HealthHealthy Eating

Pearl barley is good beyond a doubt

Pearl barley is a purified barley grain, past the stages of grinding and polishing. Barley is an unpretentious and inexpensive cereal that has been known to man since time immemorial and is widely used in the culinary arts of many countries.

However, in the territory of the post-Soviet space there is a preconceived opinion on this product. Many people associate the perlova with the army, children's camp or just a cheap dining room, where fresh and unsightly dishes are served. Yes, this cereal must be properly cooked, so that it was crumbly, looked appetizing and really reminded those same pearls - the pearls, from which its name originated.

If in the diet from time to time there will be porridge porridge, the benefit of such nutrition will affect the state of health, appearance and, as a consequence, on the mood. The fact is that barley is one of the most valuable cereals, in which there is the most complete assortment of vitamins, micro and macro elements, nutrients and biological active substances necessary for man.

Among the mineral salts, iron, calcium and potassium dominate, also mention should be made of phosphorus, iodine, manganese, bromine, selenium, copper, zinc and cobalt. Of course, with such a rich mineral composition, the benefits of pearl barley do not cause doubts. Selenium alone is a real treasure for the body. This microelement has a powerful antioxidant effect, enhances immunity and is the insurance against many serious diseases. No less valuable and phosphorus, regulating metabolism and brain activity, as well as necessary for the assimilation of calcium.

Vitamin composition is not less rich: vitamin A, vitamins of group B, including folic acid, and also D, K, E and PP. Such a component as folic acid is necessary for women's health and normal pregnancy, other B vitamins are needed for the full functioning of the nervous system, vitamins A and E are responsible for beauty and participate in antioxidant mechanisms, vitamin D is favorable for the absorption of phosphorus and calcium.

The fact that pearl barley - a benefit to the body - is beyond doubt, because the richness of the protein and amino acid composition of the perlovka surpasses even wheat. One of the most valuable amino acids is lysine, which has an antiviral effect that protects against colds and herpes. In addition, lysine is involved in the process of producing collagen - a substance that slows the appearance of wrinkles and supports the turgor of the skin. So the menu barley porridge entering the menu is good for appearance, which is expressed indirectly (health of the whole organism), and directly (directly on the skin).

The positive effect of this simple food on the human body is very multifaceted, and the cause lies in barley, from which pearl barley is made. The use of this herb has been tested for many generations and proved in laboratory conditions. It normalizes metabolism, eliminates slags and toxins, helps with diabetes, liver diseases, kidney dysfunction, gallbladder, stomach and urinary tract diseases, disruptions in the endocrine system and many other pathologies. In addition, barley provides the necessary substances to the brain and allows you to keep your mind clear until old age. Such food is useful for elderly people, as well as for those who suffer from low vision, excess weight and digestive problems. High fiber content in the pearl bar allows to establish the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. This is one of the most useful dietary products included in a variety of weight loss programs. And even with problems such as stomach upset or food poisoning, pearl barley can come to the rescue.

So people of any age can not stop eating in the diet such dishes as salads with pearl barley , soups and goulash with this croup. It will be delicious and simply crumbly porridge porridge. The use of barley will manifest itself in improving the performance of many organs and strengthening the entire body.

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