and most often the outcome of the disease is unfavorable, that is lethal. The infection spreads so quickly that in a short time the disease becomes massive. A few centuries ago, especially dangerous infections led to the death of millions of people, but with the development of science and medicine, these diseases are extremely rare.

The greatest pathogenicity and infectiousness is possessed by smallpox. Most often, it is transmitted by airborne droplets (by way of), and after the transfer of the disease, a person develops persistent immunity. As a rule, the symptoms of smallpox are acute. The patient has a very high fever (up to 40), a rash occurs, a headache, an increasing malaise, and children may additionally experience delusions and hallucinations. For natural smallpox, the appearance of a rash is characteristic. First the papules cover the face and head, then the trunk, and at the last stage there is a profuse defeat of the limbs. If the disease is not complicated by other diseases, such as phlegmon, abscess, meningitis, encephalitis and necrotic myocarditis, then recovery comes in ten days.

Another dangerous disease is cholera. Usually, the clinical picture is acute and pronounced. At the beginning of the development of the disease a person feels a constant urge to defecate, which is not preceded by pain or abdominal pain. The feces quickly become watery, and after a short time the specific odor disappears and the smell of grated potatoes or raw fish appears. After a day or even a few hours, strong, flowing and repeated vomiting joins the diarrhea, which is not always accompanied by nausea. Vomiting and diarrhea immediately lead to dehydration of the body. Since especially dangerous infections are severe, therefore, with cholera, hospitalization is indicated.

Yellow fever is another representative of dangerous infections. The mosquitoes, which initially bite the infected animal (rodents, monkeys, pigs), and then the person, carry this disease. Yellow fever has four phases of development: initial, short-term remission, venous stasis and convalescence. The first phase is characterized by a sharp increase in temperature to critical figures, pain in the muscles and head, multiple vomiting of black and nausea. There are changes in the appearance of the patient - the face becomes puffy, the lips swell and get a scarlet shade, the skin of the neck and chest becomes hyperemic, and the mouth smells of meat. In the second phase, the temperature decreases, vomiting stops, and the headache becomes less pronounced. This stage lasts not for long, from a few hours to a day, and then comes the third phase. It is characterized by a repeated rise in temperature, increased jaundice and the development of hemorrhagic syndrome. On the skin there is a hemorrhagic rash and there is bloody vomiting, uterine bleeding, hematuria, and the general condition deteriorates sharply. If a person does not seek help, then death will come on 7-9 days.

The plague also belongs to the group of dangerous infections due to high pathogenicity. The carrier of the disease are rodents. Plague occurs in several forms: bubonic, dermal, skin-bubonic, septic and pulmonary. The most common is bubonic. The main symptom of plague - the formation of bubo in the lymph nodes. If you do not treat this disease, then the result is one - a lethal outcome.

All especially dangerous infections require immediate hospitalization of a sick person and intensive medication.

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