
Numbness of fingers: causes and effects

If you increasingly feel that your hands stop listening to you, your fingers flex through the force, you have a feeling of tingling in your limbs and hands, most likely, your fingers become numb (paresthesia).

As a rule, the feeling of tingling in the limbs is the result of the nerve being held for a short time. It is eliminated by changing the position of the body, in particular, you need to turn your arm or leg to the other side. This phenomenon usually occurs in the elderly, in whom numbness of the fingers is associated with changes in the cardiovascular system, which entail a disturbance of the function of the nerves. Therefore, after infringement they can not recover as quickly as before.

The causes of numbness of the fingers are as follows:

  • Repetitive monotonous movements (most often paresthesia is caused by professional employment of a person: carpenter, seamstress, painter).
  • Separately, let's say about working at the computer. In recent decades, numbness in the fingers began to develop in people who spend a long time at the computer, during which time the hands are in a forced position for a long time. This leads to the squeezing of the vessels feeding the nerve endings in the wrist.

Numbness of the fingers in these two cases is treated in a complex way: physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed, ultrasound with medications directed to the cervical department, manual therapy in a sparing regime and observance of occupational hygiene (breaks between work must be mandatory, otherwise the treatment will not work).

  • Pathological abnormalities in the development and operation of the spine, in particular, osteochondrosis of the nervous department. However, osteochondrosis itself can lead to the development of numbness in the fingers of the limbs when there are osteophyte formation in the body (they can be detected only after X-rays) - these are the processes from the vertebra, caused by degenerative-dystrophic processes.

In this case, numbness treatment is performed by taking medications that normalize the exchange of minerals in bone tissue. Also applied manual therapy, osteopathy, physiotherapy, therapeutic gymnastics.

  • Circulatory disturbances in the cervical spine and in the brain. In this case, the treatment of numbness in the fingers should be prescribed only after a computerized tomography of the brain. The cause of such disorders may be an increase in blood pressure, as well as a high level of cholesterol in the blood.

Treatment of such a circulatory disturbance should begin immediately, because in this case numbness of the fingers is the first sign of the possible development of a stroke.

Remember that if you do not take timely measures to establish the cause of the disease and prescribe treatment, you may experience atrophy of the muscles of the thumbs . Then, as a consequence, there will be a decrease in the level of the grasping reflex, and the person will not be able to squeeze his hand into a fist.

The longer there is numbness, the more severe the consequences. So, the pain becomes stronger in the fingers and joints. And, if these symptoms were earlier manifested only at night, then later they will bother constantly.

It is characteristic that the numbness of the toes of the extremities is more common in women than in men. Therefore, representatives of the fair sex should pay special attention to the observance of occupational health at work and at home and immediately seek help from specialists in case of development of symptoms of the disease.

If numbness does not occur for a long time, it may be necessary to change the professional occupation, because then the last measure of treatment will be surgical intervention.

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