
Onion: description and cultivation

The onion is a herbaceous perennial plant that is valued for its dark green delicate fragrant arched leaves - a real storehouse of useful microelements and vitamins. Translated from German means "plant for cutting". Therefore, the people have a more common name - "chives" or "bow-rezun". It grows chives (as it is also called) in the temperate climate zone: Central Asia, Southern, Western and Central Europe, Far East, North America, Eastern Siberia, Kamchatka, Primorsky and Khabarovsk Territory, North Caucasus. This culture is able to adapt to a variety of conditions and is easily grown in a home environment: both in the open ground and in boxes on the windowsill.

Bow-speed: description

Bulbous stems are thick, smooth to touch, about 60 centimeters high. Bulbs are thick, ovoid, slightly conical, about 1 centimeter in size. On the outside, they are covered with purple-colored scales of paper. In economic activities are not used. The flowering of such a culture begins in May and lasts until the end of August. The leaves are cut in May (after reaching a length of 20-25 centimeters) and repeated throughout the flowering several times.

Features of care

Onion-soon with lilac flowers is a frost-resistant plant: its shoots can withstand small frosts. A high yield of juicy and delicate leaves can be obtained by providing the plant with regular and timely irrigation. The lack of moisture will cause coarsening of the leaves and the loss of their consumer and commodity qualities. The plant is sufficiently responsive to top dressing. Under the digging (or plowing) for 1 square. Meter is recommended to make 4-6 kg of manure or 2-3 kg of humus, and potassium salt - 20-30 grams. Pre-sowing soil cultivation, carried out in the spring period, is fed by nitrogen preparations (15-20 grams of ammonium nitrate per 1 square meter).

Cultivation of onion-speed

Bow-speed (photo presented in the article) is prone to branching, which begins in the first year of planting. Two-year-old plants have from 12 to 30 shoots, 80-100 - in a three-year specimen, 150-200 feathers for the fourth year of planting. Excessive branching leads to thickening of shoots, which, in turn, makes it difficult to care for them, reduces the yield and negatively affects its quality: the leaves coarsen and become shallow. By the onset of the winter season, this culture forms a powerful root system, which allows the plant to tolerate even the harshest colds. The roots are intertwined, branching, turning the site into a continuous sod. The onion can be propagated by the vegetative method if the sod roots are pruned and separated from each other.

Inoculum seeding

When seed is multiplied, an important factor is soil preparation. Seeds of onion-speed are very small (much smaller than that of the onion). Crops grow weak, in the form of thin loops, which are required to protect against weed plants in a timely manner . Sowing should be done early in the spring to a depth of 2-2.5 cm with a spacing of 35-45 cm. Spending per 1 sq. Km. Meter - 1-1,5 kg of seeds. By sowing it is important to apply mulching peat, sawdust, humus; It is also necessary to loosen rows between rows. Decimation is carried out in the first year, with a distance of 10-12 cm between the bush.

Application in folk medicine

Bow-speed is a real find for folk medicine. In its composition there is practically the whole set of components useful for the organism: these are mineral salts containing zinc, iron, molybdenum, potassium, manganese, calcium. Also in this culture is more than in other types of onions, carotene and vitamin C. The use of onion-rezuna is effective in raw and parvenous form. A great benefit for the organism is caused by the juice of the plant. It is worth remembering that the phytoncids contained in its composition have the property of rapidly evaporating, so the shredded onion-soon for the organism will be useful literally in the first 10-15 minutes. Then his healing properties fall.

Bow-speed is effective when:

  1. Atherosclerosis and hypertension. A tablespoon of finely chopped product in conjunction with honey is recommended several times a day before meals.
  2. Constipation and diabetes. Use in fresh form.
  3. Coughing. Finely chopped product in the evening you need to pour a few spoons of honey. Dedicated juice in the morning is recommended for taking a teaspoon several times a day.
  4. Strengthen your hair. Onion juice is recommended to rub into the roots.
  5. Removal of warts and removal of blackheads. A cotton swab dipped in onion juice requires wiping out the affected areas.

Chopping onion as an element of garden decor

Thanks to the original globular inflorescences (lilac, violet and pink), slightly rising above the emerald-green leaves, the onion is often used as an ornamental plant. It looks spectacular among the stunted flowers, along the garden paths and along the perimeter of the lawns. Cut off inflorescences practically do not change coloring, that's why they are often used for making winter compositions.

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