
Planting of coniferous trees in spring: recommendations

Many gardeners planted coniferous trees on their plots. And this is not surprising. After all, these plants are a real decoration. They stay green all year round. In winter, you can appreciate all the splendor of coniferous plantations. It is worth noting that such plants are often used by specialists to create magnificent landscapes. The main advantages of coniferous trees are resistance to diseases and pests, as well as ease of care.

These plants are not capricious. But still they need to be planted correctly. In this case, it is worth taking into account several nuances - you need to find a suitable place, provide a minimum of care and, of course, learn how to properly fertilize the soil. So, planting coniferous trees in spring: how to do everything right?

Choose a place

Planting coniferous trees on the site usually begins with the selection of a suitable location. Most of these plants feel great only in the shade, where the soil is more humid. Most of the sun likes pine and larch. But in the shade, yews, Canadian and Canadian spruce will perfectly grow.

Common mistake

If there is a question about how to plant a tree, a tree, a pine tree or a larch, many people answer that it is enough just to dig a hole, drop the roots of the seedling into it and sprinkle it with earth. All, of course, so. Here are just some people wondering why a few months later the plant died? The answer is simple. The coniferous tree was planted incorrectly. The most amazing thing is that these plants retain a beautiful appearance even in difficult conditions for them.

To plant a coniferous tree in the spring was successful, you should prepare the soil. It is best to choose the place where there is a soil with a pH of 5 - 6.5. In addition, the soil needs to be properly improved. Yes, 20 centimeters of ordinary chernozem for such plants is small. Seedlings of trees are expensive, so it is better not to save on soil fertilization. Regular irrigation and timely fertilization also play an important role. Plants are very quickly depleted and die.

We improve the soil

Planting large-sized coniferous trees requires a special approach. If the main layer of soil is infertile sand, then the soil should be improved to a depth of 60 - 100 centimeters, as well as a meter around the seedling. Otherwise, the tree will die. So that the layer of fertile soil is not rinsed, you can put a layer of clay under it or lay geotextiles.

If the planting of coniferous trees in spring will be carried out in groups, then it is necessary to improve the soil throughout the garden. This will be easier than digging for each seedling. For a hedge, it is also necessary to excavate a trench and lay a layer of fertile soil.

If the soil is more clayey, then it needs to be improved by peaty chernozem to a depth of 0.4-0.6 meters.

When to plant

The time of planting coniferous trees is also of special importance. For example, container seedlings, which are sold in many outlets, can be planted in the open ground throughout the vegetative period. In other words, until the earth freezes. The root system is compact and not severely damaged.

The seedlings of trees belonging to gymnosperms are usually planted in the spring, when the buds have not yet begun to unfold. The best time for planting is the first decade of May. They can also be planted in the fall - from mid-August to the end of September. The most important thing is for young trees to settle down before the period of rest.

You need to water properly

When the planting of coniferous trees in spring is over, there comes a period of special care for the plants. If all the rules for improving soil and planting are observed, then it is not necessary to introduce fertilizers in the first year. At this time, a good watering is required. Such trees do not like prolonged drought. To keep the moisture long, you need to lay a layer of mulch around the trunk with a thickness of 5 to 7 centimeters. This indicator depends on the size of the tree.

What fertilizer to choose

It is not so easy to plant coniferous trees. Recommendations of experts will avoid unnecessary problems. You can apply fertilizer for the next year, when the snow comes down and the vegetative period begins. Use only those fertilizing that are intended for conifers. You can buy fertilizer in a specialized store. To make top dressing should be in accordance with the recommendations of manufacturers.

Usually, for these purposes, mineral compositions are used in granules that dissolve rapidly in water. This fertilizer contains all the necessary micro- and macro elements. It should be noted that such mineral dressings dissolve slowly and last from 3 to 6 months.

How to feed

Planting large coniferous trees - this is only half the case. It is important to know how to properly water and feed plants. If the fertilizers are in granules, then they can simply be sprinkled around the stem of the seedling, and then simply fix it all in the soil. That's all. There is another option. You can take a dissolving fertilizer. In this case, feeding occurs through needles during watering. The concentration of such fertilizers should not exceed 0.5-1%. Before you make any fertilizing, you need to water the conifer.

The first time you need to fertilize the plant in April or early May, the second time - in late June or early July. For top dressing of coniferous plants it is not necessary to use a slurry or fresh manure. This will have a bad effect on the condition of the seedlings.

Pruning and shaping the crown

For coniferous plants to branch better, and also to limit their growth, it is necessary to carry out forming pruning. It should be noted, this method will give the desired shape to the crown. Cropping is necessary at the right time. For example, hedges from tui are usually trimmed at the end of May or at the beginning of June, and in August, if necessary, the procedure is repeated.

Pruning yew should be done between April and June.


Now you know how to plant a tree, pine, larch, thuja and other coniferous trees. Proper care, regular watering and timely application of mineral fertilizers will allow you to grow up beautiful and orderly plants that will decorate your plot with your greenery in winter and summer. To give the desired shape to the crown, it is possible during the shaping trimming. To coniferous trees retain their charm, it is worth thinking about the prevention of diseases. This is the best method of combating not only plant ailments, but also with some pests, for example, aphids. These insects threaten in the main young seedlings and shoots. Pests just suck the sap from the tree. As a result, the plant is weakened and dies.

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