HealthSupplements and vitamins

Omega-3: why is it useful? Omega-3 fatty acids: what is useful, the properties in which products are contained

Fashion for a healthy lifestyle is very good, but do not be too zealous. For example, chasing pharmacies for all possible vitamins. Especially often in the past few years, the so-called Omega-3, -6, -9 are mentioned. Are they all so necessary for our body, like Omega-3? Why is it useful to take fatty acids and to whom?

What are unsaturated fatty acids?

We all know that foods contain three main categories of nutrients: proteins, fats and carbohydrates. But not everyone knows what they are useful or harmful. Proteins and carbohydrates are the building blocks of most cells in our body, which makes them vitally important. But we perceive fats as something completely unnecessary and even harmful (excess weight, atherosclerosis, etc.) for beauty and health. But why then do doctors recommend such drugs as fish oil or Omega-3? Their price is low, and we often neglect them.

First of all, because fats are the energy reserve of our body. The number of them in the diet of a healthy person should be at least 40%. And besides, they are a nutrient medium for cells, on their basis many compounds are synthesized, which are necessary for the normal operation of all organs and systems.

But the effect on the body of fats are very different. The surplus of saturated fatty acids contained in food of animal origin leads to cardiovascular diseases and obesity, and their lack - to dryness of hair and skin, lethargy and general irritability, depression.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids, such as Omega-3, Omega-6 and -9, are irreplaceable for our health. They are involved in most chemical processes in the body. But the most valuable, as well as the most missing, are considered to be the acids Omega-3. For which it is useful to use them - the best known to pregnant women and young mothers.

What is the benefit of Omega-3?

Polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3 most affect the functioning of such functions and systems of our body:

  • The cardiovascular system. A sufficient amount of this substance provides a normal level of cholesterol in the blood, that is, lowers the level of "bad" that is deposited on the walls of the vessels. Also, the use of omega-3 in the treatment of cardiac problems reduces the risk of blood clots, makes the vessels more durable and elastic.
  • Musculoskeletal system. Unsaturated fatty acids Omega-3, Omega-6 contribute to better absorption of calcium, thereby strengthening bone tissue, protecting against osteoporosis. Omega-3 also protects joints, makes them more mobile, that is, prevents arthritis and its varieties.
  • Nervous system. With prolonged deficiency of Omega-3 in the human diet, communication between nerve cells of the brain is disrupted, which triggers the development of diseases such as chronic fatigue, depression, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and some others.
  • Skin, hair, nails are the first to reflect the lack of Omega-3. Why is it useful to take this vitamin in capsules? So you can most quickly get an external effect: the hair ceases to separate, it becomes smooth and shiny, the pimples disappear on the face, and the nails become firm and smooth.
  • Many oncologists say that a deficiency of omega-3 can cause breast, prostate and colon cancer.

Omega-3 for pregnant women and children

The most necessary polyunsaturated fatty acids for women in the period of vynashivaniya and feeding the child. During pregnancy, they actively participate in the formation of the brain and peripheral nervous system of the baby, therefore the female body gives the child about 2 grams of Omega-3 daily. Capsules with natural fish oil or synthesized acid in this case will be very effective, since it is problematic to ensure the intake of the necessary amount of vitamins with food, especially with toxicosis.

If you do not provide a pregnant woman with the necessary norm of Omega-3, then there may be a threat of late toxicosis, premature birth and depression.

Signs of deficiency of omega-3 fatty acids

The most obvious sign of deficiency of polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3 is the deterioration of the skin of hair and nails. Hair becomes dull and dry, with split ends and dandruff. Acne on the face, rashes and peeling on the skin can also talk about the lack of this acid in the body. Nails begin to separate and break, become dull and rough.

Other symptoms include depressive condition, constipation, joint pain, hypertension.

Daily rate

When determining the daily intake of Omega-3 (capsules it will be or consumption with food - it does not matter), it must be remembered that these acids are not synthesized by the body, accordingly, we must constantly receive the whole stock from the outside. Every day a healthy person should receive from 1 to 2.5 grams of polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3 and from 4 to 8 grams of Omega-6.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding a child's need for Omega-3 increases to 4-5 grams per day. In addition, the recommended dose of preparations based on Omega-3 (instructions for use should be studied necessarily) increases in the following cases:

  • In the cold season;
  • With cardiovascular diseases (hypertension, atherosclerosis);
  • With psychological depression, depression;
  • In the treatment of cancer.

In summer and under reduced arterial pressure, it is recommended to limit oneself to products containing Omega-3.

Products with a high content of Omega-3

There are three main categories of products that contain the maximum amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids. These are vegetable oils, fish and nuts. Of course, Omega-3 is also found in other foods, but in much smaller quantities. More details on the content of polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3 in 100 grams of products available to us will tell the table.

Fish fat 99
Flax seeds 18
Cod liver 15
Rapeseed oil 10.5
Olive oil 9
Walnuts 7th
Mackerel 5
Tuna, herring 3
Trout, salmon 2.5
Halibut 1.8
Soybean 1.5

Very much the maintenance of useful and nutritious substances in those or other products depends on a way of their cultivation, preparation and the use. For example, when you salted or smoked fish, its entire supply of Omega-3 is lost, but canning in oil preserves fatty acids.

Therefore it is very important to follow not only the diet, but also the correctness of cooking.

Omega-3: instructions for use

If you still decide to fill the deficit of fatty acids in the body with the help of chemist's drugs, it is best to consult your doctor and read the instructions for the recommended remedy.

The standard way of using all medications containing Omega-3 (the price depends on the quality of raw materials and starts from the mark of 120 rubles per package), involves two options - treatment and prevention.

If there is a deficiency of these fatty acids in the body, the drug should be taken 2-3 capsules a day after meals for a month. The doctor's recommendation may differ from the dosages prescribed in the instructions, depending on the patient's condition.

For prevention, the whole family can take a drug with Omega-3 in the cold season, for which it is useful for children over 12 years old and adults to take 1 capsule per day for three months. A child of a younger age should be prescribed a pediatrician.


With caution and under the supervision of a doctor should take medications with Omega-3 people with kidney, liver and stomach, as well as in old age.

Such preparations are not recommended:

  • When allergic to fish oil;
  • With renal insufficiency and stones in the bile or bladder;
  • During the active form of tuberculosis;
  • At diseases of a thyroid gland.

How to use fatty acids?

Of course, the maximum of useful substances and vitamins is found in fresh products or subjected to minimal treatment. The same applies to products with a high content of Omega-3, for which it is useful to observe the following rules:

  • Vegetable oils used in salads, as during frying, most of the fatty acids will be destroyed. By the way, keep the oil away from the sun - in bottles of dark glass.
  • Flax seeds are also better to be added unprocessed to salads or as seasoning in ready-made meals.
  • Fish should be chosen raw, not frozen.
  • Having eaten 5-10 kernels of walnuts, you will ensure a daily rate of Omega-3.

Remember that quality and healthy foods are able to fully provide us with polyunsaturated fatty acids. With a properly designed diet, no additional drugs are required.

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