
Lyme disease: symptoms

Lyme disease, the symptoms and causes of which will be discussed in this article, arises from the spirochetes called Borrelia burgdorferi. The bacterium passes through the bites of ticks. For the disease is characterized by a recurrent and chronic course. Often one can observe the defeat of the nervous system, skin, heart, and also the musculoskeletal system. Lyme disease in dogs, cats and other animals happens at least as often as in humans.

This disease was first described in 1975. This year in the American city under the name Lyme, several patients immediately discovered arthritis, which is very unusual.

As mentioned above, the symptoms of Lyme disease appear after a tick bite. Pathogens get into the blood together with the saliva of an insect. Then they begin to multiply (the process can last several days), and then penetrate into the internal organs.

Pathogens can be in the body for several years. In principle, the nature of the course of the disease depends on the period of their stay.

Symptoms of chronic Lyme disease can appear many years after infection. Diagnose it, usually using a blood test. Modern techniques allow quite quickly to recognize the disease.

Lyme disease: symptoms

At the site of the bite, you can see a slight redness. Over time, the red spot will become larger. Its shape is oval or rounded. Sometimes it is wrong. The most red is the outer edge of the affected area (roller). Also note that it rises above the general level of the skin.

After a while, some part of the stain becomes bluish or turns pale. In the place where the tick was bitten, a crust appeared. Her scar changes. If the stain is not treated, then it can last up to three weeks.

Lyme disease, the symptoms of which we are considering, will make itself felt about a month later. After this period, the nervous system will be damaged. Also it will touch the joints and heart. In most cases, you can observe a variety of flu-like symptoms. These include pain in the throat, muscles, weakness, fever and so on.

Symptoms include increasing the temperature of the joints. They ache, often swell. The muscles cramp. Neurological symptoms include insomnia, paralysis, hearing impairment and skin sensitivity.

Heart lesions are expressed in bradycardia, arrhythmia, dizziness and so on.

Most often people fall ill with this disease in the spring or early summer. In the first two weeks, flu-like symptoms are usually accompanied by a rash. It takes place by itself.

Wrong treatment or lack of it can lead to serious cardiovascular, nervous system, joints developing. It is worth noting that complications can occur in those patients whose treatment was started in the early stages.

This disease is incorrectly diagnosed for the reason that the symptoms do not have their own specifics. Lyme disease is often confused with meningitis, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis.

Mood swings, weakness, constant fatigue and other neurological symptoms can be confused with manifestations of other diseases.

Lyme disease, the symptoms of which are diverse, in rare cases leads to a fatal outcome. Death can occur because of heart problems. It is also worth noting the unpleasant fact that the disease can cause a miscarriage.

Treatment of the disease

As a rule, doctors prescribe antibiotics intravenously. The period is two weeks. In severe cases, the period can be extended. In some cases, surgical intervention should be used in the treatment of affected joints.

It should be noted that during the treatment and during rehabilitation it is necessary to have more rest. It can not be overextended.

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