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Safe spider-cross

In our usual life, we often meet with cobwebs - these are all the "tricks" of the spider. And in our garden or in the courtyard of a house, it is a spider-spider that is the most common. At his sight involuntarily shivers. This horror puts a person in shock. Fear completely dominates consciousness. But should we be afraid of it?

A spider-spider is a very peculiar insect. It stores many secrets of the family of arachnids. First of all - the name. Undoubtedly, it is not the most unique, but still ... All spiders have their own distinctive features, expressed in a bright, memorable appearance. It is this appearance that the spider-cross can boast to the fullest. The size of the adult is 10-26 mm., While the male is smaller than the female. The cross on the abdomen has bright spots, located in the form of a cross. It is to them that the spider owes such a significant name.

Like most arachnids, the cross has four pairs of eyes. At first glance it may seem that he will not leave anything and no one without close attention. This is not quite true. The spider is very short-sighted. Therefore, it is peculiar to him to contemplate the surrounding world in semitones. He distinguishes silhouettes, sharp movements, but no more.

For whom does he weave his networks?

The main tool for extracting food from a spider is web. She is fascinatingly beautiful and original. Smoothly swaying from the gentle breeze of the wind, she beckons and attracts flies flying by. They, in turn, are a perfect treat for a spider-cross. Once in the net, the fly tries to escape. It only aggravates its situation. Spinning on the web, it inevitably shifts to its center, where the sharp jaws of the spider, injecting the deadly poison, pierce it. Spider-spider, without losing a second of precious time, envelops the poor man with thin threads. Now she can not escape. Peculiarly the crosspiece begins its meal. The swaddled trapped victim, he injects into it juices that promote his digestion. After a while, the spider sucks the digested contents. If the day of the spider is taken care of, he can swallow more than ten flies overnight.

Sometimes the spoils caught in the web represent a real threat to the crosspiece. It can be poisonous or have large dimensions, which can provoke a rupture of filaments. In this case, the spider behaves very carefully. He slowly crawls, looking around. Has a spider-cross structure, which allows him to accurately identify the danger. The sensitive zone, oddly enough, are the paws. They contain receptors that allow the spider to "sniff" the victim and make the only correct decision. If the object is a threat, the spider-spider with its inherent caution helps him get out of captivity. Having released booty, he is not upset, because by nature he has a habit of preparing food in advance.

The cross is a spider, which is endowed with the ability to weave not just an exquisite, but also a strong web. Having chosen a place, he starts to lower a thin thread, which under the influence of a gust of wind clings to the fallen support. Having descended on it, the spider again does the same operation, until the triangular skeleton is created. After that, the cross forms the center of the web and already from it the network is woven further.

The finished web has great strength. She is able to withstand a load of more than two hundred grams per square millimeter. In addition, it is very elastic and can stretch to almost half its length and return to its previous state. Science has proven that the web is a good antiseptic. Therefore, it was used for medical purposes to fight harmful bacteria from time immemorial.

A spider-spider in the name of procreation sacrifices itself. After his death, the female weaves cocoons for bearing offspring.

Look closely at the web. It hides many interesting subjects.

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