Food and drinkCoffee

We start the morning with coffee together with vashkofemem

Coffee is a drink that is made from pre-roasted grains of a pair (rather than one, as they usually think) of plant types that are attributed to the genus Coffea. In the XIV century coffee plants grew mainly in Ethiopia and had a wild growth pattern. After some time, the "tree of coffee" was brought to the territory of the Arabian Peninsula by travelers. And already the XVI century is significant for the wide spread of this drink in the Ottoman Empire. Legend has it that in the 17th century Muslim pilgrims secretly exported coffee beans to the countries of South India, and from there, after 20 years, merchants from Holland exported coffee to Sumatra and Java. So came the end of the Arab monopoly on the cultivation of coffee beans.

Today the world knows a huge number of types of coffee and its varieties. Coffee is drunk by everyone: both old and young, as they say. The coffee blog will become your personal guide to the world of this enchanting drink. A huge number of videos, recipes, tips and just great articles on coffee - you can easily find it there.

By clicking on the link you can learn a lot. For example, about coffee varieties. Let's talk a little bit about the grades of grains now.

Only three grades of coffee grains can be found on our planet:

  • Variety of Arabica. Coffee arabica is grown most of all, since time immemorial. His share among all coffee in the world is more than half of the total production volume. It is mainly grown in African countries;
  • Grade number two is Robusta. Inferior in volume to the variety "Arabica", but is not the smallest. The variety is considered more economical, since it is less susceptible to disease. And the caffeine in the grains of this variety is an order of magnitude larger;
  • The latter grade is a variety of "Kona". It is considered the rarest, it can only be found in Hawaii. "Kona" is the most expensive and most concentrated in terms of caffeine variety.

What about the types of coffee as a drink?

Under espresso is meant black, strong enough coffee, which is boiled with the help of a coffee machine. The basis of taste is the espresso-balance of sour bitter, and also the feeling of some freshness along with the finished taste. For a standard portion of this coffee, as a rule, not more than 37 ml.

Americano Can be called a subspecies of espresso, since it is only its diluted analogue. Americano is prepared with the help of a special coffee maker. Enjoy the taste of more help the volume in which this type is served, it is about 150 ml.

Closes the "three" view of "Cappuccino". This coffee is usually served with hot milk foam. Cappuccino is rightfully considered the most popular drink in various coffee shops. In a normal serving, 150 ml.

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