
Tunnel wrist syndrome

A few years ago, carpal tunnel syndrome was considered an exceptionally professional disease of drivers, musicians and milkmaids. After all, such a violation occurs with constant loads and repetitive, automatic movements. But in the modern world, the tunnel syndrome is a fairly common problem. Symptoms bother almost every second person who spends a lot of time working at the computer. It is also interesting that in women this syndrome is diagnosed twice as often.

Tunnel wrist syndrome is associated with compression of the median nerve between tendon ligaments and bone walls. Along with this, inflammation of articular bags, tendinous membranes, muscles, and sometimes also osteoarthritis can develop.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Causes

Such a disease can develop for various reasons. The most common is the constant implementation of any small movements. In addition, the disease can develop after a wrist injury (fracture, dislocation), which causes tissue swelling and nerve tightening. Swelling during pregnancy and during the intake of hormonal drugs can also damage the nerve endings.

On the other hand, the tunnel syndrome of the wrist depends on the genetic predisposition - the features of the complexion, the structure of the wrist and the thickness of the bones. People with overweight are more predisposed to such a disorder. This syndrome can be a concomitant disease in gout, tuberculosis, rheumatoid arthritis.

Tunnel wrist syndrome: symptoms

When the disease develops, the sensory, and only then the motor nerve roots, are damaged. Therefore, the first sign of the syndrome is a periodic loss of sensitivity. People complain of numbness of the fingers or the whole hand, the impossibility of holding the object, a slight tingling in the skin. Typically, these symptoms of change are temporary.

Along with this, there is pain and burning, which from the wrist area can spread to the fingers, palm and forearm. In addition, as a result of violation of innervation, the muscles of the hand begin to weaken, and clear coordination of movements disappears . Symptoms may worsen at night - patients often wake up at night to shake off a numb arm. In the morning, the movement of the brush is constrained and limited.

Tunnel wrist syndrome: diagnosis

Only a doctor can make a definitive diagnosis. To begin with, he should familiarize himself with the patient's complaints, then check all the reflexes. In some cases, electromyography is also used. In this study, the dependence of muscle contractility on the magnitude of electric charge is studied. This method helps not only to confirm the presence of the problem, but also to locate the damaged nerve site and exclude all other possible diseases.

Tunnel wrist syndrome: treatment

It is recommended to begin treatment as soon as possible. To begin with, it is necessary to eliminate the cause - if it is arthritis, then it is necessary to conduct a course of treatment of the underlying disease. In addition, the patient is advised to avoid brush strokes for at least several weeks.

As for drugs, pain relievers are prescribed non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - ibuprofen, aspirin, etc., to relieve pain. It also helps to take diuretics - so you can at least temporarily reduce the swelling of the tissue. As an emergency, a person can be injected with steroids in the wrist - this instantly relieves puffiness.

With the progressive form of the disease, the treatment of tunnel syndrome using surgical intervention is used. During the operation, the wrist canal is opened and by special manipulation increases its volume.

In addition, the patient should take care of methods of prevention - to do regular gymnastics for the hands, buy more comfortable furniture, a keyboard or a computer mouse, more rest.

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