
Preparations improving cerebral circulation

Unlike other tissues, the brain is most sensitive to a lack of nutrients and oxygen. Deficiency in the blood supply (ischemia) provokes disorders of the central nervous system. This, in many cases, leads to severe disability and even to death. That is why with any manifestations of abnormalities in the functioning of the central nervous system, immediate intervention by physicians is necessary.

The main causes of the disorder of blood circulation include organic or functional vascular lesions. Often they form clots, they are affected by atherosclerosis, spasms occur. In addition, lesions can occur as a result of head injuries, an infectious disease, intoxication and other things.

In addition to vascular pathologies of an acute nature, chronic insufficiency also arises. With this type of blood supply disturbance , the human memory is suffering to a great extent , its intellectual abilities are decreasing, motor and behavioral reactions are deteriorating. Strengthening with age, such manifestations become a heavy burden for the patient and his relatives. Drugs that improve cerebral circulation, have the ability to dilate blood vessels and inhibit platelet aggregation (gluing).

It should be noted that the main directions in the implementation of preventive and curative measures is not only the use of vasodilators, medications that prevent blood clotting and gluing of platelets, but also nootropics and psychostimulants.

Drugs that improve cerebral circulation, with vasodilating properties may have different mechanisms of action. It can be, for example, antispasmodics. However, their drawbacks include the lack of selectivity of action. In other words, acting on the vessels, expanding them, they, together with this, contribute to lowering blood pressure. This, in turn, can, on the contrary, reduce blood supply.

That is why more interesting are those drugs that improve cerebral circulation, which primarily affect the vessels, without significantly affecting the systemic blood flow. Such properties are found in Cinnarizine, Nimodipine.

Considering drugs to improve blood circulation in the brain, it should be noted and such a tool as Vinpocetine. The drug has an antispasmodic effect, mainly expanding the vessels. Together with this, it promotes normalization of metabolic processes in tissues, a decrease in platelet aggregation. Thus, when it is used, the microcirculation of blood in the vessels improves.

Xantinol Nicotinat, Nicergoline - this is also a medicine that improves cerebral circulation.

Disorders of blood supply can be accompanied by asthenic and neurosis-like conditions. Their development is often noted due to the traumas of the head. Therefore, psychostimulants can be used. These drugs can increase the concentration of mediators and CNS activity. However, their reception should be controlled by a doctor. Despite the fact that they contribute to improving mental and physical performance, with prolonged admission they cause irritability, insomnia, dependence on medication, anxiety.

Preparations that improve cerebral circulation, can alleviate the symptoms. In particular, nootropics are prescribed to eliminate headaches and ringing in the ears (Encephabol, for example). These drugs that improve cerebral circulation may be of plant origin. For example, Tanakan has an effect on the cellular level, contributing to the normalization of metabolic processes.

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