Sports and FitnessYoga

What is yoga?

In general, yoga is a collection of different mental, spiritual and physical practices that have been developed for many centuries. The practice of yoga is aimed at controlling the physiological and mental functions of the human body.

There are many directions in yoga, but the most famous is hatha yoga, in which various physical and mental exercises are practiced. The word yoga comes from the Sanskrit language and means "connection", "connection", "union", etc. For the first time this word occurs in the ancient Indian literary monument - the Rig Veda.

The history of yoga itself has its roots in very ancient times, at least 6000 thousand years ago. But most likely the practice of yoga is even more ancient art.

Thanks to some archaeological findings, it can be argued that already the Indian civilization practiced yoga or some ancient form of yoga.

Yoga in Europe began to be interested for a long time, in Russia, the first mention of yoga can be found even before 1917. But at that time it was dangerous to practice yoga and few practiced it

Yoga is also strongly associated with the beliefs of the Indian religions. Noticeably the strong influence of yoga on Buddhism, in which there are many ascetic practices.

The main purpose of yoga is to improve physical condition and enlightenment. Everything also depends on the specific school and direction and on what path to go, choose only you and only you

In addition, in order to practice yoga, not too much time or effort is required. At first, you need to perform simple asanas that require only a little effort from a person. It is also very important that a person has inner strength and intention to know himself and the world around. If it is not, then at first it is just necessary to concentrate on improving your physical form, which will gradually approach the ideal.

In yoga, there are many directions that actually study the same aspect - the person himself. Just some areas are more studying meditation, other breathing techniques, and still others are simply dealing with the physical side of human nature.

Think what is more important to you and how you want to learn yoga? Perhaps you want to immediately study all the directions that are only possible, or just one thing that is closer to you. But whatever way you choose not to remember that self-improvement is the main thing that can be in a person's life and one must constantly get better and yoga is the best suited for growing both spiritually and physically.

This discipline is suitable for absolutely all people, of any age, race and religion. Yoga is something more profound than just an opportunity to improve health, yoga allows you to move to a different level of being and understanding of what is happening, and this actually helps in the life path of a person. Do not be afraid to enter this road and maybe you will open new horizons that will show you where to go and how to act in the current situation.

The main thing is to start doing yoga, and then it will be clear your business and whether you should practice this practice in principle, because maybe it's just not your way and you need to choose something else.

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