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The series "Petersburg mysteries": actors embodied in it human virtues and vices

He broke into our life on April 12, 1994, with some new, fresh blow of the spring breeze, but at the same time with some very familiar and native feeling of beauty. The series "Petersburg mysteries", which every evening came to visit through the television screen, gave all viewers a beautiful love story and unprincipled betrayal, low perfidy and honest and noble self-sacrifice.

Point of no return

The adventurous melodrama, based on the 19th-century best-selling book The Petersburg Slums by V. Krestovsky, tells about the history that took place in the northern capital.

So, the year 1830. In the first series, the viewer gets acquainted with two famous and noble princely families who live quietly, unaware that such a measured and calm period in their lives will very soon end forever, and the path to the past will be closed without the slightest opportunity to change anything. Actors of the series "Petersburg Secrets" Tried to convey the whole atmosphere of the time so truthfully that spectators of different ages were interested in watching it.

It is the princes of Shadur and Chechevinsky that are present, although sometimes invisibly, throughout the whole series. Representatives of these families, it seems, an endless series of events and sophisticated intrigue throws in unpredictable life situations. A lot of human qualities are intertwined here. On the one hand - lost heirs, squandered multi-million dollar wealth, deception, betrayal, constant lie. On the other hand - long-term fidelity, strong and touching love, nobility of men and women of different strata of the population and material security. And all this is so closely intertwined in the storyline that until the very end of this story, the viewer, tormented by the question: "What will happen next?", Is in constant tension. Whether there will be a triumph of justice, the reunion of loving hearts, whether all thieves, villains and scoundrels of the series will be punished, you can find out only by looking at it, plunging into the atmosphere of those old years.

The plot line of the picture

The summer of 1830. Between the young princess Anna Chechevinskaya and the experienced conqueror of women's hearts, Dmitri Platonovich Shadursky, an affair breaks out. On the part of Anna this is a great love. But what does the prince have for the girl? Most likely, he turned his gaze to her only because this summer he lives in the village alone, without his wife and son, far from the bustle of a big city. And he's just bored. Princess is too gullible and completely inexperienced in matters of communication with the opposite sex. She lives in the village with an old father who is too abusive of alcohol. Her mother is far away, in the city. But they are not as friendly as Anna would have liked. The old princess is strict and angry. She is too concerned about the opinion of others, and for the daughter are only nitpicking and reproaches. This becomes especially noticeable after the death of Anna's father.

Next to the princess is her maid Natasha, who grew up in the house of the Chechevinskys. But after some events in her head a plan was born to destroy all of their family, which she gradually and successfully embodies. Princess is too trusting her, for which later she had too much to pay, because it was Natasha who stole Anna's newborn daughter and carried her to the Shadursky house. But the father of the baby does not want to engage in her upbringing, so he pays General Von Spilletz so that she puts the girl in a childless family. Anna will see her daughter only 16 years later.

The Chechevinskys

Anna and Nikolai Chechevinskie are loving brother and sister. It is the brother who always supports the little sister and tries to be her support. Unfortunately, according to the nature of service, it is not always in the patrimonial nest. And in the tragedy that occurred in the family, he blames himself for the fact that he was not there and he could not help Anna.

In the series "Petersburg mysteries" the actors who embodied these characters - Elena Yakovleva and Viktor Rakov. The first was fairly well known to this picture. The second one was not so popular. What is characteristic, most of the actors who played in the series, woke up just mega-popular. Elena Yakovleva introduced the princess to a very vulnerable, tremulous, genuinely loving girl. She treats her father with special tenderness, her mother is afraid, she gives herself to the first strong feeling. But after surviving the betrayal of a loved one, the disappearance of a child and the loss of her father's house, she does not immediately, but becomes a strong and wise woman.

Interesting and the character of Nikolai Chechevinsky in the series "Petersburg Secrets". Actors who wanted to get this role, assiduously passed the tests, but finally approved Viktor Rakov. It was he who managed to show the young prince an intelligent, intelligent man who is very fond of his sister and has been trying to find her and her daughter for many years. Subsequently, in order for justice to triumph, he even had to take on a new name.


Despite some alienation from each other, the Shadurskys, Dmitry Platonovich and Tatyana Lvovna, immediately act as a united front, if there is even the slightest possibility that any person or event may destroy the opinion of them or undermine their reputation. Recall that in the field of our attention - the series "Petersburg mysteries." The actors who performed Shadursky's role in the film are also very familiar to the audience. This inimitable Natalia Gundareva and Dmitry Brusnikin, who in recent years has been engaged in directing. Their son (already an adult) played a young and at the time not very popular actor Sergei Chonishvili. Now almost everyone knows his face. A bewitching voice can be heard not only in films, but also in various programs. This is the so-called "voice-over".


This series has gathered under its shadow a huge pleiad of magnificent actors of modern cinema. For example, Mikhail Filippov (husband of Natalia Gundareva), who embodied on the screen Osip Zakharovich Mordenko. At the beginning of the film he is the administrator of the princes of the Shadurskys, who allowed himself the courage and unthinkable for those times the impudence to love the princess. After he was expelled from the house of the prince, he becomes a usurer, rather intolerant and tough in relation to both clients and his own son.

The role of the retired lieutenant Sergei Antonovich Kovrov approved the beloved of all of us, Nikolai Karachentsev. The character turned out to be very lively and interesting. According to the book, he is a common killer. But in the film, thanks to some changes in the script, he is a real man, the embodiment of honesty, decency and nobility, the faithful friend of Nicolas Chechevinsky and the defender of all who need his help.

Yes, a great team gathered to ensure that at the end of filming the audience could endlessly review the series "Petersburg Secrets". The actors and roles that they performed in the film are not just interesting and impressive. The script writer completely rewritten the plot, removed the social background, changed the characters of all characters without exception. As a result of all these literary actions, a very warm and kind adventure series turned out to be one of the best in the last decade.

We watched, we looked and we will watch many more times ...

Strangely enough, it's been 20 years since we first met this story. The actors of the film "The Petersburg Secrets" have so accurately conveyed the atmosphere of that era that, sitting by the TV on the modern sofa, you feel that every character is very familiar, and you seem to have been on the streets not once. Already loved by many a film, like an outfit that a very good couturier has sewed, causes both admiration and delight. He wants to be reviewed again and again, as if you did not see something, missed, did not notice. And perhaps, for the fifth time Princess Anna will not make this great mistake in her life, Prince Shadursky will not turn out to be such a scoundrel, Princess Tatiana Lvovna will never throw insulting and undeserved last words in Anna Chechevinskaya's face, Nikolai will not go to war and meet his sister Not later than 16 years, and a few minutes after returning home. And unlike the book of Krestovsky, which after the last page is turned over, leaves too heavy and sad sediment in the soul, the series "Petersburg mysteries", the actors and their roles in this 60-episode tape do not give the opportunity to get bored of the audience for a minute , Give hope that evil will always be punished, justice will prevail, and love and devotion will be that ray of light and good that will give hope to all living.

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