HealthSupplements and vitamins

Vitamins "Calcium Compliments": reviews and recommendations

We all know that calcium plays a very important role in our body: it participates in the construction of bones and teeth, hair and nails, as well as in the process of blood clotting, maintenance of cardiac activity and transmission of nerve impulses. Some symptoms of a lack of this chemical element are invisible, but for the deterioration of the condition of the nails or hair it is easy to understand that it's time to add calcium to the diet. As a vitamin supplement, "Calcium Compliments" can be made, and reviews are mostly positive.

The composition of the vitamin complex

Calcium is absorbed in the body only when used together with vitamin D, which naturally can only be obtained by sunbathing in the sun. In the autumn, winter and spring, the sun does not pamper us often, so you should pay attention to the vitamins "Compliwit calcium D3". Their basic composition includes calcium carbonate and colcalciferol, that is vitamin D3. In addition to these ingredients, there are also auxiliary substances, some of which can cause allergies. Therefore, before using even a harmless drug such as vitamins, you should consult your doctor.

Action complex "Calcium Compliments": user reviews

These vitamins are usually prescribed for the treatment of osteoporosis, calcium deficiency and vitamin D3, as well as for their prevention. There are several categories of people who are also recommended for the course of this drug:

  • Pregnant and lactating women;
  • Children in the period of active growth;
  • Persons consuming insufficient dairy products;
  • Women over 40 years (at this age, calcium is washed out of bones).

Many people who have a choice among such drugs, choose "Calcium Compliments". Reviews about it are rarely neutral, when people do not see the result, and often positive. For example, the improvement in the condition of the nails is noticeable after 2-3 weeks of daily intake of these vitamins, while the pregnant women stop losing their hair. The drug helps to strengthen the enamel of the teeth, is an excellent tool in complex therapy for raising immunity.

The form of the release of vitamins "Calcium Compliments"

In most of our pharmacies you will find "Complymium Calcium D3" in the form of tablets in packs of 30 or 100 pieces produced by Pharmstandard-Ufavit. They are stored in a convenient jar, which can be easily opened, closed and placed in a small handbag. Tablets are quite large, so they can be chewed before swallowing, they have unobtrusive orange or mint flavor. In this form, vitamins are allowed to be used by children from 3 years of age. What can give babies, the growing body of which often suffers from a lack of calcium? Especially for children from birth, powder is produced for the preparation of a suspension. Even the smallest patients will be able to drink a small amount of syrup, pleasant to the taste.

Those who have not bought these vitamins, certainly interested in the question of how much it costs "Calcium Compliments." The drug is quite available: a package of 30 tablets costs 110-150 rubles, a suspension of about 180 rubles. Agree, this is a small amount for a month of application of "Calcium Compliments". Reviews confirm: these vitamins are cheaper than their counterparts, and the result is not worse than taking expensive medications.

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