
Hadu (gymnastics) - exercises that prolong life. Reviews about the effectiveness of gymnastics

Hadu - gymnastics, which is designed to get rid of problems associated with the condition of the joints and spine. This complex of exercises is suitable for everyone without exception: for men, women, children, and even elderly people. Hadu affects the human body in a variety of ways and positively. This makes it possible to improve the whole body, rather than individual point problem areas.

In order to engage in this set of exercises, no simulators or other additional equipment is required. Training can be conducted in any place convenient for you - at home, in nature, in the office or in the gym. It is enough to lay a mat under your feet, after which you can begin classes. Although, in his absence, you can do without him.

Advantages of Had in front of other gymnastics

Save time

The path to the health of your body with gymnastics Hadu will be uncomplicated. To achieve the desired effect, it is sufficient to conduct three workouts lasting one hour each week. It is not so difficult to allocate this amount of time, given the fact that other ways of dealing with ailments require more attention. You can conduct training anywhere, without going to the gym. Therefore, you can save a significant amount of your time.

Absence of costs for auxiliary equipment

Hadu - gymnastics, which has a lot of positive qualities and advantages in comparison with other systems of exercises. One of them is the lack of additional methods of recovery, such as massage, manual therapy, the use of medications, rubbing ointments and others. Gymnastics Hadu is absolutely harmonious and full. The absence of all kinds of weighting agents used in gyms makes it possible to accurately control the degree of load at each moment of training, depending on the need.

Safety of gymnastics

How safe is this type of exercise for the human body? Hadu - gymnastics, which is confirmed by the fact that it is characterized by minimal danger of injury. Prevent their occurrence of motion with a voltage, characterized by a slow pace, which are used in this system of training. Physical overload during Hudu classes are excluded. Therefore, this gymnastics can be practiced even by people who have limited opportunities, patients after the traumas, women in the post-natal period and those who are forbidden for medical reasons to lift weights.

Elimination of causes, not symptomatology of ailments

Gymnastics Hadu has the ability to eliminate the cause of the disease, and not just its symptoms. This is due to the fact that during the sessions all muscle groups are involved, beginning with the facial and ending with the toes. Also, the backbone (all its departments) is also examined. Particular attention is paid to this system of training the smallest muscles, which do not work during normal physical training. As a result, their blood supply improves, bone and cartilage tissue of small joints is restored. Hadu - gymnastics, reviews of which indicate that as a result of training, inflammatory processes stop, swelling and pain in joints disappear, and their mobility increases.

Principles of gymnastics Hadu

Hadu - gymnastics, which is produced without weight. Strengthening the effect of exercise is achieved by tension of the opposite muscles. At the same time, they work twice as much. Not only the muscles we contract, but also the opposing muscles become active. All exercises are done at a slow pace, with increased stress. It is recommended that each of them be done until fatigue occurs in the trained body section. In the course of gymnastics, such muscles are involved, which in the normal regime of the body "sleep" (mimic, cervical, unbending legs and fingers).

Who recommended this type of gymnast

Had is recommended to use for training people who prefer to pump muscles without using weighting, those who do not have the time or opportunity to attend sports halls and those who wish to engage in prevention of osteochondrosis and osteoporosis. Also, gymnastics will suit everyone who wants to improve their body.

This complex is developed on the basis of exercises designed to maintain the functionality of the muscular system of astronauts, submariners and other categories of people who are often in confined space. Hadu - gymnastics, some elements of which contribute to the restoration of muscle tissue after injuries. Also, the principles of hatha yoga are used in the training system. In general, as a healing practice, gymnastics fully deserves its right to exist.

Exercises for back and posture

First of all, the Hadu gymnastics for the spine is designed. The normal functioning of the internal organs depends on his condition. Thus, with violations occurring in the thoracic spine, pain in the heart is observed. The presence of pathology in the lumbar spine promotes the emergence of diseases of the organs of the genital sphere. To correct this situation is not difficult. To get rid of such pathologies, it is enough to return the displaced vertebrae to the site.

Hadu uses a number of exercises aimed at restoring the natural posture. With their help, the cervical and thoracic parts of the spine are treated. All exercises, according to this technique, are produced with maximum stress, but slow. This helps prevent injuries to the weakened vertebrae of the neck.

Basic Hadu exercises

As a result of these actions, the muscles of the back are developed, breathing is trained. Such exercises include both medical and morning gymnastics Hadu.

Exercise "Weight lifter"

Legs in the starting position are on the width of the shoulders, the knees are slightly bent, and the feet are parallel to each other. The shoulders should be bent and unfolded, and the back should be bent to such an extent that a saddle forms in the lumbar region. Then you need to breathe in deeply with your nose, and then exhale through tightly compressed lips (as if extinguishing a candle). Producing these actions should be smooth, slow and without jerks. Repeat 10-15 times.

Breast Press

The starting position is the same as in the previous exercise. Having adopted it, it is necessary to produce a press from the chest of an imaginary bar. The inhalation should be done by maximizing the chest. Repeat 7-10 times.

Abdominal breathing

The starting position is the same as in the previous exercise. You need to slouch a bit. The stomach is inhaled with the tension muscles of the press. The thorax during the whole exercise is immobile. Exhalation is made slowly through the lips, folded into a "pipe." Repeat 20 times.

Exercise "Gait's walk"

In the normal standing position, you need to strain the muscles of the press and slowly swing the body of the body to the left and right alternately, swinging from one leg to the other. The best option is to touch the ribs and pelvis. Repeat 15-20 times.

Charging for the face

A separate block of training is the Hadu gymnastics for the face.

There are numerous muscles on it, which atrophy without regular training. As a result, premature aging of the face occurs. Exercises can prevent this deficiency. Hodu rejuvenating exercise for the face is as follows. First you need to move your eyebrows up and down, as if wondering and frowning. Then it is necessary to depict a rat-like muzzle, alternately cute and angry. The next exercise is the reproduction of the "wow" sound by the lips. Then they must be shifted alternately left and right. Another exercise - stretching the eyes and lips. Do it this way, as if you are frightening someone. In conclusion, you need to make turns of the head alternately left and right.

All exercises must be performed slowly, gradually, gradually accelerating the pace twice.

Gymnastics for the eyes

Hadu gymnastics for the eyes improves eyesight. During the exercises all groups of muscles of the eye are studied. You can do gymnastics with both your eyes open and closed. It is performed as follows.

First, you need to move your eyes alternately to the right and to the left, with a certain pressure, to the extreme position in which circles of different colors become visible. Further the same movements must be made in the direction up and down, then on the diagonals. At the end, rotate the eyes alternately in both directions.

Repeat every exercise is required 50-60 times.

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