
VSD by mixed type

Vegeto-vascular dystonia (VSD), or neurocirculatory dystonia, is a pathological condition, a malfunction in the compensatory work of the autonomic nervous system. This is one of the diagnoses that cause anxiety and misunderstanding in patients' doctors. This situation is fully justified, because vegetative-vascular dystonia can only be a harbinger of very many somatic, neurological, gynecological, endocrinological and even oncological diseases. But most often this disease has a functional character and is not associated with serious diseases.

There arises VSD as a result of the influence on the human body of many factors, they include: constitutional predisposition, frequent and long-term stresses, the environment, the climate in the family. You can get sick at any age.

Depending on the localization of the main symptoms, vegetative-vascular dystonia is distinguished according to cerebral, respiratory, gastroenterological, cardiologic, vegeto-visceral and VSD according to the mixed type.

Constant factors of this disease include various vascular, neuromuscular, neuroendocrine, cognitive (impairment of intellectual functions), mental (neuroses, panic attacks, depression) and paroxysmal manifestations.

MZD mixed type - a disease that indicates the presence of problems in the work of blood vessels and heart. Disease of this type is called the most mysterious, since to date its causes have not yet been fully studied. In the international classification of diseases there are no references to it, although many people suffer from this disease.

Such a disease as MZD for mixed type is characterized as rather complicated, because the first difficulty in its treatment is the complexity of diagnosis. Disease of the given form simultaneously can be shown by the signs characteristic both for hypertonic, and for hypotonic type. However more often this type of disease nevertheless develops into a hypertonic form, and represents a great danger for pregnant women.

Prevention and treatment of VSD by mixed type

Compliance with the rules of a healthy lifestyle, the performance of sports exercises, healthy eating, the rejection of addictions are related to preventive measures of vegetative-vascular dystonia. In order to understand how to cure VSD, it is necessary to establish a precise diagnosis, which is not always a simple task. Symptoms can be spontaneous and can be inherent in various diseases.

For an accurate diagnosis of VSD for a mixed type, consultations of various specialists and various examinations will be required. The patient will visit a therapist, neurologist, oculist, endocrinologist, gynecologist. And this list is far from complete, but when the diagnosis is still established and all possible physical illnesses are excluded, treatment is prescribed.

To treat this disease, tranquilizers and antidepressants are used. Appointments of medicines and their dosage are strictly individual and symptomatic. For example, with tachycardia, β blockers are prescribed, hypertensive drugs are prescribed for hypertension, ginseng, caffeine and B vitamins for hypotension. In addition, drugs that have an anti-anxiety effect, i.e., tranquilizers, and antidepressants are prescribed.

At complex treatment VSD can also be used herbs and fees that have a sedative and antidepressant effect on the nervous system, able to normalize the mood, relieve anxiety and mental overexertion. These include melissa, St. John's wort, hops, mint and valerian.

Any medication and treatment and prophylactic measures are appointed and controlled by a doctor.

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