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Literary drawing room. Scenario literary living room

Fiction is an integral part of the education of children and adolescents. Books not only develop imagination and memory, but also teach children to be friends, to love, to empathize, to gain confidence in themselves and their forces, to approach creatively and with humor to solve complex problems. Love from literature comes from childhood even through the literary living room.

In general terms, the most important

The term "literary living room" goes back deeply into the 19th century, known for its "golden" authoring composition. In a strict sense, this is a creative event for several (sometimes several dozen) people, united by a common theme and literary task. The literary drawing room necessarily rests on a previously prepared script, according to which participants gather and read poetry, discuss the work, talk with the invited author, sing, organize theatrical productions.

Stages of the literary drawing room

  1. The choice of the main idea of the evening.
  2. The choice of the host, screenwriter, decorator, music operator and other responsible persons.
  3. The development of the script, ideas for scenery and musical design.
  4. Collection, compilation, systematization and distribution of literary content to participants, selection of musical accompaniment and the development of scenery.
  5. Rehearsals and discussions.
  6. Holding a literary evening and enjoying the process.

Goals and objectives

The main idea of the literary drawing room is the creation of a positive creative space for the realization of the common cause, for communication, development. In this case, we can distinguish three main goals: communicative, cognitive and moral-ethical.

Communicative goal

The main task of any script of the literary drawing room is self-expression, the discovery of talents in the world of creativity, the strengthening of self-esteem and the socialization of the schoolboy.

Today, the situation with communication between children is close to critical. Children communicate for the most part on the Internet, which functions according to their own laws, different from the laws of a healthy civil society. Literary evenings contribute to the development in the child not only of the poet, but also of the citizen. The point is that the child learns not only to express his own opinion most correctly and correctly, but also to respect the interlocutor's opinion, listen and try to understand.

Cognitive task

Literary evenings develop memory and imagination. Children learn to tell poems, sing songs and express their thoughts not as if they are on a scaffold, but creatively, freely and easily. This in the future will help them become competent and competitive professionals in their field.

Moral and ethical idea

Love for literature and art may not be the most important thing in life, but it develops self-discipline, critical thinking, the ability to concentrate on one thing, the literacy of written and spoken speech in a person. This is another task of the literary drawing-room, which is already aimed at developing the soul and conscience of the child, his moral and spiritual ideals.

A little about the scenarios and scenery

Like any kind of art and creativity, the literary drawing room requires careful and thoughtful preparation. This is primarily about the scenario of the literary drawing room. Under the scenario is meant the main idea and idea of the event, uniting content, scenery, participants, music, handouts and invited authors.

Scenario of the literary drawing room for the Victory Day

The music of the war years ("Cranes" verses Rasul Gamzatov) sounds , a minute of silence and memory to the deceased.

Perhaps there is not one topic so close to the heart and so familiar to a Russian person, like the Great Patriotic War. The bearers of Russian culture with mother's milk absorb sorrow, pain and an unprecedented loss. In our time it is very important to remind children more often that war is not an online battle or news on TV, but real human sacrifices, the death of mothers and children, brothers and sisters, those who lived side by side and in the heart. Poetry of Olga Berggolts, Bulat Okudzhava, Konstantin Simonov, Tanya Savicheva's diary, Anna Frank's diary in letters - immortal monuments of war, on which the script of the literary drawing room is being built by May 9. All in turn read the learned poems, sounds pre-prepared music. Invited veterans are presented with flowers and gifts. There are relevant tears and emotions, in the hall a touching sincere atmosphere reigns.

Such an evening can be held throughout the whole school period, from the 1st grade to the graduates. Even more interesting is to unite students of all ages at the evening. The scenario of the literary drawing-room "war" is an enduring theme for schoolchildren, if only because children should understand the horror of this phenomenon in order to prevent it in the future by any means.

Scenario literary living room: anniversary

This scenario is suitable for birthdays of teachers, favorite poets and writers, composers and assumes full scope for creativity. The anniversary can be either Nekrasov or the abolition of serfdom, and therefore it is impossible to come up with a common scenario. Let's take as an example the jubilee of a class teacher.

In this case, a literary evening will be a wonderful gift for the solemn occasion. The decorations will become photographs of the teacher in his young years and now. To do this, you can contact relatives (who can also act as guests of the living room). Participants of the event teach poetry, compose their own works, learn songs and prepare cards for their beloved teacher. You can also bake sweets and bring fruit, it's not just an evening, it's a holiday!

This event can be both humorous and lyrical in nature (here one must proceed from the personality of the hero of the day).

Scenario literary living room "Love"

Eternal, all-consuming, unshakable, forgiving, merciful, burning, all-powerful, it is the main driving force in life. Inexhaustible energy or tragedy. The love scenario of a literary drawing room will always be relevant: for junior classes - this is the first acquaintance with the topic, for seniors - talk about the vital.

Every love scenario involves a certain game. In this case, you can arrange a poetic evening, but it is much more interesting to turn this evening into a discussion club, when each child can describe what love is in prose, satire or poetry. Any opinions should be welcomed, ranging from chemistry lovers and nihilists to lyrical and spiritual revelations.

This scenario is perfectly combined with religious and spiritual enlightenment topics. It is here that it will be appropriate to talk about God and about love as the supreme vital energy uniting us all.

At the entrance to the audience, you can put a box for "valentines" and postcards. Decorations will be photos of lovers from movies, balloons and romantic music.

It is also interesting to discuss the topic of love letters and correspondence, from Tatyana Onegin's letter to modern online confessions.

The theme of love should be presented either simply and clearly, or in any way, so as not to scare the children.

Scenario children's literary living room

Children - this energy in its pure form, to make them sit in place for at least half an hour - is not an easy task. Therefore, such a scenario should assume activity and playful form. As a rule, the children's literary living room is a theatrical setting. The most logical and lasting scenario of the children's literary drawing room is the evening of the poetry of Agnia Barto.

Of course, this format of the event will be very different from other scenarios, but its resource and potential are very high. Preparation of scenery will be no less exciting event than the evening itself. Each child draws an illustration to his poem, which he will learn and will recite at the evening. Further illustrations are hung on the walls and are beautifully highlighted. In the hall the toys of animals from the children's poems are laid out. So, for example, a toddler who told "the hare was abandoned by the landlady ...", after the performance and after receiving an ovation the presenter gives a handsome big plush rabbit!

Such an event will become a source of positive not only for children, but also for adults. The main thing is to remember that children quickly become tired and lose interest. Therefore, it is better to make such events short, but often systematically.

Evening of creativity Yevtushenko: literary drawing room, script

As Nikolai Berdyaev said: "In beauty, one must live to know it." Poetry, of course, is part of the aesthetic world and historical heritage. Is it possible to imagine our life without lyrics? There are plenty of options for a poetic evening . Let's take as an example the situation when the literary drawing room is dedicated to the poetry of Yevgeny Yevtushenko.

This event, as well as the literary drawing room, according to the script by May 9, will always differ sincerity and simplicity, since Yevtushenko is the popular favorite poet of all, and besides that, our contemporary.

At the preparatory stage, it is good to divide the tasks, who will prepare an interesting story about the author, who will select the songs for his poems, who will prepare the media presentation with his speeches. Then all the other participants are given poems. It is interesting not only to listen to Yevtushenko's poems, but also to hear the opinion of schoolchildren on each of them, to discuss the topic and the main lyrical idea.

The scenery for this evening - a photo of poets, videos from his speeches, the best and most vivid statements of the poet.

Scenario literary and musical living room

The musical evening became a favorite event of schools, uniting schoolchildren of all ages. Literary and musical evening should not consist strictly of one song on the poems of famous authors, although they are given special attention here. In the living room there is a place for dancing and playing musical instruments.

Decorations will be photos of famous composers, musical instruments, notes. You can arrange tables in the hall to make a music room. Teachers in such a salon can act as attendants (waiters, administrators, butlers), and schoolchildren - in the role of guests who came to the salon.

The script itself may suggest, for example, a vaudeville or a musical. It is not excluded also the presence of leading.

If the child hesitates to sing, then for him there is an alternative in the form of poetry to music, which is also very refined and exquisite. Such an evening can be combined by some theme, for example, the songs of the war years, the anniversary of the composer or poet, the musical "Cats." Or to be simply devoted to music as the greatest art.

Humorous literary drawing room

Stand-up, Comedy club and KVN have high ratings on television due to the attention and love of adults and children. Simplicity of execution, sincerity and honesty of standdeepers bribes. If girls are much easier to agree to a poetic or musical evening, then the boys will have to force. What for? After all, you can go to the children to meet them and begin to inculcate in them love for self-expression and correct stage speech with the help of what they like.

Every schoolboy chooses a topic that he wants to speak with a humorous monologue, and writes it. As you know, in the theatrical world humor is the most complex genre, whether it be jokes, satire, irony, sarcasm, cartoon. Therefore, the preparatory stage should be lectures of teachers on the theme of humor and instruments of humor. Each monologue is corrected and edited by the schoolchild along with the teacher. For the stand-up even special decorations are not needed, they will only distract. The main thing here is the person and his sincere sincere story. Such evenings will please children and their parents, will be an excellent occasion for communication and self-knowledge. It is very modern and fashionable, it will help to stay in the school of a rapidly changing world, preserving the continuity of generations.

"And in the end I will tell..."

Whatever the script of the literary drawing-room, its main and leading goal is to help the child realize, open his inner artist, learn to respectfully communicate with others and harmoniously feel himself in the world of people. This is a wonderful tandem not only of the teacher and student, but also of the child and music, poetry, prose, art and creativity. This kind of artistic orientation will help to correct the situation with the complexion of modern youth and restore Russia's status to the most reading nation.

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