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"Riv Gosh": feedback from staff. Work in "Riv Gosh": feedback from employees in St. Petersburg, Samara, Moscow

"Riv Gosh" has long been positioning itself as a cosmetics store. And he is far from being the worst. Therefore, people tend to get there to work. This is especially true of the female half of humanity. Let's try to understand what the work in "Rive Gauche" is. Feedback from employees about this organization will help in this difficult issue.


Perhaps, we will begin with that we will understand with the basic activity of the company. Then it becomes clear why women are trying to get a job in it. "Reeve Ghosh" is nothing more than a popular perfume and cosmetics store. To some extent it is branded. Here not only a huge assortment of goods, but also the prices are quite affordable.

Probably, now it is not worthwhile to wonder why women are trying to get a job in "Rive Gauche". Reviews of employees about the store are mostly positive, but in fact the competition for such kind of boutiques is huge. Zachit, it will be necessary to make considerable efforts that buyers would come to the outlet. And basically it is done by means of stimulation of workers on qualitative performance of tasks in view.


Well, now it's time to take a closer look at Rive Gauche's feedback on the staff. Samara it will be or any other city, not important. Everywhere the opinions about the trading network are approximately the same. And we will start with a review of available for employment vacancies.

The most common position here is the sales manager. Perhaps, for many, this vacancy will seem humiliating. But not in "Reeve Ghosh." Reviews of employees (Moscow, Peter and other cities) about this place of work are more than positive. And a little later we'll figure out why this is so.

Further - senior managers. This is already a more prestigious vacancy among other trade networks. However, as a rule, the senior manager is a worker in the network of "Reeve Ghosh", who showed himself on the good side, a sort of step to increase. And directly senior managers are rarely recruited.

In addition, if you are interested in the review of "Rive Gauche" (Novosibirsk) reviews of employees from among men, then it should be noted that the trading network also recruits security guards for work. Strange as it may sound, but the desire to get this vacancy is gaining momentum. And this happens not only in Novosibirsk, but also in other cities too. And this despite the fact that the work of a security guard in itself is not considered prestigious or highly paid. So, there are reasons for that.

Of course, lawyers, accountants and chiefs are also required to work in our current trading network. True, it is difficult to find such vacancies. They either appoint someone "their own", or simply allocate the best employees of the store and conduct their increase.


Speaking of some vacancies, it is worth starting with words about wages. Very rarely people work for pleasure. Basically, you have to do this in order to make a profit. The more it is, the better for employees and the more positive are the opinions about the firm.

But what about the "Reeve Gauche" reviews of employees in this respect? SPB, Moscow, Kaliningrad, Samara - it does not matter which city you are talking about. Salaries and conditions are approximately the same everywhere. So let's find out what people think about earnings in today's perfume and cosmetic network.

Many people say that it is in this organization that you will receive a high income. Of course, such promises are given by the management at the interview. In principle, it is difficult to blame lies, because everyone does it. Otherwise, no one would go to work. But can you really make big money in today's store? Or is it another fairy tale?

Earning here is a relative term. Of course, in the first place it is worth noting that the work in "Riv Gosh" reviews employees in this regard is different. But their character is mostly not the best, but nevertheless not horrible, as in most similar organizations.

The thing is that managers have a small salary, let's just say. The usual staff - about 7,000 rubles, the senior - 10,000, plus bonuses and additional charges. These stimulants are made up of one very interesting sales system, which we will talk about a little later. But, as a rule, it is extremely difficult to receive an additional 5,000 rubles a month to the salary.

At the "Rive Gauche" network, the feedback from the security staff regarding the salary is normal. After all, they receive a stable salary of about 15,000 rubles. Yes, for Moscow this is not enough. But they can be assessed premiums from above. And this is often more than offered in other organizations for the services of a security guard.

Of course, the management receives a very high salary. So, for them, undoubtedly, the work in "Riv Gosh" is profitable. Feedback from staff (Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities) is confirmed. The exact income of the "top" is not known to anyone. We can say only one thing: there is enough for a good life in the capital, and even more than that.

Operating mode

The second important point is the schedule of the work day. On it (and on the conformity of this with the salary, too), potential employees pay their attention. Work in the "Riv Gosh" reviews of employees (St. Petersburg and other cities of Russia) in this category receives neutral. Everything, as already said, depends on the position held.

Undoubtedly, management gives only positive characteristics of its organization. As a rule, they have something like free graphics in practice, and on "paper" - a full 5-day week. So many employees about this mode can only dream of. For this reason, opinions about the organization are positive.

But if you "go down" to the managers and security guards, you can see that the reviews change dramatically. And they are more negative. After all, these employees have not only an irregular schedule, but also a floating weekend. And in the contract, as in the previous case, 2/2 or 5/2 is prescribed. Time of work "on the feet" is about 12 hours - from opening to closing the store. Guards, as noted by staff, are the least complaining about such a schedule. After all, often on similar vacancies also work at night. But sales managers remain extremely unsatisfied working schedule. After all, salaries are relatively small for such conditions, and time in the workplace is enormous.


Terms of work, as they say about "Riv Gosh" reviews of employees (privates), are not the best. Special discontent is expressed by sales managers. After all, it is on their shoulders is the main work - the implementation of transactions with customers.

Girls work in stuffy rooms, sometimes poorly ventilated. Because of this, the pavilions often mix fragrances of perfume, but in such a combination that you can literally suffocate. And these are not the best conditions in the workplace.

Besides, there's no time to sit down. Managers and consultants in combination, are forced to stand for 12 hours. With all this they need to smile at visitors. And no one canceled the form. This is another reason why the work in "Riv Gosh" reviews employees (St. Petersburg and other cities) is not getting the best. In fact it is necessary to stand on heels. And this is not such a simple task, especially if we take into account the fact that it is also necessary to smile sweetly, advise and help customers with the selection and search for the desired product. Hell labor, which is paid low.

Relations with management

Among other things, it is also worth paying attention to the fact that the relationship between the lower level of the organization and the higher one. Often this very moment is able to attract new applicants or, on the contrary, push them away.

Feedback from employees about the company "Riv Gosh" in this regard are good. But only in the event that the relationship relates to managers and senior sellers. In other respects, as in other organizations, relations with management are strained. Slightly, of course, but there is some tension.

You may be asked to stay overtime. And with all this, the time spent at work will not be paid. Or sometimes called for the replacement of an employee, but no additional payments are foreseen. In addition, in some cities there are leaders who do not treat their subordinates as people. And this, of course, leaves its imprint on the store's reputation. Sor from the hut try not to endure, as the employer is then able to provide his employees with such a reputation that they will not be taken anywhere. And this is not the best version of the development of events.


Almost every employee is offered a free course of study before employment. There you will be given the knowledge necessary to build a career in the organization. And then "Reeve Ghosh" reviews employees is extremely good.

As practice shows, everyone is taught the really necessary things. In addition, if you are selling a new brand, you will be provided with separate training. These courses tell about the intricacies of sales. They can be useful to you in the future.

Training lasts a maximum of 2 days. After passing the test, you can start working. That is, you will be made of a qualified employee. Anyway, that's what the sales managers say, who work for Rive Gauche. And it is these people who are believed most often.


About "Riv Gosh" employee reviews are often quite good, because this organization is considered prestigious. And the reputation of the employer often changes the opinion of job seekers in one direction or another.

In our case, we should pay attention to the fact that "Riv Gosh" in the past few years everywhere shows and manifests itself from the best side. So, you can call it a good organization. Among other things, with the law the network has no problems.


The working form is one more thing that makes you change your mind about the firm. In "Riv Gosh" there is a so-called "dress code." It must be respected by all - ordinary employees, and management. For this, employees and buyers leave positive opinions about the organization.

But girls are not always happy with the working form, especially if you have to stand for 12 hours a day. And a negative note in the "dress code" makes heels. Not very high, but they should be. Sometimes even half the day in such a form is simply uncomfortable and difficult.


Stimulation of employees is a key factor affecting the rating of the organization. In this sense, "Riv Gosh" has a rather interesting system that can not be found anywhere. This is the bonuses from the organization in the form of samplers of products, which it sells.

To be honest, this method attracts both girls and guys. Of course, is it bad if you get a probe of popular and new perfume or cologne? Of course no. Such stimulation is carried out once a month. Plus, on holidays you also, in addition to the prize, will also be presented with another test. This "Riv Gosh" beckons to himself.


The final point remains, which affects the feedback of store employees. It's about premiums. As already mentioned, their charges are non-standard and slightly confusing. For this reason, "Reeve Ghosh" reviews employees about work is not the most beautiful.

The problem is that every week (or month) you are given a so-called work plan. It will say what products should be sold first. Happened? Then with the sale you will receive a percentage. If not, do not expect any increase to the premium. Premiums are formed exclusively by this system of "sales plans". Not the most successful method, but it helps to often promote one or another brand of cosmetics and perfumes, albeit at the expense of staff salaries.

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