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Occupation astronaut: description for children, information about the cosmonaut profession. What superstitions are associated with the profession of an astronaut?

In our world there are many different professions. Some of them are fascinating, others are complicated, and there are also romantic ones. Each of them is in its own way useful and necessary for people.

But there is one profession that combines all of the above. It is fascinating and romantic, but at the same time very complex. This profession is an astronaut. The greatest danger is associated with it, but at the same time it is the most tempting and interesting. In order to determine exactly whether you can become a real astronaut, you need to learn as much as possible about this heroic profession.

The cosmonaut's profession is the dream of every child

It is difficult to find an adult who in his childhood did not dream of being in space. Years have passed, but now every modern child thinks about the cosmonaut's profession at least once in his life. Very often you can find school essays on the topic "My future profession is an astronaut". In them, children describe their dreams after school. However, despite such popularity among the younger generation, this profession remains among the rarest in the world due to the highest requirements for each candidate. That's why, if you decided to stop your choice on this specialty, you should begin to get acquainted with the cosmonaut's profession From what it includes. You also need to know what the requirements are for the future space pilot, because you have to start working on yourself already at school.

Profession history

This profession is quite young. Only in the last century people could not even dream of approaching the stars, and today this task is successfully being solved by real professionals.

April 12, 1961 was the first space flight with the first cosmonaut on board - Yuri Gagarin. A ship called "Vostok" started off from Baikonur, and from that very moment a heroic profession, the cosmonaut, About which almost all children dream. This name is officially assigned to this specialty all over the world, and only in the USA the representatives of the profession are called astronauts.

The first pilots had to solve only one task - to fly. However, over time, as space systems were being perfected, the cosmonaut profession already meant much more. The requirements are increasing, which means that there are a lot of professionals on board the space ship: engineers, researchers, doctors and many other people, united by a common goal - to master new expanses of the Universe.

Occupation astronaut. Description for children

An astronaut is a person who must solve many problems on board a ship. His duties include the management of airborne systems, as well as equipment for scientific research. In addition, he must be able to read the readings of all instruments on board and monitor the mode of operation of all equipment and engine of the vessel.

Much still implies the profession of "astronaut." The description for children should include all requirements for a future pilot. Among them, the main thing is to be able to make decisions in unexpected situations. When a ship sails in space, everything is possible.

For example, the equipment that will start to give incorrect information may break down. Not always the arising problem can be solved with the help of the Earth. The cosmonaut should be able to keep cool in any situation and quickly make decisions to eliminate each problem that arises. This is why panic-strikers do not have space on a space ship.

The main specialties of cosmonauts

Today, when a person goes further in his studies of the universe, information about the profession of an astronaut Becomes more extensive. It no longer implies only the ability to control a spacecraft. If at the initial stage the cosmonauts were professional pilots, at the present stage many other profiles enter this profession. Now three main specialties of cosmonauts are singled out.

  • Test cosmonaut, who is a pilot of the ship. His duties include piloting a spacecraft, taking off and landing. He must also coordinate the work of each system and any action of the crew. As a rule, military pilots become test cosmonauts.

  • Astronaut engineer. He is the person who is responsible for the correct operation of the entire technical system of the aircraft, coordinates all training before and after the flight, and also takes part in the development and testing of the newest technical systems. Information about the profession of an astronaut will be incomplete without mentioning the engineer, because it is him who is responsible for carrying out any repairs during a space trip.

  • A cosmonaut-researcher who must necessarily have a medical education. He is responsible for the health of each member of the crew. In addition, he puts various experiments and conducts studies of the behavior of living organisms in conditions of weightlessness. Long space expeditions are impossible without the participation of researchers.

Thus, not only the ability of the pilot means this profession. The astronaut must be able and know a lot. Description Of this work Includes a lot of different specialties, each of which performs the most important task in the accomplishment of space travel.

What are the requirements for the future cosmonaut

If you decide that after school you will become an astronaut, you need to know that the highest demands are placed on this profession. That's why it is the rarest in the world.

So, if the cosmonaut profession is your firm choice, you must first carefully monitor your physical condition. Strong, almost perfect health is the main requirement for a future candidate. You should not have any chronic diseases and bad habits. In addition, you must have perfect vision. The cosmonaut's health should be excellent also because you can not find a hospital in space. That is why future pilots must necessarily own the basics of medical care in various situations.

In addition to physical health, high demands are also placed on mental health. The future cosmonaut should be able to keep a sober head and not give in to panic in any situation. In addition, he should not be subject to various depressions and bouts of longing. After all, not everyone can be so far from home indefinitely.

In addition to perfect physical and mental health, another major requirement for a future cosmonaut is fluency in English. It is on him that they communicate at the International Space Station, which was created by the efforts of many countries. On it constantly there are cosmonauts from different corners of the world, periodically replacing each other.

In addition, you must have a higher education in any technical, medical or military specialty, in which you understand best. After all, in space it is necessary to conduct a lot of scientific experiments, so there are no need for singers, artists and representatives of other creative professions.

How to become an astronaut

In the suburbs is located Star City, where there is a special training center for astronauts. If you have excellent health, high achievement and education in the required profiles, you can apply here even during the period of study at the university.

The first stage of selection is on the given questionnaires, of which 350 people are selected. They pass credits in such subjects as physics, mathematics and the Russian language. Then a strict medical commission awaits them. After this stage, the number of candidates is reduced to 50. The latest selection is already taking place at the Cosmonaut Training Center, where it is checked whether a person can withstand various complex tests.

For example, a candidate for astronauts can be locked in an absolutely closed space, where there is complete silence, and there is no one other than himself. The term of such imprisonment is 5 days, during which the subject is carefully observed, noting the slightest changes in his behavior. After such difficult tests there are only eight lucky people who are enrolled in the detachment of future cosmonauts. However, this does not mean that a flight to space will soon take place. Usually prepare for such an event 5-10 years, during which constantly learn to pass a variety of tests.

During take-off, the crew of the spacecraft experiences the strongest congestion, and in space itself is in a state of weightlessness. In order to be ready for all these tests, future cosmonauts learn so many years before making their first flight. Their classes take place in special educational classes and gyms. They jump with a parachute, spend a lot of time flying and learn to tolerate any heat and cold, be adapted to conditions of overload and weightlessness. Therefore, those who decided to choose for themselves this heroic profession, you need to be ready to overcome many obstacles and hard work.

Superstitions of astronauts

Despite the fact that astronautics is an area in which the precision of science and the latest technologies prevail, there are a lot of superstitions and various rituals associated with it. If you are going to choose this work, you should definitely know what superstitions are associated with the profession of an astronaut.

Some of them originate from the days of the origin of this work. For example, Sergey Korolev, the first general designer, considered Monday an unfortunate day for the start. The tradition of postponing the date of departure came to our times. Also, the launch of the ship is never scheduled for October 24 - the day with which two tragedies are associated. In 1960, an experimental rocket exploded on that day, which brought numerous casualties, and three years later a fire occurred in one of the mines with a missile. After that, the date became forbidden in Russian cosmonautics.

Superstitions associated with the profession of an astronaut are also strongly associated with the name of Yuri Gagarin - the world's first cosmonaut. Before the flight, the crew must visit his office without fail, which is still preserved in the same form in which the legendary pilot left it, and inscribes his words in the visitors' book. It is mandatory to visit the memorial of Gagarin and other first cosmonauts who died while performing their duties and laying flowers - red carnations.

Arriving at Baikonur, the future crew gets into the hotel "Cosmonaut", which is a kind of symbol of representatives of this profession. In front of the building of this hotel there is an alley, the trees of which are planted with caring hands of astronauts who returned from successful expeditions. Future pilots make a walk along it, mentally asking for support from their senior colleagues.

The hotel demonstrates the session of the film "White Sun of the Desert", which every crew member should see.

Also to the number of obligatory rituals is the fact that on the day of the flight all the cosmonauts must have a haircut.

During breakfast, before take-off, they take a sip of champagne and leave their autographs on the door of the rooms in which they lived. They take the bus, decorated with horseshoes, to the song "Grass Near the House." After arriving at the launch site, each crew member repeats what Gagarin did once - irrigates the rear right wheel of the bus. Having risen aboard, the crew waves their mourners, but in return it is strictly forbidden to say goodbyes - a bad omen.

Also among the rituals, there is one such thing - to display the word "Tanya" on the launch vehicle before launching. It is believed that this name was first written by an enamored officer. According to rumors, when once forgot to write the coveted word - the rocket exploded.

All crew members have a team talisman, which is chosen by the captain of the space ship. Usually it is a small toy that bears the common name Boris. It is fastened so that it can be seen by the cameras, and ground services can understand by toy that the ship has reached a height where gravity no longer operates.

At the orbital station, astronauts are greeted with bread and salt.

After returning to Earth, the team again performs a number of rituals, including visiting the memorial and planting its own tree.

Such a number of superstitions is another answer to the question of what the cosmonaut's profession is interesting for.

Pros of the profession

When you decide on your future specialty, it is very important to carefully study all its pros and cons. As for the cosmonaut's work, of course, she has many advantages:

  • You will see what very few people have seen in the world;
  • Will take part in scientific experiments and can discover something new that will help the development of all mankind;
  • Get the opportunity to touch the future;
  • Will look like a hero in the eyes of relatives and friends;
  • See the stars with your own eyes.

All this is possible only for astronauts, no other profession will allow to see and learn so much. However, do not forget that with all the romanticism of this work, it is associated with many dangers and difficulties.

The minuses of the profession

Of course, the cosmonaut's profession for children - one of the most tempting and fascinating. However, you should always understand what disadvantages it carries with itself, and be ready for them. It:

  • Long and hard work before the first flight;
  • A large number of hazards during space travel;
  • Long separation from family and friends;
  • Harm caused to health by a long stay in weightlessness.

In addition, you should know that, regardless of the level of technological progress, it is impossible to create conditions on the Earth that completely repeat cosmic conditions. Despite this amount of training, the cosmonaut, having got into orbit, should be ready for all the difficulties that may arise.


After you have learned all the intricacies of the cosmonaut's profession, the requirements that are imposed on the candidates, the conditions in which you will have to work, your decision will be more balanced. In order for you yourself to realize how well understood all the difficulties of the work, you can write an essay "Profession - Astronaut" In which you will describe all its pluses and minuses. This will help you to see how much this work is right for you.

However, if you still decide that you want to connect your future with astronautics, start today to make steps to your dream. Start actively doing sports, learning English and physics. Read the literature on the topic and every day learn something new. Perhaps, it is you who will make the most important discoveries that will bring humanity closer to the development of new planets, and you will become that specialist whose name the profession of cosmonaut will be firmly connected with. Everything is in your hands, and it depends on you, what future will you have!

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