
Treatment of vaginitis: quickly, qualitatively and irretrievably

What is vaginitis, and how to deal with it? Perhaps, the answer to this question is simply obliged to interest every modern woman.

So, this medical term characterizes the inflammatory process of the vaginal mucosa, caused by various protozoa and bacteria. The treatment of vaginitis has a complex approach, but first you need to understand why the disease in the female body is exacerbated. As is known, the vaginal mucosa is represented by lactobacilli, performing a protective function by increasing the acidity of the internal flora. But the defeat of the mucous pathogens and microorganisms markedly reduces the number of "useful inhabitants" and increases the number of pathogens that cause inflammation of the vaginal walls.

So, the cause of vaginitis are: prolonged antibiotic therapy, hormonal failure, as well as the predominance of characteristic diseases of the genital area, in particular, adnexitis, myoma and endometriosis. Weakening of the immune system after the disease, as well as the presence of diabetes and vaginal injuries, are also predisposing factors to the aggravation of vaginitis. But do not exclude and improper intimate hygiene or its complete absence.

When the reason is finally established, the treatment of vaginitis is more productive. So, effective therapy is based on the fight against a pathogenic agent, normalization of the vaginal microflora, a special diet and strengthening of immunity.

Let's start with the fact that during the treatment period you should completely change the daily ration, excluding from it smoked, salted and spicy. It is advisable to use more sour-milk products, as well as vegetable fiber in the form of fruits and vegetables. In addition, it is necessary to limit sexual intercourse and regular hygiene of the genitals.

However, this is still not enough, because the treatment of vaginitis should be accompanied by the use of combined drugs that have antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties. Most often these are vaginal tablets and suppositories ("Terzhinan" and "Vokadin"). In the first case, a medical product with a gentle effect in the body, productively treats vaginitis in pregnancy, but this appointment should be discussed with the leading gynecologist.

By the way, about pregnancy. This period in the life of a woman requires special control, since this disease often leads to infection of amniotic fluid and the formation of serious complications of pregnancy.

Anyway, the combination therapy is selected by a knowledgeable expert on the basis of clinical studies obtained taking into account the specificity of the female body. With candidiasis vaginitis , antifungal drugs such as Fluconazole, Ketoconazole and Clindamycin are prescribed; With gonorrheal colpitis, antibiotics are shown, in particular, preparations "Ceftriaxone", "Cefixime" and "Tetracycline"; And trichomonas vaginitis is productively treated with metronidazole.

However, here it is important to understand that no matter how highly effective the prescribed medications are, the treatment of vaginitis should extend to both sexual partners, only then does the chance of finally recovering increase.

As you know, taking antibiotics is capable of destroying the habitual microflora, so at its end it is recommended to take medicines that are aimed at restoring the normal microflora of the vagina, for example, "Lineks" tablets and vaginal suppositories "Bifidumbacterin".

Indeed, the disease is specific, but with the right medical approach is treatable.

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