HomelinessBath or shower

Remodeling of the Bathroom, WC and WC

Now almost any repair work is not limited to gluing the walls with new wallpaper and replacing the elements of decorating the room. Owners of apartments want to rebuild their homes as convenient for living as possible and be able to use most of the available living space for their own needs.
To achieve these needs, you can not do without changing the layout of the apartment. The most common type of this change in layout is the redevelopment of wet spaces.
Since in the overwhelming majority of buildings this zone has an extremely small area, then at the first repair most hosts try to expand this zone due to the transfer of partitions or various visual decoration techniques. You can increase the area for bathrooms, bathrooms and wet areas by using a part of the area of other non-residential premises of your apartment, for example, a pantry, a corridor, etc.
However, it is forbidden to produce such expansion at the expense of a living room or kitchen. Also, when trying to provide more comfort, it is necessary to remember that all changes in the layout must be coordinated. Otherwise, there is a risk of paying a penalty and in case of violation of the construction, sanitary and legal norms or regulations, get an order to return all the changes made to the initial state. In order to avoid future sanctions in the future, it is necessary to know several rules prescribed by the norms of this type of reorganization.
When redesigning a bathroom, toilet or toilet in accordance with building codes, it is necessary to provide roll waterproofing (or coating) in the floors of these rooms, which will serve as a protection against water for the neighbors of the lower floor in case of leakage. It is not allowed to operate wet rooms without waterproofing. And the work on laying this waterproofing must be endorsed by an act on hidden works. Also it is necessary to remember about the installation of the door sill: its presence is necessary to prevent the water from spreading to other premises in the event of an accident.
When carrying out repairs related to these apartment rooms, it is worth remembering another important aspect: the exit from these zones should not be made directly to the kitchen or living quarters.
To ensure that your repair does not end with unpleasant penalties, as well as additional material costs, redevelopment must be carried out in accordance with the above recommendations.

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