EducationThe science

Influence on the man a parade of planets. Consequences for human health

For many years, mankind can not unequivocally answer the question, what is the influence of the parade of planets on human health and well-being of the inhabitants of the Earth. The fact is that the science of astrology is very closely intertwined with different beliefs and Vedic practices. Many false prophets and predictors in every possible way intimidate people with terrible forecasts about the end of the world, linking it with a parade of planets. On the Internet - in social networks and on the pages of various sites - you can meet a huge number of "horror stories" about Armageddon. In this article, we will try to figure out whether there really is at least some truth in these words and how a parade of planets affects a person.

The emergence of astrology

Astrology is one of the most ancient sciences that arose in Egypt, studying the motion of celestial bodies and their influence on our planet. Our ancestors back in the 5th century. BC. E. Began to notice that the stars in the sky constantly move and exert a certain influence on the earth, water and people. Moreover, the ancient civilizations knew exactly what impact the parade of planets has on a person. The well-known astrologer-historian P. Huber, after reading one of the predictions of the priests of the Sumerian tribe, decided to check it out. In the text it was said that during one of the solar eclipses one of the kings of Akkad would die. Having checked the data on the death of the members of this dynasty with the calendar of eclipses, he found out that this prediction really happened at least 3 times.

Very deeply engaged in the study of astrology druids. It is known that they knew about the influence of celestial bodies on everything living, about their size, that they are constantly in motion and what effect the parade of planets has on human health. This is proved by the well-known Stonehenge. This structure was a temple of the Druids, where they could observe the movement of celestial bodies. Since these priests did not have written language, their knowledge did not reach our times.

Planets and other celestial bodies

Thanks to Galileo Galileo and his first telescopes, scientists managed to find out that in our galaxy, which is called the Milky Way, there are four inner planets: Earth, Venus, Mars and Mercury - and four outer planets: Neptune, Uranus, Jupiter and Saturn. All these planets revolve around the central star, which is called the Sun. Each planet is located in its orbit, which has the shape of an ellipse. With the development of astronomy, it also became known that in addition to the eight main planets in the solar system, there are six more dwarfish: Eris, Ceres, Pluto, Makemake, Haumea and the Ninth Planet. The latter was discovered in January 2016, and its exact location is still being studied.

According to recent research, our solar system has about 200 billion different celestial bodies. It also became known that they are moving in their orbits and at a certain moment they can build one continuous line - a parade of planets. The more celestial bodies become in a row, the less often such an event is observed. That is why it is rather difficult to find out what effect the parade of planets has on human health, because it does not happen so often.

A little bit about the Moon and the Sun

The moon is a heavenly body that is a satellite of the Earth. The ancient Egyptians called it Yah, and the Babylonians called Shin. This night star is quite interesting and keeps a lot of mysteries and mysteries. For example, scientists found that the day the air temperature on the moon is above +100 ° C, and at night below -160 ° C. It is also known that the Earth and its satellite move synchronously and make a full turn in 27 days. It is for this reason that the Moon is always turned to the Earth by only one side. It is interesting that the other side looks completely different and practically has no visible depressions and bends. Since the Moon is a satellite of the Earth, it has some influence on it. The force of attraction between these two heavenly bodies is so great that they can be said to be related, most likely, therefore, they are synchronous.

This can also explain the influence of the planet's parade on the person's well-being, because all the planets in the solar system are attracted to certain objects of the cosmos. In the Milky Way, all the planets (and the Sun as well) have the force of gravity. In other words, we can say that the entire solar system is connected by invisible threads, and that is why every heavenly body has a definite influence on our planet.

High tides

These fluctuations of water in the sea and the ocean serve as proof that the Sun and the Moon have a very strong influence on our planet. The moon attracts water due to its gravitational force . As you know, our satellite revolves around the Earth: when it approaches - water tends to meet it (tide), when it retreats - it leaves after the moon (low tide). Some scientists believe that the impact of the parade of planets on human health is due precisely to this feature, since the approach and distance of the planets can just as well affect our land and water. On the shore of the ocean, tides and ebbs are not so noticeable, since it has a large area. Another thing - a narrow river. During the tide, a huge mass of water tends to the shore, but due to the small distance between the banks the stream grows to a height. So, in the Amazon River the height of the tide can reach 4 meters at a speed of 24 km / h.

Due to the fact that the Sun is 400 times farther than the Moon from our planet, it creates fluctuations in water 2 times less. Since the impact on the person of the parade of the planets has not been fully studied, it remains a mystery whether this phenomenon can affect our water in the same way that the Sun and the Moon do.

Parade of planets

As mentioned earlier, a parade of planets is a phenomenon where several celestial bodies line up in a single row. This happens quite rarely, because all the planets are separated from the sun by different distances, and the length of their orbits is different. The remotest planet from the hot star is Neptune, the trajectory of its orbit is 30 times larger than that of our planet. In addition, each celestial body has its own speed of movement around the Sun. So, if the Earth does a full turn for 365 days, that is, for one year, then for the planet Neptune this path is almost 165 years. That is, even if the impact on the person of the parade of planets does occur, then this phenomenon is quite rare.

Kinds of alignment of planets

There are a large (six planets) and a small parade (four), and also visible (5 bright planets can be seen in one sector) and an invisible parade of planets. Of course, the fewer celestial bodies participate in this phenomenon, the more often it occurs. A parade of planets of three components can be observed up to two times a year. In addition, given the different longitude of the location of celestial bodies (for example, in Venus - maximum 48 degrees), it should be remembered that this phenomenon can be observed either in the morning or in the evening. The effect on a person of a parade of planets can be considered and a little from a different angle. For example, in 1977 this phenomenon allowed Russian scientists to study a large number of celestial bodies. The outer planets are located in a single row in the narrow sector of the galaxy, which allowed scientists on the spacecraft to explore distant stars in more detail.

Nine celestial bodies in one line

The most rare parade of planets can be called one in which all nine celestial bodies participate: Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Earth, Venus and Mercury. This event occurs every 179 years: in 1445, 1624, 1803, in 1982 the world could observe this rare phenomenon through the telescope and telescope telescope objectives. The next parade of planets with the participation of all nine luminaries can be seen in 2161. In recent years, mankind has been trying to answer the question of how a parade of planets affects a person? Scientists analyze past events and events that may be associated with them, but they never find an answer. And to be more precise, there are answers, there are a lot of them, but at the same time they are all different, but there is no single point of view on this question.

Connection between man and the cosmos

According to the astrological forecast map, for each person, stars and planets have a certain influence. For example, in Sagittarius, the leading planet is Jupiter, and in Cancer - the Moon. The effect on a person of a parade of planets can be explained precisely from this side, because the horoscopes that we all love to read are based more on the impact of these or other planets on the nature and fate of people. In astral maps, the date and time of birth of a person are important, because only with the help of these data can we accurately determine under what constellation he was born.

In this regard, another science is important - numerology, which is very closely intertwined with astrology. Here the numbers also have their influence, because every number indicates a certain planet. For example, 1 is the Sun, 2 is the Moon, etc. From this point of view, one can also consider the influence of the planetary parade on people. As we already know, this phenomenon assumes that the celestial bodies in the firmament must become one row under a certain degree.

Since this phenomenon is quite rare, one can also say that people born at this time will be endowed with a special gift or talent. For example, on March 10, 1982, there was a rare parade of planets from nine luminaries, and on this day such actors as Thomas Middleditch, Anita Berkhane, Krishtov Gadek were born. It is for this reason that it can be said that the influence of the parade of planets on people still exists, but for the most part it is positive.

Solar flares

It is impossible not to mention in this topic such a question as solar flares, since many scientists believe that aligning the planets in one row can provoke this process. Of course, solar flares occur on a bright star quite often and with varying strength. This is a process during which a huge amount of energy is released with a world energy consumption of one million years. Due to the fact that our atmosphere has several layers, outbreaks can not cause great harm, but certain consequences still exist. For example, geomagnetic storms that affect the operation of machinery and the deterioration of people's well-being.

Sector angle

It remains only to prove that the effect of the parade of planets on man can indeed occur because of solar flares. It should be remembered that, despite the force of attraction between the Sun and other planets, they are quite far apart. Of course, if all 9 planets at a time become in a row with a minimum sector angle of 1-9 °, then perhaps all together they can have some impact on the Sun, and it, in turn, on Earth.

However, such a position of celestial bodies is unlikely and tends to zero. This is explained by the fact that the planets are in different orbits, rotate at different speeds and are distant from each other for very long distances. The minimum angle that 9 planets took in 1982 and in 1624 was 40 ° relative to our planet, and if to look, for example, from the center of the Sun, then as much as 65 °. In other words, these parades of planets can be called only conditional and visible in the sky from the planet Earth. If we had the opportunity to look at this phenomenon from Pluto, then we would not have seen what was expected.

Mayan tribes and the apocalypse

Another horror story from pseudo-visionaries is the Mayan predictions about the end of the world. As you know, this civilization of Mesoamerica was well versed in art, account, architecture and writing. The Maya had its own calendar, which is completely different from ours, and what is most interesting, it was calculated by 2012. Does this mean that it was in this year that the end of the world was to come to pass? Of course not. And, despite the fact that their calendar was compiled before 2012, the last 4 years somewhere are taken predictions for each year is from Maya. Perhaps this civilization also studied the influence of the parade of planets on humans, but there is no evidence of this. Fortunately, all these predictions are just an unjustified intimidation of people.

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