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Ebola virus in Egypt. How is the Ebola virus transmitted?

The Ebola virus causes a highly contagious disease. In another way it is called the Ebola fever. In 96% of cases, the people who fell ill die. For the first time the disease was discovered in 1976 in the basin of the Zaire River Ebola. Actually, from this geographical object there was a name of a terrible disease. Since the first case of the disease was registered, more than a thousand people were carried away.

Infection with the Ebola virus

In the equatorial forests , natural sources of this disease were first discovered. Among the vectors are sick people, bats that feed on fruits of fruit trees, and monkeys. Among the known five varieties of the virus, four are deadly to the human body. Infection occurs in two ways:

● through damaged skin;

● through mucous membranes.

Once in the human body, the Ebola virus multiplies very fast. The course is characterized by the same symptoms as hemorrhagic fever. A feature of the Ebola virus is the high rate of development of clinical symptoms. Dehydration of the body takes place very quickly. Soon there are various bleedings. Maximum they appear in a week.

Ebola virus. Symptoms

Signs of the disease is a general intoxication of the body and a violation of the blood coagulability system. Within forty-eight hours and up to three weeks, the disease caused by such a dangerous Ebola virus can proceed without any noticeable signs. Symptoms that will be his first signs are a sore throat, a disorder of the stool, accompanied by a pain in the abdomen. Also for this disease are characterized by muscular pain and painful sensations throughout the body. At the next stage, there is a cough and pain in the chest due to the defeat of the upper respiratory tract virus. Because of the impact on the body of all these symptoms, a person has a shock state, which is the main cause of death. Unfortunately, at present there is no vaccine for this type of virus . Scientists only know the antigens that exist in the human body.

Diagnosis and treatment of Ebola virus

Ebola virus is excreted from human saliva, urine and blood. At present, there are special laboratory tests that can reveal its presence in the blood of a person. Specific methods of treatment of this disease does not exist. People with Ebola fever need intensive care. Symptomatic therapy is engaged in carrying out measures to prevent patients from shock and intoxication of the body. Studies of the conducted measures indicate that such measures are effective only in 10%. For the remaining 90% of the sick, unfortunately, the Ebola virus becomes the cause of death. Photos of those affected by the fever simply terrify. To date, there are several cases where patients managed to be cured with the help of infusion of plasma by people who managed to completely cure this disease.

Measures to prevent the spread of the Ebola virus

Usually, people isolated from the departments of infectious hospitals who have Ebola virus. Photos of those who fell ill from isolation are shocking. There they are placed in special boxes, which are equipped with a one-sided exhaust system. During the various manipulations, medical personnel use disposable instruments and necessarily wears an antiplague suit. For preventive purposes, the introduction of a specific immunoglobulin, the effect of which lasts for twelve days. People who came in contact with the ill Ebola virus are also exposed to isolation in boxes for a period of twenty days. They are informed in detail about how the Ebola virus is transmitted.

Where the cases of Ebola virus infection are registered

Currently, many are concerned about the question of which countries the disease is officially registered. If we consider where the Ebola virus was found on the map, then most cases are noted in West Africa. On 6-7 August this year, a meeting of the Committee on Emergencies of the World Health Organization was held in Geneva. As a result, they came to the conclusion that at present the disease is the most serious threat to humanity. Fortunately, Ebola virus in Egypt is not registered. Luckily - because in this country there are many tourists from different countries who can become carriers of the virus.

In the course of the work the experts came to a common opinion about the current situation in the world at the moment. They argue that the virus is very aggressive to the human body. Unfortunately, no means have been invented that could be used for preventive purposes against this terrible disease. It is important that people know the exact information about how the Ebola virus is transmitted so that it can prevent its spread. The conclusions that the experts made on the basis of the data currently available on this issue are not very comforting. This is justified by the fact that the Ebola virus has a harmful effect on the entire human body. There are no methods of protection against it.

In which countries is the Ebola virus

The situation in the regions where the virus attacked a huge number of people is especially terrible. At the moment, the number of regions where the Ebola fever (virus) is officially registered is increasing. The countries of Guinea, Mali, Nigeria, Liberia, Sierra Lyon are among the most dangerous places. According to the latest data, cases of infection have already been officially marked in Canada and the United States. Ebola virus in Egypt, according to official data, was not found.

Between February and August of this year, 1711 people infected with Ebola fever were identified. Unfortunately, 932 of them died. Many people are wondering if there is an Ebola virus in Egypt. At the moment there is no official confirmation of cases of infection.

The doctor Craig Alan Spencer has caught a virus in Guinea

In New York, Craig's doctor Alan Spencer was hospitalized. He recently returned home from Guinea. Unfortunately, according to the results of his analyzes, it was concluded that he contracted the Ebola virus. After the doctor confirmed the disease, the police took serious measures to exclude the further spread of fever. She completely encircled the quarter where Craig Alan Spencer lived. Until now, cases of infection with Ebola fever were officially recorded only through direct contact. A deadly virus was transmitted through fluids from the human body, for example blood and others. After the registration of this case, suggestions were made that the disease can be transmitted by airborne droplets. Quite detailed information on this issue was presented by David Sanders.

Studies of the Ebola virus in the works of Professor David Sanders

He is a doctor and a professor of biological sciences. In his opinion, the probability of spreading the virus by this method is becoming more real. The professor, together with the University of Iowa, conducted a study. The results of this work fully confirmed the possibility of getting the virus into the lungs through the airways. But nevertheless, the scientist noted: there is no official evidence that at present the fever is spreading precisely in this way. It is known that for the spread of the virus by this method it is necessary to simultaneously observe several conditions. To prevent such situations, it is necessary to stop the spread of the virus in Africa as soon as possible. Ebola virus in Egypt, as already mentioned above, is not found, although there are already rumors about the spread of this disease in the country.

American media about the virus

The nature of reports about the fever in the American media has changed significantly after the first patient infected with the Ebola virus died in the United States. After discussing this topic, a new problem emerged: people began to have a strong fear and panic about Ebola fever. Despite the fact that only one person died, the tension in the society is growing more and more. People are concerned about the countries in which the Ebola virus is officially confirmed and which regions are dangerous. In order to somehow balance the situation, the media provided specific information on this issue. Additionally, a direct line is organized where special experts answer all questions of people's interest. The doctors promised that they would take responsibility to stop the virus, and journalists gave the floor to help people cope with fear and panic.

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