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Lack of magnesium in the body: symptoms and signs. What if there is not enough magnesium in the body?

Magnesium is one of the important macroelements in the human body. He participates in the most important physiological processes. A sufficient amount of this macronutrient provides good health. Lack of magnesium in the body, symptoms Which we list below, leads to the development of a variety of diseases. According to WHO, about 65% of the world's population suffers from its deficiency.


Magnesium is responsible for the transport of calcium and sodium ions at the cellular level, it independently controls the state of the cell membrane. Due to the movement of its ions, a nerve impulse appears. As soon as there is a lack of magnesium in the body, the symptoms do not make you wait.

The macronutrient helps the body cope with stressful situations, reduces the risk of the appearance and development of exciting processes in the central nervous system. Thanks to magnesium, people can not notice sudden changes in the weather. Any reactions associated with the formation, accumulation, transfer and expenditure of energy occur with his direct participation. Magnesium regulates the removal of free radicals and oxidation products from the body.

Daily requirement

The macronutrient content in the body does not exceed 20 g, it is concentrated in the bone tissue (mostly). For normal functioning, the body is enough from 280 to 320 mg per day. Pregnant women need up to 350-380 mg per day. In athletes, the daily norm of magnesium is 430-450 mg. In fact, you do not need much to feel good.

Lack of magnesium in the body: symptoms

The following unpleasant sensations can arise from time to time even in a healthy person for a variety of reasons. Undoubtedly, if this happens rarely, then do not immediately seek medical help. When the symptoms recur frequently and become chronic, it makes sense to visit a doctor who will prescribe the necessary examination. The main signs of a lack of magnesium in the body May seem insignificant, but do not ignore them. It:

  • Feeling of constant fatigue. Dissipation, difficulties in the perception of information.
  • Spasms, tingling in the legs and hands. Often there is a feeling that the limbs are stiff.
  • Dizziness and loss of balance without special reasons.
  • Alopecia, weak nails and the appearance of caries.
  • The nervous tics of the lower eyelids.
  • Frequent insomnia, nightmares.
  • Feeling tired, even if the dream lasted 7-8 hours.
  • Flickering dots before the eyes, misting.
  • Fussiness, an attempt to do everything at once.
  • Spasms of the stomach, ending with diarrhea.
  • Depressive state.
  • Sensitivity to the change of weather, which is expressed in the aches in the joints, gum disease and teeth.

How to make sure the lack of magnesium

Agree that many of these symptoms can be attributed to the characteristics of a person's character (fussy, unorganized, does not know how to get things done) or to regard them as signs of various diseases. It turns out that the whole thing is the lack of a macroelement. The signs of magnesium deficiency in the body should be paid attention if you noted several symptoms at the same time.

A clinical blood test can reveal a deficiency of a macronutrient in only 10-12% of patients. In most cases, when there is not enough magnesium in the blood, it comes into it from the bones. But at the same time, a lack of a macroelement is formed in the latter. There is an easy way to diagnose: try to stretch or strain the muscles. If at the same time you feel pain in the ankles, then the symptoms of magnesium deficiency in the body Appeared not accidentally. It is necessary to consult a specialist.

What explains the poor state of health

So the organism is arranged, that we start to feel tired only after performing physical or mental work. Night sleep allows all organs and muscles to relax, metabolic processes are being adjusted. Early in the morning, about 6 hours, the adrenal glands begin active work on the production of hormones that "charge" the body and allow you to keep a wonderful state of health before the evening. If there is not enough magnesium in the body, the failure occurs, and activity manifests itself in the evening, and in the morning you feel broken.

As for the problems with the nervous system (sleep disturbance, spasms, tics and twitching), they arise due to ion exchange disorders. If the macro is not enough, this process is disrupted.

Even the appearance of early wrinkles, scientists are increasingly associated with the lack of magnesium. The macronutrient is directly involved in the synthesis of collagen, the main component of healthy skin, joints and tendons. Premature aging, which modern people are trying to fight by different methods, you can win if you exclude the deficiency of magnesium in the body. Moreover, the macroelement is merciless to free radicals, which appear as a result of metabolic processes in the body. The structure of connective tissue directly depends on the presence of magnesium.

Than the deficit of a macronutrient for pregnant women is dangerous

Many processes that take place in the uterus are carried out with the direct participation of calcium, the exchange of which is impossible with a lack of magnesium. In the worst cases, the risk of abortion increases, which is especially dangerous in the second and third trimesters. Pregnant women also show a lack of magnesium in the body. Symptoms Can be expressed in the appearance of edema or in excessive nervous excitability, tearfulness. If as a result of a lack of magnesium there is a muscle tone, then this can become a threat to full-fledged babies. In addition, there is vomiting, dizziness, caviar cramps.

The lack of a macroelement arises due to the non-permanent intake of it in the body of a pregnant woman. Doctors must prescribe additional drugs to exclude magnesium deficiency. With hypertension and late toxicosis, the excretion of a macroelement can be triggered. This problem is also solved by the appointment of medications.

Why there is a lack of magnesium

Any person is familiar with a feeling of excitement when the body experiences a strong nervous tension. We can survive on the slightest occasion, without knowing that at this moment the body develops "stress hormones", in the synthesis of which an important role is played by magnesium. Nervous stress, for its part, requires a lot of energy. And again, magnesium "works" here, supporting the optimal energy balance in the body. It is necessary to ensure a constant supply of a macro-element, otherwise there will be a deficit. In this case, there are signs of a lack of magnesium in the body.

A similar problem is often faced by children who go to school, are engaged in sports sections. The load can be overwhelming. Children develop apathy, lose interest in learning, complain of headache and fatigue, and reduce the ability to concentrate attention.

The problem of magnesium deficiency is also typical for athletes. With enhanced training with a certain number of macronutrients goes out. Magnesium is also consumed with active muscle work. The lack of magnesium in the body also occurs during pregnancy and in the lactation period, with the use of certain medications and contraceptives, with the enthusiasm for mono-diets.

Today, there is much talk about the dangers of eating fast food. It is impossible not to mention it even now. Rapid saturation, the receipt of a large number of calories - the main problem of modern nutrition, when people increasingly prefer food that has been cleaned of impurities, forgetting that the body loses valuable elements. When heat treatment is lost from 50 to 80% of magnesium. Full nutrition is one of the ways to solve the problem.

Consequences of prolonged magnesium deficiency

  • There are problems with the cardiovascular system, there is hypotension and hypertension, disturbing frequent dizziness.
  • Since magnesium closely interacts with calcium, its lack leads to the fact that "free" calcium is simply deposited in small vessels.
  • In childhood, the lack of a macronutrient can cause a backlog in growth and development.
  • Neuropsychiatric diseases arise, the risk of depressions, nervousness, irritability, seizures and convulsions increases.
  • Asthma may occur.
  • There is no normal sexual desire. There are cases of infertility diagnosis.
  • In soft tissues, seals may appear, where later cancerous tumors occur.
  • Syndrome of sudden child death.
  • Diabetes of the second type.
  • Frequent respiratory diseases.

However, you should not allow excessive consumption of magnesium. The organism seeks to get rid of the excess amount of the macroelement. There is diarrhea, during which not only magnesium, but also many useful substances are excreted. It is best to use it in combination with calcium - so there will not be an overdose, and the well-being will quickly improve.

Full nutrition - source of macroelements

What we eat depends on our well-being. Magnesium is a part of green vegetables, salads, is present in dill, parsley, celery and cilantro. Add to the diet foods rich in it and enjoy a delicious and healthy food. A macronutrient is present in nuts and groats, vegetables and fruits in different amounts. If there are signs of a lack of magnesium in the body, Read the list of useful products. Include them in the daily menu (the amount in mg / per 100 g is indicated in parentheses).

It is useful to use nuts: sesame (530), almonds (270), cashews (268), hazelnuts (183), peanuts (176), walnuts (125). Add wheat bran (480), buckwheat (224), millet (159), wheat (155) to the ration. Dried fruits are rich not only in potassium, they also contain useful magnesium: dried coconuts (90), dried apricots (65), dates (55), prunes (35), raisins (35). There is a macronutrient in potatoes (33), beets (20), carrots (22), cauliflower and broccoli (24 each). There is it in beef and chicken meat, fruits and greens.

The use of vitamin preparations

As you can see, most of the products that we eat every day contain this macronutrient. So why is there a shortage of magnesium in the body, the symptoms of which cause a lot of unpleasant sensations?

The thing is that in recent years there has been a rapid development of agriculture, and a lot of chemicals have been used. All this poisons and impoverishes the soil. According to different data, over the past decades the content of nutrients in vegetables and fruits has decreased by 15-20 times. In addition, useful substances from products are not fully absorbed by the body. Hence, there is a lack of macro- and microelements even with a full-fledged diet. It turns out that the intake of additional drugs is mandatory. In the case of magnesium deficiency, choose complexes that also contain calcium, which will ensure the full assimilation of both elements. Pharmacists offer drugs where magnesium combines with calcium, which ensures good health. These are "Calcium Magnesium Helate", "Calcimax", vitamins containing both these elements.

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