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Raja Yoga. School of yoga. Yoga for children. Yoga - breathing

Raja Yoga leads to enlightenment, purification from negative thoughts and enlightenment of the mind. This is an interactive practice based on meditation and introspection. In it are excluded asanas. There are only a few pranayam. Raja-yoga is translated as "queen" and is intended solely for kings. It also received such a name, because it is intended to control the mind, which is the king in the structure of the human personality.

In many respects it resembles Ashtanga yoga. Includes the four highest levels of mind control. Teaches in any situation to keep self-control. There are no physical exercises in it. All the forces go to meditation, the purpose of which is to study the inner world and increase one's own energy.

The Purpose of Raja Yoga

The main task that a person sets before himself is the purification of the soul and mind. Energy must come from the Most High Father. Raja-yoga is not like any other. It is aimed at obtaining spiritual power from outer space. It is necessary to feel a connection with the higher mind. Meditation does not make sense if the person's thoughts are in a state of vacuum and directed at something else. Raja yoga is often called intellectual. It is important to maintain not only inner peace, but also a slight tension in the head.

Raja-yoga for beginners to study it is a source of new sensations. If you decide to change life, and first of all yourself - this practice will help you in this. In order to achieve the maximum result, it is necessary to try to track and feel every thought. Remember, how we think depends on how we become! Being aware of the connection with the Universe and the Creator, we develop virtue in ourselves. There are yoga courses, the main purpose of which is positive thinking. Here are the main points that need to be spoken in the meditation process:

  • I am the point of light, I am the soul.
  • I am a child of God, and my father is perfect.
  • My nature is pure and flawless.
  • Only peace and quiet reign in my soul.

Try to stay over each exercise for about half an hour. Select a free day for practice, and you will immediately feel the result.

During the entire time when a person reflects on important issues, no other thoughts should arise in the head. The bottom line is a deep immersion and an inner transformation. If you regularly perform raja-yoga exercises, which are very effective, you can improve your health, change your own behavior, increase your efficiency and fill your life with bright colors. During meditation, the previous imprints in memory are burned and new ones are acquired.

In order to begin the cycle of exercises, sit in any position convenient for you. The main thing is to keep your back flat all the time. The eyes should be open. The point is to find harmony within yourself, being in the familiar surroundings. It is necessary to plunge deeply into yourself.

Basic Principles of Raja Yoga

1. The first stage is called "I am not I".

In this case, we consider the aspect inherent in our personality. Here you can include all those qualities that belong to you. One has to learn to distinguish between "I" and "not I", and this is the first task that comes before a person who is striving for initiation.

2. The second stage is the multifacetedness of the human personality.

Man is integral and multifaceted. In order to understand its manifestations, it is necessary to understand that its essence lies in four shells (koshahs):

  • Prana Maya is an etheric body (energy).
  • Ananda Maya is a physical body (food).
  • Vijnanamaya is the body of the mind (distinctive abilities).
  • Manomaya is an emotional-mental body (mind).

The school of yoga says that one learns to recognize different spheres of the mind: the unconscious, the superconscious, the conscious and the beyond. In the process of the entire meditative path, it is necessary to approach the higher consciousness, but before that you should get acquainted with the data on its existence in detail. The connection with the Higher Mind gives people awakening from a long sleep.

How to learn to hear?

From the point of view of Raja Yoga, life is like a system of curved glasses, through which it is very difficult to see the true picture. Thanks to the practitioners, you can see the four states in which there is consciousness: a dream with bright dreams, deep immersion, wakefulness and enlightenment (turiya). In the process of exercise, you must learn to get rid of unnecessary thoughts, which come constantly to the head. It is also necessary to constantly restrain the excitement of the mind. Having mastered this practice, a person can learn to hear the voice of his body, the thoughts of people, the voice of nature. You will be given the gift of silence, through which you can hide all the most intimate secrets and truths.

Practical part

This section implies serious mental work. In order to begin the exercises, you must sit in any convenient position. Make sure that your back is always flat. Monitor breathing, because it is an integral part of practice. At inspiration the thought is formulated. Feel it during the delay in breathing, and when you exhale mentally express.


Leave all past thoughts, problems and feelings behind. Try to reach the passive state of mind, block all exits in order to concentrate on the natural Divine essence. The maximum attention should be fixed on an abstract object, focusing on the world around you. Do not close your eyes. The bottom line is to move away from the external situation, being in it.

Meditation of Dhyana

Experienced instructor in yoga teaches you to contemplate abstract thoughts, images that are inside. In the end, the sight should focus on the person as infinity. Own "I" becomes wider, and opportunities and strength are endless. This is the essence of Dhyan's meditation, which is an integral part of raja yoga.


Next comes Samadhi, which gives the highest state of enlightenment. It is very difficult to achieve, but when a person does it, it erases all boundaries and completely controls its mind. In this way, a person recognizes himself, awakens from a long sleep, removes an excess shell and controls the senses, approaching perfection - the Divine principle.

The Path to Freedom and Enlightenment

Raja-yoga involves not only the creation of man, but also the most important center - the psyche, bringing to the superconscious. During the journey, you must use any means. Swami Vivekananda - the founder of the direction - wrote the following: "Achieve perfection by philosophy, prayer, mental exercises, great work - and you will find freedom."

The concepts of integral practice

In order to learn the whole course of yoga entirely, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with such terms as Moksha, Samsara, Atman and Karma.

  • Moksha is the highest level of consciousness that all yogas dream to achieve. You can approach it if you practice it regularly.
  • Sansara - the environment and people. Feelings, emotions and personal memories.
  • Atman - the internal observer of each person, perceiving the surrounding reality.
  • Karma - the laws by which a person lives. It should be understood that each of them has its own regularity. The better the karma, the better the quality of life. The bad can be cleansed through the practice of raja yoga.

Yoga for children

Doing yoga is fun. It brings a lot of positive emotions and new impressions. It is especially useful to practice it for children, starting from the age of five. Exercises take place in a circle, which very well affects the exchange of energy. If your child is a little withdrawn, after class he will easily find friends. The bottom line is that everyone takes their hands and begins to dance, forming a figure of the sun. In the process it is necessary to say to myself: "I am the most beautiful", "I am the best", "I am the happiest". After that, lie on your back and relax all muscles.

This practice is suitable for both kids and adults. For children this is a kind of game that will enthrall them. Action takes place under music. You can turn on the reels.

Yoga - breathing, which should be given special attention, and it cures many diseases. There is a whole practice aimed at cleansing the entire body. It's called Astrocarate. The breathing is accompanied by rhythmic movements of hands. You can turn on quiet music while doing the practice. There are also Gudzhiev dances. It is necessary to unfold the body 180 degrees, placing your hands horizontally. There are many variations. These practices will suit newcomers who only learn the basics of raja yoga, and children.

Where to begin?

The Yoga School of Raja is based on the creation of positive thinking. It can be accompanied by dancing in music, but the emphasis is on inner enlightenment. If you have never heard of this practice before this second, start with light meditation. Take 10-15 minutes to yourself, ignore the accumulated thoughts and problems. Focus on improving and communicating with the cosmos. It is best to enroll in a group. There you will meet friends of interest and like-minded people, with whom you can share new impressions and emotions. In addition, in the group you will practice collective dances and all sorts of breathing practices aimed at cleansing the entire body. Some of them you can perform at home. Arrange yourself five-minute breaths every day.

In order to clean the body, it is enough to massage the palm. Each point is responsible for a separate organ. In addition, you can relax and open channels. Such an exercise improves health, improves tone and improves mood. It must be carried out along with the entire list of practices, and then you will achieve an incredible result! There will be lightness in the body, cheerfulness and good mood. You will learn to look at the world differently. This is the goal of raja yoga.

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