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Indicators of the use of working capital as a step towards increasing the efficiency of the enterprise

Any enterprise or organization in the process of its activity (release of goods, rendering services) uses fixed and circulating assets. It will not be superfluous to recall that the first category is applied for quite a long time, while the second gives its full value at a time, while increasing the cost of the newly created product or service. Therefore, it is natural that to analyze the activities of the organization it is necessary to analyze the current assets, as well as not forget about the analysis of fixed assets. To do this, you need to turn to the numerous data and information that the company accountant can share. At the economic analysis indicators of use of circulating assets are calculated.

The main of these are the three coefficients:

1. Coefficient of turnover. The required value characterizes the funds used in terms of the number of revolutions that they make over a certain period. For the analyzed analyzed time, the year, half-year, quarter can be taken. In this case, this indicator can be calculated using the following formula:

Cob = Vp / Ocp, where

Vp - the total volume of products sold, not produced;

Ocp - the calculated balance of working capital (on average) for the selected analyzed period.

2. Indicators of the use of current assets include a variety of multipliers. One of them is the duration of one turn. This parameter shows the number of days for which the enterprise receives the updated value of its invested funds. This can be both the receipt of revenue for the products sold, and the net profit of the company. The analyzed value is calculated as the ratio of the number of days in the period taken for calculation to the turnover ratio. The formula is as follows:
Д = Т / К об,

At the same time, K can be represented as a ratio of the volume only realized (not to be confused with the output) to the ruble value of the balance of current assets. Then this expression will take the following form:

A = T / (Vp / Ocp) or A = T * (Ocp / Vp)

T - number of days in the analyzed period of time taken for calculation.

3. The third basic factor, included in the indicators of the use of working capital, has a huge weight and is called the coefficient of working capital. Without going into details, it can be argued that this indicator reveals how much money it takes to get 1 ruble of revenue. This parameter is the capital ratio of working capital.

The formula for this coefficient is as follows:

Ks = (Osp / Vp) * 100, where

Vp - the total volume of exactly sold (not produced) products;

Ocp - the calculated balance of working capital (on average) for the selected analyzed period.

That is, this parameter is inversely proportional to the turnover ratio. Therefore, the formula can be represented in this form:

Ks = 100 / Kob

It is logical to assert that the smaller the value of this indicator (the less necessary the working capital for obtaining a ruble of revenue), the better.

Due to the analysis of these parameters, you can talk about the financial situation of the organization. In addition to the three main, the indicators of the use of current assets also include the coefficients of material consumption of products and material output. In this case finding a value for one of them makes it possible to know what the second is, since one factor is inversely proportional to the other.

Me = Ms / Vp, where

Me - material consumption of all output (rub / pcs);

M3 - material costs (rubles) for the output of volume Vp (pcs, t, kg, etc.).

Indicators of the use of fixed assets in the neighborhood and harmonious cooperation with indicators of the use of current assets give a complete and accurate picture of the financial situation of the organization and allow us to find methods, means and ways to improve the efficiency of its work.

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