
Debt is ... Types of debt

Many people know that such a debt. Sticky unpleasant feeling, which hides inside and constantly reminds of monetary bondage, is hateful to all people without exception. But the meaning of the word is not limited only to the financial component. A synonym for the word "duty" is duty, duty. The concept described in the article can also be interpreted in a similar way.

Ancient times

Gradually, with the development of man as a person, in his life there were many moral aspects and manifestations. They are inherent only to him, distinguishing him from the animal world. To such aspects it is possible to carry mutual assistance, friendship, matrimonial fidelity and other. Of course, the listed qualities are also found in some other species. But it is the person who pays the greatest attention to them, since they play a significant role in his life and, in general, have beneficially influenced the course of evolution.

Later, with the development of a more or less civilized society, various aspects gradually emerged, inherent again only to man. For example, such a thing as duty, duty. So what is duty, what are its types and what is it? In this we try to answer all the questions.


Before we consider this phenomenon in detail, we will discuss the terminology. This word can be applied to a variety of situations, but they all share the same essence. According to the dictionary, duty is an obligation, according to which one person transfers money or other values to another. Obligatory is the condition of return in the future in the same or increased volume, depending on the circumstances and the expired time. The subject of a debt may be money, other material values or simply moral obligations. But first things first.

Debt is a way to get assets that the borrower does not have enough to implement any of his plans. For example, money is lent for opening a business, buying a home, and so on. But since there is always a possibility that the finances will not be returned, creditors usually put collateral conditions. For example, if the borrower becomes bankrupt, his real estate or other valuables go to pay the debt. But why, in general, to lend?


Even at the time of the communal system, wealthy people quickly realized that debt is an effective method of increasing their capital. The whole point is that lending without interest will only be close friends or relatives. And those who are engaged in this professionally, necessarily assigns a certain percentage. For example, if the borrower took a thousand rubles, then a month later he should return 1500. Such an activity is called usury. At all times she was often blamed by citizens, but nevertheless she was not banned. Often usurers deliberately appointed the borrower disadvantageous conditions, seeing his desperate situation. After all, if he does not return the money, then you can take away his property, farm, etc. So for someone, debt is a source of income. But, there are other types of it.


When you mention this word, the most often mean money obligations. But, besides them, there is also such a thing as a moral duty. In the case with him, the subject of obligations are intangible values, and the moral and social aspects that a person must follow.

Often, such debts arise by themselves. For example, caring for their old and infirm parents is the moral duty of every person, since these people at one time gave him life and cared for many years until their heir grew up and became independent. Of course, unlike money, you can not forcefully enforce a moral obligation. Everything is built only on the moral aspects of man and his conscience. And often there is one who does not want to follow them. As you can see, we have analyzed the meaning of the word "debt". So now we know what it is.

Military and state

In some countries, including Russia, there is universal military service. Its meaning is that every adult resident of the male country is required to serve in the army, to learn the basics of military craft or to receive a specialty in order to defend his state in case of war. This is called military duty. And for avoiding it without objective reasons, a person faces criminal liability.

In the process of development and formation of any state, there may be times when the internal budget may not suffice for certain purposes. And then it can take a loan from another country. This duty is called state debt.

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