EducationThe science

The Institute of Potato Research named after Lorkh

The Lorkh Institute of Potato Farming is the largest research center in Russia dealing with the issues of breeding new varieties of potatoes. To date, the Institute is developing with leaps and bounds, attracting young talented minds. A dynamically developing university is open to all ambitious, intelligent and active young people.


The Lorkh Institute of Potato Farming is a federal state budget scientific institution and one of the largest practical and methodological centers in Russia on potato farming. Today we learn the history of the educational institution, its path to All-Russian recognition. Also the information will be useful for the entrants who would like to study here.


The Lorkh Institute dates back to 1919. This year near Moscow, the Korenovskaya potato selection station is being created, which was supposed to be engaged in the creation of new varieties of potatoes. The idea of creating the station was made by the doctor of agricultural sciences and professor Alexander Lorch. He was appointed the first scientific head of the Korenevskaya station. The scientist with his work made a huge contribution to the development of potato growing. From 1922 to 1927, two new varieties were hatched, which were named Korenevsky and Lorch. Studies conducted by A. Lorch and his colleagues in the field of biology of potato plants, later became the basis for creating techniques for obtaining sustainable potato harvests. The scientist was tireless in his desire to develop potato growing, because he wrote more than 150 popular science works, which to this day are useful and relevant to everyone who works with crops. His books have been republished many times, which is still happening.

Research Institute

In 1930, the station was transformed into a research institute, which after three years was renamed the All-Russian Research Institute of Potato. Only in 1997 the institute was given the name of A. Lorch - the creator of the station, the decision of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences.


The research institute of potato cultivation is engaged in various research directions. Among the main ones we can mention the following:

  • Development of methods for searching and preserving the genetic resources of wild and cultivated plants for studying the biological diversity of the plant world.
  • The solution of the basic problems of the development of agricultural biotechnologies for the creation of plants that will be resistant to an aggressive environment and unfavorable factors.
  • Investigation of the possibilities of management of breeding processes in order to create improved plant genotypes with highly productive characteristics.
  • Theory and practice of developing technologies for the cultivation of economically significant crops.

Since 1962 the Institute of Potatoes them. Lorkha deals with breeding, cultivation and seed production issues throughout the country. The duties of the educational institution include the development of scientific and technical programs, the implementation of monitoring and methodological guidance, as well as a generalization of the results. In addition, the institute is engaged in coordinating meetings, seminars, joint research with foreign centers in the framework of all-Russian and international programs. An important milestone in the Institute's activities is that it trains highly qualified cadres for work in the field of agriculture.

Selection Center

The Lorkh Potato Institute can boast of one of the richest selection funds of various potato varieties, which includes more than 800 samples of cultivated and wild plants, hybrids, varieties from different geographical areas. The breeding center of the Institute is regularly replenished due to receipts from foreign colleagues, the International Potato Center (Peru), VNIIR them. Vavilov, VNIIF, etc. The result of the activity of the center can be considered the creation of approximately 160 different potato varieties, 104 of which can be found in the State Register of Selection Achievements. The breeding of varieties with horizontal resistance to late blight, nematode and scab (Fregat, Lubava, Desnitsa, Malinovka, Vestnik, etc.) can be considered a major success of the breeding center. It was here that potato varieties were created, resistant to the virus Y and severe forms of other viral diseases (Pogarsky, Akrosia, Red Rose, Bryansk delicacy).

Other achievements

Institute of potato farming. Lorkha created a bank of healthy varieties, which is supported by clean field conditions in the Arkhangelsk region and northern regions of Russia. In addition, the researchers of the institute were able to develop a special scheme for seed production, which makes it possible to use the advantages of the northern environment in the most effective way, taking into account the application of a modern integrated approach. Also, modern methods of diagnosing potatoes in the production process were developed.


What else is the Lorkh Institute famous for? The sorts of potatoes that his scientists brought forth feed the whole country, but in addition the school prepares real professionals in the field of potato growing in agriculture. Before entering graduate school a person must pass an examination on a special discipline that corresponds to the profile of training. In addition, the knowledge of a foreign language is checked. Applicants must provide a certain package of documents, which is listed on the Institute's website. People who do not have scientific papers or inventions must submit an original conclusion to a thematic abstract or article. The Lorkh Institute of Potato Research conducts entrance examinations in the form of an interview or as an oral examination. Training is conducted on a budgetary and contractual basis. You can get acquainted with the questions of an oral examination or interview in person at the institute or on the website of a higher educational institution. For foreign students, the Lorkh Institute offers places in the hostel. In total three directions for admission to postgraduate study are open: general agriculture, selection in agriculture and agrochemistry.


The Institute. Lorkha offers not only training, but also their own products. Of course, the main product of the school is potatoes of different varieties. Diagnostics of potato products for various diseases is also carried out on request. You can place a preliminary order on the website of the educational institution or by sending an application for an e-mail. After that the employee of the university will contact you. In order to detect and diagnose diseases of potato, these types of diagnostics are used:

  • Bacterial.
  • The virus.
  • Linked immunosorbent assay.

If there is such a need, then the team of specialists can go to the site for the diagnosis: all this is discussed in each case individually.

Summarizing the review article on the Institute. Lorkha, I want to say that this is an excellent educational institution for young people who feel their vocation in the national economy. The Institute will provide not only basic knowledge, but also will allow to delve into modern methods of conducting, researching and diagnosing various problems of agriculture. Modern technologies will allow you to look at the usual questions from a completely new angle.

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