
Linoleum antistatic: specifications and reviews

Among the variety of floor coverings presented in the construction market, its characteristics are antistatic linoleum. The technology of production includes in its composition carbon impregnations or carbon filaments. Thanks to this process, it has the property of dissipating static electricity. This type of coating refers to the type of commercial linoleum.

Varieties of antistatic coating

This kind of linoleum is classified as antistatic according to the current conductivity:

  1. Insulation coating with a resistance of 109 ohms or more: walking on it should not cause an electric charge above 2 kW.
  2. The current-dispersing view of linoleum - the resistance is 106-108 Ohm, used in X-ray rooms.
  3. The conductive coating has a resistance of 104-106 Ohm.


Certain requirements are imposed on the floor covering. Linoleum antistatic must have wear resistance, strength. In addition, it should be even and of equal thickness. When laying it, you should carefully level the surface, so that a uniform distribution of electric charge occurs. In order to ensure the electrical safety of the premises, antistatic linoleum is periodically tested for uniform absorption of electric voltage. They produce flooring in rolls or tiles with a large color scheme. Service life is more than 15 years.

High technical characteristics have commercial anti-static linoleum "Tarkett". It has the highest strength and a special protective layer, which is 0.7 mm and higher. The thickness of the blade is 4.5 mm. Linoleum antistatic, whose price per square meter is 11.90 euros, has the most good customer reviews.

Application area

Antistatic linoleum is laid in places where high-frequency electronic equipment works:

  • In the pharmaceutical, electronics industry;
  • In telecommunication and computer centers,
  • In research laboratories;
  • In medical institutions;
  • At enterprises where flammable and explosive substances are used;
  • In server rooms.

Reviews about the benefits of antistatic linoleum

According to consumers' reviews, the main advantage of linoleum with antistatic properties is the ability to dissipate electric charge over the surface when used in premises where high-precision equipment operates. Eliminates the accumulation of statistical stress on the human body, minimizes disruptions in the operation of electronic equipment, and also reduces the dustiness of the antistatic coating and meets the sanitary and technical standards. Users note that other types of linoleum do not have such qualities.

This coating is distinguished by its high strength and reliability. According to buyers, you can lay antistatic linoleum in any premises. Humidity does not affect the conductivity of the electric charge. Linoleum antistatic, the price of which is higher than usual, has an average cost of 290 rubles per square meter.

Requirements for laying

There are special requirements for laying this floor covering. The thickness of the product and the surface of the substrate must be of high quality, ideally smooth, as this affects the uniform distribution of electric charge. Preparing the base, you must ensure proper grounding, its correctness is guaranteed by a special copper tape for antistatic linoleum.

Important is the quality of the glue and its method of preparation. Apply the adhesive immediately after the dilution, as its quality deteriorates when not used for some time. Before laying, linoleum is preliminarily laid out on the surface for leveling and adapting for at least 24 hours. To avoid problems afterwards, when unfolding, check to see if there are any kinks or folds on the cover. The temperature in the installation room of the linoleum should be 18 degrees, and the humidity - about 60%.

How to lay linoleum

The installation of an antistatic linoleum is different from that of a conventional coating. There is no particular difference in the laying of the roll and tile material. Linoleum antistatic does not have a certain pattern, so the material consumption will be minimal and depends on the area of the room. This flooring is forbidden to bend and allow the formation of wrinkles on it.

Laying of antistatic linoleum is carried out by gluing to the base with special glue having high conductivity. The surface of the substrate should be smooth, clean, strong, free of defects. The technology of installing linoleum provides for the beginning of laying the tile material from the middle of the room, and the roll coating is laid in such a way that the strips lie parallel to the sun's rays. The basis of the surface is treated with a conductive primer, grounding is carried out by laying a copper tape. To ensure a better contact between linoleum and the floor, the whole surface of the material should be coated with glue.

The copper tape is put on the adhesive in parallel to the strip joints in 20 centimeters from them. The stripes are located across the deck, connecting them to the belts, and then to the grounding system. When plating the plate material, copper plates are placed under each row. The transverse strips are joined together with a step distance of about 10 meters. Linoleum should fit snugly to the base. Its smoothing is carried out with a special roller.

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