HealthHealthy Eating

Sesame seed. Beneficial features

In ancient times, in a number of countries, sesame was called the seed of immortality, and there is some truth in it. Like many seeds, the source of the substances and energy necessary for the body is the sesame seed, the beneficial properties of its components give health and longevity - for example, they believe in China. Sesame has a second name - sesame. Involuntarily this word is associated with a famous fairy tale, opening the door to the world of the most priceless wealth - health. Its source is the sesame seed. Useful properties of this plant justify this name.

They grow sesame in India, Transcaucasia, Central Asia, in some regions of Africa and in the Middle East. Sesame - a thermophilic and photophilic annual plant, very beautiful, it is even grown as an ornamental flowerbed among other flowers. Seeds of sesame, according to the variety, are black, reddish, brown, yellow and white. A more pronounced aroma in seeds of dark color. It is more sated and when cooking is revealed in the best way.

What is important is that a lot of vitamins and minerals contain sesame seeds, the useful properties of which are directly related to their active participation in the metabolic processes of the body. This, in turn, contributes to its overall improvement and strengthening. It should be noted useful properties of sesame seeds for normal and stable operation of the intestines, which is functionally important for health.

Seeds are usually used for food, but their age is short, since they are quickly damaged by the high content of oil in them (up to 60%), so oil is extracted from sesame seeds coldly, which can be stored for decades.

Both oil and sesame seeds (their useful properties have been proved by time) are used to treat a whole range of diseases. The pronounced therapeutic properties of sesame oil are second only to pistachio and almond oil. This is a valuable food for a diet, and it is included in many dishes intended for dietary nutrition. Favorably, his influence on health in such diseases as hyperthyroidism, lipid metabolism, inflammatory and degenerative joint diseases, hypertension, inflammation of the kidneys, intestinal colic. The substances contained in this oil contribute to an increase in the number of platelets and increase blood coagulability. It is encouraged to use it for asthma, dyspnea and various lung diseases. Oil from sesame seeds cleanses the body and removes metabolic products.

But this is not all that can give us sesame seeds. Useful properties of this product, due to the content of sesamin - a powerful antioxidant, are expressed in a significant decrease in the level of cholesterol in the blood. In addition, the seeds assist the body in the fight against cancer cells. Still it is necessary to note useful properties of sesame seeds, consisting in a high content of calcium. This is important for the prevention of osteoporosis. Calcium strengthens the bone system, helping to build muscle mass. Only 100 grams of sesame seeds per day is enough to eliminate the need for medicines that contain this essential component.

The ability of oil from these seeds to resist ultraviolet rays, is also used to protect against sunburn. In cosmetics, its beneficial effect on weak hair is used. With regular use of funds, which include sesame oil, the hair becomes shiny and soft. The pores of the face become narrower, the skin color becomes even. In a mixture with other oils, sesame is used for a pleasant and useful massage.

Sesame oil helps to restore strength when exhausted. With this tool, rubbing it into the gums, you can significantly reduce the toothache or get rid of it altogether. Contraindications to the use of sesame oil and its almost no, except that their individual intolerance. Here are how wonderful the sesame seeds are, the useful properties of which, in fact, are priceless.

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