
Creating a MySQL database is part of any site

To create your own site, you need to understand what a database is. If you have an insignificant amount of Internet resources (several pages), then it is quite easy for them to manage. And there is no need to create a database. But if the project is not static, and every day it develops, filling with ever greater The amount of content, then the last condition becomes mandatory. In order to systematize and structure information, do not store it in hundreds, and perhaps thousands of files, save time on requests, for all this, there is such a need as creating a MySQL database.

The essence of the subject

What is it? This is a collection of tables that are linked by some kind of attribute. That is, one table contains all the information (email address, login, etc.) about the user registered on the site, but his comments or any content laid out by them will be located in another. Or another example: you collect postcards. To organize information about them, you need to create a certain number of tables, into which you will enter it, thereby systematizing. This is the MySQL database.

Database Management System

Such a system is not static. Creating a MySQL database assumes that Constant development, more accurate adjustment, filling the tables. To work with them was not chaotic, but organized, create a system that takes over the management functions. There are a lot of such systems today, but the most common is the MySQL database.

Leader among DBMSs

High speed in operation, undoubtedly, has become an advantage of this system over analogues. Creating a MySQL database assumes reliability, accuracy of information processing. Not the last advantage is the free distribution of the system. The code for this software is open. It is this quality of MySQL database creation on this control system that makes it popular with webmasters.

Working with the database

For example of popularity, this fact can be cited. Widely known WordPress engine (millions of blogs work on it) also works with the MySQL management system. And whether it's installing on a local server or external hosting, updating the information in the database is pretty elementary. Files Controls are opened by available programs. If the MySQL database creation on the local server (home computer) with subsequent transfer to hosting is a necessity, then these manipulations will not cause difficulties even for the beginner in these matters. Exporting all tables is also simple, as well as the subsequent import to the newly created database on the hosting.


The above paragraph, of course, refers to an already formed DBMS. But it is necessary to be able to create databases independently by someone who has decided to write and create websites. MySQL will facilitate this task. Understand the algorithm, the sequence of this work is still necessary. A novice webmaster should master the art of creating tables, loading data into them, retrieving information from there, and some other techniques.

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