
How useful is the dogrose?

Rosehip or wild rose - a beautiful, very useful plant. The composition of mature berries is similar to a small chemical laboratory in which vitamin C is stored (there is more of it in the dog rose than in the lemon), vitamin E, a lot of useful microelements.

The fruit of the dog rose ripens in late autumn, and they need to be collected before the onset of the first frost: when freezing, most useful elements die. Of these wonderful fruits can be prepared infusion. Rosehip has good properties always, even if it is made from dried berries. The fruits are dried in the air or in the oven, but make sure that they do not burn out.

How useful is the dogrose? Only if its berries can be used for treatment? Almost all parts of the plant are suitable for medical purposes. Of the roots, which are recommended to excavate in the autumn, prepare astringents that help with diarrhea. Of the seeds extracted essential oil, which is not equal for healing wounds and relieving inflammation. Napar, prepared from leaves, improves digestion. Petals help to rejuvenate and freshen the fading skin.

Why use berry broth? Briar, whose useful properties are very difficult to list, because their range is very wide, it helps in the following cases:

  • Anemia, malnutrition, beriberi;
  • Hemorrhagic diathesis;
  • Hepatitis;
  • Stomach diseases;
  • tuberculosis;
  • Diseases caused by bacteria and viruses;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • Increased immunity;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • Uterine bleeding;
  • Worms.

What is good for dog rose in these diseases? Infusions or decoctions preserve all useful substances. They fill the body with the necessary trace elements, vitamins, strengthen the body's resistance, participate in oxidative processes, normalizing them. Natural decoctions, cooked on the basis of wild roses, can replace many synthesized vitamins and minerals.

Here is a very simple recipe, designed to strengthen the overall condition. 5 spoonfuls of crushed berries pour boiling water, after 7 minutes pour into a two-liter thermos, insist, until it cools. This homemade drug is an excellent vitamin supplement for children and adults. Decoctions, infusions are prepared similarly for different diseases, only their concentration varies. However, do not use a dog rose without consulting a doctor: she has contraindications.

Stones in the gallbladder or chronic pancreatitis can be cured by using rose hips roots. Shredded roots (about 2 large spoonfuls per glass) boil for a quarter of an hour. Cooled broth is drunk several times a day.

About what the dog rose is useful, we mentioned. It remains to say a few words about its use in cooking. Everybody knows about the wonderful taste of tea or compote from these berries. But the recipe for coffee from a dogrose is not so popular. For its preparation, the berries are roasted to brown color, allowed to cool. Porcelain or glassware scalded with steep boiling water, covered with ground toasted berries. When they are infused, you will get an excellent vanilla-flavored drink. It can be drunk instead of coffee - it also tones up, but contains significantly more vitamins.

From berries you get a wonderful jam. The most difficult thing in its preparation is to brew the berries well and remove the hairs from them. For this purpose, the mashed potatoes are made of cooked berries, which are filtered several times through gauze. However, you can grind the fresh berries and wash the hair with running water.

Boiled mashed potatoes are seasoned with sugar, lemon juice, boiled on very high heat, not forgetting to stir to prevent sticking. When the volume decreases by one third, the puree is rolled into hot, sterilized jars.

Love a wild rose and beauticians. How useful is the dog rose in this area? Oil extracted from berries, removes any inflammation on the skin. If you use it regularly, you will not be afraid of allergies, teenage pimples, or other unpleasant formations. In addition, the oil added to the creams, nourishes the skin with vitamins, smoothes wrinkles.

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