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Ashtanga-vinyasa yoga: description, features of style

In modern yoga there are more than a dozen directions. Most of them were formed in the course of a long historical practice. The difference of styles is based on the categories of complexity, dynamics and ideological content of each of them. Ashtanga-vinyasa-yoga refers to the modern direction, which is becoming increasingly popular not only in India, but also in the West, and in Russia. So, ashtanga-vinyasa-yoga - what is this, what are the features of this style?


Yoga has existed for several millennia. Her roots go to India. Previously, it was a cultural and religious trend, today it is for many a path to health, both fitness and sports. However, there are people who perceive yoga as something more than therapeutic gymnastics. This was once the case of Pattabhi Joyce (1915-2009). He is the founder of such a current as ashtanga-vinyasa yoga, which still lives in the walls of the institute in Mysore (India) and beyond. After the death of Pattabhi, his grandson, Sharat Rangaswamy, continued the matter.

The ideological basis of the new trend was the refusal to adapt yoga to weakness, imperfection of the practitioner, on the contrary, he should strive to develop himself as much as possible to the ideals of the current.


Ashtanga-vinyasa yoga is actually a kind of hatha yoga. It is distinguished by the dynamics of performing asanas and special breathing techniques. It is sometimes called a tough practice, since implementation requires the practitioner to have considerable strength, flexibility, stretching. The word "ashtanga" from Sanskrit means literally "eight bases". This is a clear indication of the eight principles that form the basis of the methodology of yoga.

There is a definite sequence of asanas fixed by the founder, on which vinyasa yoga is based. Complexes of movements are connected with each other by vinyasas (hence the second part of the name of practice). This is the harmony of movement and breathing (pranayama), bandh (the tension of certain muscles) and drishti (concentration of attention). The main component through which practice can be considered spiritually finished, is dhyana - a meditative state or contemplation of the moment.


Vinyasa-yoga includes six levels, arranged in a hierarchical sequence according to the complexity category. There is an assumption that there is also the seventh level. But information about it is completely classified or disclosed only in the narrow circles of the Indian school of vinyasa yoga.

The first stage is considered the most important, the basic one. Due to the powerful flow of blood to the tissues of the organs and increase of its temperature, it purifies and prepares the body for further training. Each level has its own name and is characterized by a certain set of asanas and vinyas complexes.

First stage

Yoga Chikitsa

The second stage

Nadi Shothana

The third stage

Sthira Bhaga 1

The fourth stage

Sthira Bhaga 2

The fifth step

Sthira Bhaga 3

The sixth step

Sthira Bhaga 4


When most vinyasas are used, a special breathing technique is used - ujaya. Asanas are quite dynamic and include almost all the muscles of the body in the process. Undoubtedly, in the first trainings it causes especially strong sweating, even fever. It seems that the blood literally bubbles. But after classes, the practitioner feels light and full of energy. This is achieved through activated blood circulation and the harmonization of the flow of energy - prana. As you understand the levels of vinyasa yoga, the body becomes strong, the mind is calm. Breathing is balanced, it acquires rhythmicity. Asanas are already performed more easily and faster, concentration of attention is increased, dhyana is strengthened and improved.

Vinyasa yoga for beginners is a complex of exercises, more precisely, asanas for strengthening the muscles of the press, back, arms and legs. They are performed in a certain rhythm of movement and breathing. The number of breaths-exhalations in one complex varies from 5 to 80. In addition, each complex includes two mandatory asanas and vinyasas. By complexity, they each time increase and literally challenge the practitioner, his strength of mind, endurance.

Viñasa-flow yoga

In 1958, Pattabhi Joyce's book Yoga-Mala was published. The word "small" from Sanskrit means "wreath". It is very easy to explain all aspects of the practice of vinyasa yoga. In 1999 the book was translated into Russian and today is a desktop for many instructors, disciples and followers of Pattabhi. Moreover, other approaches to hatha yoga have been developed on the basis of this practice. Most often they represent a unique synthesis of two (rarely more) styles.

An example of such a phenomenon is vinyasa flow-yoga. "Flow" from English means "flow". The direction is the same connection of breathing and movement. But the difference between styles is in the algorithm of performing asanas and vinyasas. Ashtanga-vinyasa-yoga sequence of movements presupposes a clearly fixed, in Vinyasa-flow yoga this is not. Everything happens in a random order. Continuous movement and breathing persist.

If ashtanga yoga requires constant physical exertion from the practitioner, then vinyasa-flow yoga is a wavy current with alternating tension and relaxation. Continuous flow of this practice excludes loss of concentration of attention, distraction on vain thoughts.


Like any other direction and style, vinyasa yoga has a huge therapeutic value for a person. In addition to the complete purification of the body, it relieves the excess energy in the body, balances the mental and physical processes in it. Thanks to power asanas it is possible to find an excellent sports form, get rid of extra pounds, improve coordination, become more flexible in the physical and psychological sense. As the spiritual practice of ashtanga-yoga helps to calm the mind, resolve all internal conflicts. The first thing that falls under the useful action of this practice is the nervous system and sense organs. In addition, vinyasa yoga helps to strengthen strength of mind, increase endurance.

Who will do?

Yoga is an ancient effective practice, which carries harmony and enlightenment. However, nothing is absolute, and every phenomenon in this world has a flip side. So, in spite of its health-improving charge, ashtanga-yoga does not suit everyone. After all, for its practice, as already mentioned, requires a certain physical preparation. Teenagers with excess energy, young, strong people - this is the cohort that can practice this direction. Even at the first stage they have a hard time.

However, modern yoga centers skillfully adjust, simplify this practice for people with modest abilities. Already at the expense of this, the so-called puppet styles of yoga appear. Of course, they only partially concern spiritual practices.


The practice of ashtanga-vinyasa yoga should be approached consciously and with caution. It is categorically contraindicated for people with injuries and pathologies of the spine, the presence of serious diseases of internal organs and the musculoskeletal system. Also, do not start classes without even minimal flexibility. As an alternative, it is better to choose a direction that is softer.

How long does the lesson last?

Classical occupation of ashtanga-yoga lasts an average of 30-40 minutes. However, each yoga center has its own, individual program. So, two types of training are known: Mysore-class (in honor of the city-cradle of this style of yoga) and a ld-class.

On the Mysor class, the practice is built individually for each student. Depending on the physical abilities of some, the program is longer, while others are shorter. It also depends on how long the student develops in this direction. Everyone is engaged in a certain rhythm of breathing and movement. The instructor stands in the middle of the hall and controls the whole process. This format is basic, it can be practiced by both beginners and experienced students.

LAD classes are an analogue of advanced courses. Students demonstrate their achievements, strengths and skills, which they gained thanks to the Mysor classes. Now the group moves and breathes in a single rhythm, which, of course, produces a tremendous healing effect. Classes are held, usually in the morning, in the interval between 7 and 9 hours.

Of course, you can try to do vinyasa yoga and yourself, at home. For this, there are textbooks and video lessons. By time such practice will already be determined by the individual abilities and desire of the practitioner. However, it is worth remembering that this can be traumatic, and only involves the physical side. To fully immerse in practice, you need an instructor, a teacher. He will not only monitor the correct implementation of the asanas, but will also lead certain spiritual work. At present, it is considered that only a person who has received special training and initiation, which is provided by a yoga center in Mysore, has the right to teach ashtanga-vinyasa yoga. Therefore, people who decided to take a serious plunge into this style of yoga, you must first know about the qualifications of the instructor.

Reviews of skeptics

There are quite a few supporters and followers of vinyasa yoga today. However, despite this, this direction has opponents or skeptics. They take yoga in its classical form with static, "hovering" asanas, full and measured breathing. And to carry out dynamic vinyasas, in their opinion, is meaningless, and maybe even dangerous. After all, yoga itself is a quiet practice. It should not contain jumps, jerks, the fulfillment of which involves vinyasa yoga.

However, this style still takes place, moreover, he has many admirers and followers. This direction has already covered almost the whole world. It is practiced even by famous people, for example Sting, Madonna, Tom Cruise. Apparently, it really carries a charge of positive energy, a healing effect, and deservedly belongs to one of the most popular and effective directions of yoga.

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