
The liquidity of the enterprise's balance sheet is one of the most important criteria for stability.

Without any doubt, any financial manager must be able to analyze the indicators contained in the financial statements of the enterprise, for the benefit of which he works. The benefit of this analysis is difficult to overestimate, because it is on its basis that the entire work of the financial unit is built.

Western economists and analysts recognize the profit and loss account as the most significant form of reporting, since nothing more than profit is the most important outcome indicator of performance. In Russia, the priority is given to the balance sheet, which also makes sense. Analyzing its components, we can conclude that the firm is financially sound, and also about its liquidity level. Further, it will be considered exactly the features of how to assess the liquidity of the balance of the enterprise.

Both domestic and foreign practice offer various options for such analysis, but the most widespread is the compilation and study of the so-called liquidity balance. Using this method, the liquidity of the balance sheet is determined by combining in the same number of groups of indicators of liabilities and assets, followed by a comparison of the values obtained.

These groups are formed in order to reduce liquidity (for the asset) or in order to reduce the urgency (for liabilities). Each financial manager can choose the number of groups at his discretion, but we will consider the most traditional option in which the liquidity of the balance sheet of an enterprise is studied by pairwise comparison of four "baskets" of assets and liabilities.

Before considering the composition of individual groups, a little explanation of the meaning of the concept of "liquidity". This category characterizes the ability of a property with the least possible losses and in the shortest possible time to take a monetary form. Thus, the most liquid property, which is obvious, is money. And, for example, the liquidity of shares is determined by the demand for them: the more willing to buy them, the easier it will be to sell them at a normal market price.

As already mentioned, money is more liquid than any other asset, so they are included in the first group. Also, it can include short-term financial investments, whose liquidity doubts are absent. The second group consists of quick assets (other current assets and short-term receivables). The third - from all stocks and long-term financial investments (from them it is necessary to exclude the participation in the capital of other organizations). Accordingly, all other assets form the fourth group and are recognized as being slowly realizable.

In the passive, a number of groups are also formed. Accounts payable and other short-term debts are included in the first group, the remaining short-term liabilities - in the second, and long-term - in the third. Liabilities that are not indebted go to the formation of the fourth group.

To determine the liquidity of the enterprise balance, the sizes of the created groups are compared. The first three groups of assets must exceed the corresponding groups of liabilities. The ratio between the fourth groups is regulating. If these conditions are met, then the financial condition of the enterprise is at an acceptable level. If there are deviations, then it is necessary to take measures to adjust the structure of the asset and liability.

In the course of the financial management process, it is very important to assess the liquidity of the balance sheet. Enterprises that do not follow these indicators risk being in a quandary when they can not pay their debtors.

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