HealthDiseases and Conditions

Discharge from the navel is a serious reason to see a doctor

The navel is a part of the body that many people do not pay attention to and perceive it as a reminder of intrauterine life. And if everyone knows how to cure cough, diarrhea, gastritis, high blood pressure, then the separation from the navel of many "home" doctors puts a dead end. Let's figure out what this phenomenon may be related to.

In the process of childbirth, the umbilical cord is excised, in connection with which, the navel in the first months of life requires close attention. The main condition for rapid wound healing is dryness and cleanliness. Bubbles should be processed twice a day, which consists in the following: a cotton ball moistened with hydrogen peroxide, all the excretions from the navel, crusts and suppuration are removed. Then the wound is smeared with an antiseptic solution based on alcohol. Such hygienic procedures are carried out until the wound is clean, it will not have crusts, and a drop of hydrogen peroxide will not foam. In some children, the wound heals within 14 days, while others need more.

To speed up the healing of the umbilical wound will help the following procedures:

  • Often keep the baby naked;
  • Make sure that the umbilical wound is always dry;
  • Disposable diapers should not interfere with the free movement of air;
  • While the wound has not healed, it is desirable to iron the underwear.

Do not think that bathing can provoke excretion from the navel, just in the process it is worth sticking to the simple recommendations of pediatricians. While the umbilical ring does not heal, this procedure should be carried out in a baby bath with the addition of a solution of potassium permanganate. In the bathing water should be poured already ready-made solution.

If the skin around the navel flushed, he is constantly in a wet condition - this is an occasion to consult a doctor. Only a specialist will be able to determine the cause of these phenomena: infection of the wound, umbilical hernia, fistula.

Fistula of the navel distinguish between full and incomplete. With a complete fistula through the umbilical ring, a secretion of the ileum secretion occurs . This condition is typical for children with an abnormally thick umbilical cord, which prevents the compression of the umbilical ring. This umbilical wound does not overgrow, there is a hole in its center through which liquid is released from the navel. Treatment of a complete fistula is to perform a surgical excision. Incomplete fistula is characterized by a long period of excretion from the navel, in connection with which, pediatricians can diagnose "duckling navel". Parents should be alerted if the discharge is purulent. In this case, you can not do without a surgeon's advice. Treatment of an incomplete fistula consists in drying the wound with manganese or hydrogen peroxide, applying bandages with chlorophyllite. If these measures do not bring an effect, a surgical operation is performed.

Fistula does not necessarily manifest itself in childhood, sometimes an adult can notice the discharge from the navel. If it is associated with the excretion of the yolk-intestinal duct, the discharge is similar to mucus or intestinal contents. If the cause of the fistula is the non-spread of the urinary duct, urine is excreted from the umbilical fistula. Treatment consists in conducting an operative intervention, which is preceded by a series of studies aimed at clarifying the causes of excretion from the navel.

For a dandling navel, which can occur at any age, doctors have the name omphalitis. This condition is characterized by the absence of pain, the only thing that worries the patient - redness around the navel and purulent discharge from it. Most often they have an unpleasant odor. Treatment consists in getting rid of excess fluid by draining, applying aseptic and drying dressings.

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